• 这种牛奶以后婴儿们会一个脑袋胳膊还是那么瘦严重影响的健康。

    After drinking this kind of milk, the babies had big heads while their legs and arms were still thin, which badly affected their health.


  • 经济低潮期调查的结果使分析家担忧会有一个再度衰退。

    Dismal economic findings have analysts fearing a double dip.


  • 尽管迹象表明博拉维亚经济正在进入一个持续强劲时期,但是公司的经理并不期望销售实质性的增长

    Although all the signs are that Boravia's economy is now entering a period of sustained strength, the managers of the business do not expect a substantial increase in sales.


  • 注重顾客联系帮助顾客彼此之间成为一个人际网络,更多新闻价值的材料预想的还要多。

    Focus on connecting with customers and helping customers connect with each other in a social context and there may be more newsworthy material than you ever expected.


  • Rejuvenate提供的睡眠SPA服务时间收费,20分钟美金14元(约人民币95元),30分钟美金19元(约人民币129元),一个小时则是美金35元(约人民币238元),时间到了,会有悦耳的音乐负责叫起床,另外并企业优惠方案,供老板加强员工福利用。

    Rejuvenate offers timed naps (you're wakened by a gentle chime) at $14 for 20 minutes, $19 for 30 minutes and $35 for an hour. Employers can purchase bulk packages.


  • 关于是否存在村民的意见并不完全一致但是似乎有一个村子无缘无故获得这个名声

    The villagers do not agree as to whether the ghosts exist, but it seems unlikely that the village should get its reputation for no reason at all.


  • 瑞典游客根本不用劳神到处寻找电话主要街道公路上一定距离便会有一个电话亭

    A traveler never needs to search for a telephone is Sweden: telephone booths are placed at regular intervals along the main streets and highways.


  • 如果各位知道斯莱兄弟最后结局,现在就可以知道——不过大多数哈利知道,罗琳写的系列最后本书《哈利波特死亡器》中,双胞胎中会有一个死去

    If you don't know what happens to the Weasley twins, look away nowbut most fans will already know that one of them dies in Rowling's final book in the series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.


  • 格莱美主办方一个过渡协议允许编剧这项盛誉的音乐奖项工作

    Grammy organisers say there could be an interim agreement to allow writers to work on the prestigious music awards.


  • 这个课程主要目的同学展示如何运用科技支持一个清晰的,简单的对社会有利的目标。

    The premise of this course is to show students how toharness social technology in support of a clear, single, focused social goodgoal.


  • 食品不断涨价使孩子瘦骨嶙峋时一个降低食品价格解决方法也许

    While increasing the prices of bad foods makes kids skinnier, a more effective solution might be finding ways to decrease the price of foods that are good for you.


  • 认为,政客准备做事情有一个结果促使华盛顿改变这个国家的一些能源政策,降低对石油依赖

    I think the need to be seen doing something might even result in action in Washington to move the country away, even if only so slightly, from its dependence on oil.


  • 叶子开始飘落不久就两个东西还悬树上最后一片叶子足球教练

    The leaves are beginning to fall, and soon only two things will be hanging from the trees: the last leaf and the first football coach.


  • 后来作为一个母亲的情绪周而复始的波动在快乐悲痛之间频繁确信一些可怕的事情发生孩子身上

    Later, as a parent, she swung from joy to misery and back again and was frequently convinced something terrible would happen to her children.


  • 设备买卖是的这些设备属于你的员工设备的时候

    Device Sale: Oh yeah, these devices are owned by employees. So when they feel the urge to buy the new Shiny Object, they will.


  • 寄养家庭孩子提供了体面的生存环境教育期望这些孩子一个好的生活

    The foster home provides them with decent conditions, an education and hope for a better life.


  • Anna生于上世纪九十年代苏格兰名叫哈密尔顿小镇生活,朋友9点前必须回家,过了九点会有警车回家

    Growing up in the Scottish town of Hamilton in the late 1990s, Anna and her friends had to be indoors by 9pm or risk being ordered into the back of a police car and delivered home.


  • 员工透露10月10日将一个经理讨论发布大事”的活动,可能关于确定两iPhone5即将发布的相关事宜。

    The Best Buy employee also revealed that an event was scheduled for October 10 for managers to discuss upcoming "big releases"- which would fit with an iPhone 5 launch a fortnight later.


  • 经济学本来希望经济增长率会有一个向上修正

    Economists had hoped for an upward revision.


  • 身处浪漫爱情中的,2011年会有一个奇妙开端。

    2011 will begin miraculously for Cancerians in the area of romantic relationships.


  • 好事传千里,休斯顿的粉丝已经在当地一个BBS上发布调查推测226的姚明1米9的叶莉生下孩子会有

    Goodnews travels fast, as fans in Houston have already launched a survey atthe local bbs today, speculating about how tall the child of Yao (2.26m) and Ye (1.90 m) will be.


  • 网络收音机粉丝可能早已熟悉Livio卡门装备录音带来这些流行乐很快一个选择

    Fans of Internet radio may already be familiar with Livio's Carmen device for recording and bringing such music on the go, but soon they'll have another option as well.


  • FacebookMySpace校内这样,拥朋友互相联系如果愿意的话会有陌生人可以浏览你的页面成为朋友,或是建立一个好友的兴趣爱好圈等等,这样的就是社交网络了。

    Websites such as MySpace, Bebo and Facebook (among others) let you communicate with friends and, if you choose, strangers online and build networks of friends linked by shared hobbies and interests.


  • 事业将要一个重大方式沸腾,亲爱的水瓶座,而且很快一些好消息朋友分享

    Your career is about to pop in a big way, dear Aquarius, and soon you'll have plenty of good news to share with friends!


  • 祖父母知道是否一个孙儿

    My grandparents didn't know if they would have a grandson.


  • 祖父母知道是否一个孙儿

    My grandparents didn't know if they would have a grandson.


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