• 捐献者可以分成大致地–两个

    The donors can be splita little crudely – into two groups.


  • 会计可以任意挑选公司汽车

    Accountants can take their pick of company cars.


  • 学生可以决定寻求助教指导

    Students may decide to seek tutorial guidance.


  • 顾客可以慢慢品味咖啡午夜

    Customers are welcome to linger over coffee until around midnight.


  • 现在藏家可以一系列体育项目选择收藏

    Now collectors can choose trading cards from a variety of sports.


  • 来访者可以提前一周一周以上预约一个时段

    Visitors can book a time slot a week or more in advance.


  • 用户可以资料下载办公室台式计算机上。

    Users can download their material to a desktop PC back in the office.


  • 孩子可以高级音响效果的大屏幕电视试玩游戏

    Kids can test drive the latest games on large-screen TVs with state-of-the-art sound.


  • 吃饱喝足后宾客可以现代化的暖房里享受一杯咖啡

    Replete, guests can then retire to the modern conservatory for coffee.


  • 大家快照,这样家里朋友可以看到

    Let me take a snapshot of you guys, so friends back home can see you.


  • 所以用户可以根据标题作者主题经常是关键字搜索

    Users therefore can search by title, by author, by subject, and often by keyword.


  • 现在买不起房产投资者可以更多进行扩建。

    Investors who cannot afford a larger property now can add on when they have more money.


  • 这个适中的小组规模使得老师可以应对每个学生需要

    This modest group size allows our teachers to respond to the needs of each student.


  • 家长可以尽管放心,他孩子安全最为重要的。

    Their parents can rest assured that their children's safety will be of paramount importance.


  • 教育定义宽泛学生可以研究社会任何一面影响

    We define education very broadly and students can study any aspect of its consequences for society.


  • 孩子可以农场

    Her children could count money on the farm.


  • 们可以在那里做什么?

    What can the tourists do there?


  • 们可以做些保护自己的事。

    Children can do something to protect themselves.


  • 们可以看到韩国人过去的生活。

    Tourists can see how Korean people lived in the past.


  • 们可以选择存钱或者用卡消费。

    Children can choose to save their money or spend it using a card.


  • 们可以通过校服判断自己的孩子在哪里!

    The school uniforms can tell parents where their children are!


  • 们可以在夏令营中学习为机器人编程。

    Students can learn to program a robot in the summer camp.


  • 们可以享受美味的食物和世界各地的其他文化。

    Visitors can enjoy delicious food and other kinds of culture from around the world.


  • 们可以一边工作一边欣赏窗外的美景。

    Workers can enjoy the beautiful view through the window while working.


  • 到孩子们可以重返学校的消息,许多母亲都笑得合不拢嘴。

    Many mothers smiled from ear to ear when they got the news that children could go back to school.


  • 如,祖父母们可以学习使用 GoAnimate 和孙辈一起制作动画。

    Grandparents, for example, can learn to use GoAnimate and make animations together with their grandkids.


  • 们可以在线上课堂中提出问题或回答问题。

    Students can come up with or answer questions while taking online classes.


  • 多课程现在都可以在网上找到,学生们可以从中免费选择。

    Many lessons are now available online, from which students can choose for free.


  • 时候,如果我愿意听的话,孩子们可以教给我很多东西。

    Sometimes our children have great lessons to teach us—if we are willing to listen.


  • 岛上,游客们可以去看仅生活在蒙纳岛的蒙纳岛鬣蜥。

    On the island, visitors can go to see Mona Island iguanas (鬣蜥) which live only on Mona Island.


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