• 当群体意识到他们某些行为他们所期望结果之间存在的明显联系时,他们就会对这些行为进行重复改进,并正式化为固定的典礼仪式

    Perceiving an apparent connection between certain actions performed by the group and the result it desires, the group repeats, refines and formalizes those actions into fixed ceremonies, or rituals.


  • 使用人体器官进行魔法仪式追求神迹行为信仰叫做提。

    The belief and practice of using body parts for magical ritual or benefit is called muti.


  • Aldenderfer团队认为,把尸体剥离皮肉和把他们安葬洞穴中的这种行为可能以往不为人知的纽带,联系两种其他已知死亡仪式

    Aldenderfer and his team think the practice of de-fleshing corpses and entombing them in caves might be a previously unknown bridge between two other known death rituals.


  • 好几个印度教群体作为宗教仪式组成部分学者们行为解释参加仪式的人没有胡须不分性别的婴儿状态

    Several Hindu communities shave their men as part of religious rites, and scholars interpret the act as returning the participant to an infantile condition, without hair or gender.


  • 迷信行为不是免费的——种种仪式避讳都有成本

    Superstitions are not free - there are rituals and avoidances cost.


  • 结果,证明变得非常重要,可能导致某些重复甚至仪式行为

    Consequently, reassurance is critical and this may take the form of repeated, even ritualized activities.


  • 会在午夜做弥撒时才能见到因为喜欢夜间的时光以及那些圣餐礼的仪式。你越是喜欢她,你就越会对她的行为禁不住要略加非议几句。

    You saw her only at Midnight Mass, because she liked nighttime, as well as celebrations, and as much as you liked her you couldn't help disapproving a little.


  • 方式认同一种道理,即信仰人们严肃对待的时候,这种行为可以做为一种对人类心里深处向往的反应,无需我们去某种既定信念履行正规仪式

    A way to acknowledge that faith can be taken seriously as a response to deep human yearnings without needing to subscribe to the formality of organised belief.


  • 一方面,这种重复行为榜样体现宗教仪式重复性这种可重复性也是所有衍生媒体复制技术基础

    For another, the role model for this repetition is found in the repeatability of religious rituals, which is the foundation for the emergence of all subsequent medial reproduction technologies.


  • 仪式成了不同时代或者同一时代不同群体有着不同解释行为

    Thus, ritual has different interpretation in different contexts and has different interpretation in the same context.


  • 莫瑞女士,关于死人仪式悬挂我们行为钩子”。

    Rituals for the dead are "hooks on which to hang our behaviour", says Ms Murray.


  • 小集团控制下,员工行为共同价值规范传统仪式信念及其组织文化方面的东西来调节。

    An approach to control in which employee behavior is regulated by the shared values, norms, traditions, rituals, beliefs, and other aspects of the organization's culture.


  • 寺庙内,主殿中央巨大佛龛,正在举释迦牟尼12岁等身金粉的仪式

    In the temple, inside the large niche in the center of the main hall, the functional ceremony for goldening the 12-year-old-like Shakyamuni statue is going on.


  • 终敷,病人:给病危极为虚弱做的敷擦仪式祈祷康复表示忏悔行为

    The sacrament of anointing a critically ill or weak person, with prayers for recovery and an act of penance or confession.


  • 父亲仍旧帽子,穿着短上衣,忽然显得一本正经而又滑稽可笑,好象精心打扮好了要去参加某种卑贱而又需按仪式行礼的暴力行为似的。

    His father, still in the hat and coat, appeared at once formal and burlesque as though dressed carefully for some shabby and ceremonial violence .


  • 石青作品倾向营造一种“场”气氛,借助艺术媒体综合可能象征化语言完成日常生活行为仪式

    Shi Qing's works attempt to create a "stage" ambiance, with the help of the combined possibilities of artistic media, to ritualize everyday life through symbolism.


  • 成瘾行为往往甚至没有意义所以瘾君子放弃试图利用的意义根据上瘾仪式完全属于一种生活方式

    The addict's behavior often doesn't even make sense to him or her anymore, so the addict gives up trying to make sense of it and falls into a lifestyle based fully on addictive ceremony.


  • 我们试图音乐仪式满足心灵的需求。用仁义规范我们行为

    We try to use music and rite to content our soul and to use benevolence and righteousness to regulate our behaviors.


  • 巫术仪式的背后是超自然力量崇拜的原始实践行为

    And the witchcraft rites indicate proto-practice of supernatural worship .


  • 而且你们这儿你们各种各样寺庙所有礼拜仪式崇拜所有那些琐事,所有这些都是地地道道的愚蠢行为

    So, you too have it here, your various temples and all the puja and worship and all that triviality; all that is really nonsense.


  • 妇女的参与行为可表现在村庵修建、修庵组织内部矛盾处理、创造灵验故事举行信仰仪式四个方面

    Their behaviors include the following aspects such as building temples, dealing with some problems, working out efficacious stories, performing ceremonies and so on.


  • 是净化仪式发生每年四月庆祝参与者相信冲走一年不良行为

    The purifying ritual, which takes place in April each year, commemorates the participants' belief that water washes away the misdeeds of the previous year.


  • 一种发生于婴幼儿时期严重心理紊乱,表现为内向、沉溺于奇怪的念头之中,语言能力较差,举动行为异常动作仪式过分喜爱某种物体

    A severe disorder of childhood characterized by withdrawal, preoccupation with fantasy, language impairment, and abnormal behavior, such as ritualistic acts and excessive object attachment.


  • 日本鼻涕粗鲁行为(似乎没人确切地知道为什么),而在中国,把筷子竖插在饭碗里,则被认为是粗鲁的(因为视为葬礼仪式)。

    In Japan it's rude to blow your nose (nobody seems sure quite why) and , as in China, rude to leave your chopsticks standing up in a bowl of rice (because this minics a funeral rite).


  • 整个仪式来看群体性祭祀行为,是祭祀仪式人物形象的图解。

    From its whole rite, we can see that Sai drama is a communal sacrifice, which is illustrated with characters that will of-fer sacrifice rite to get along with other image.


  • 商周时期求雨和祭祖仪式常用乐器演奏助祭,乐器演奏成为信仰行为之间的媒介。

    The ancient people usually played the Musical Instruments to support the ceremonial of praying for rain as well as ancestor worship in the Shang Dynasty 1600-1046 B.


  • 首都坎帕拉郊外苏比王陵举一周纪念活动今天最后一天,数千参加了仪式

    Thousands of people attended the week-long event which ends today at the Kasubi tombs on the outskirts of the capital Kampala.


  • 尽管当时天气状况恶劣之至,仪式还是可以说为英国地区利益行为体面地划上了句号,同时标志着中国行使主权的开始

    In spite of the worst weather conditions imaginable, these events were acclaimed to be a fitting finale to British interests in the region and the birth of a new Chinese administered future.


  • 尽管当时天气状况恶劣之至,仪式还是可以说为英国地区利益行为体面地划上了句号,同时标志着中国行使主权的开始

    In spite of the worst weather conditions imaginable, these events were acclaimed to be a fitting finale to British interests in the region and the birth of a new Chinese administered future.


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