• 鉴于这项试验重要影响操作条件试验仪器选择经验主义令人惊讶

    Given the strong impact of this test, it is surprising that operating conditions and testing devices have been selected empirically.


  • 布线方法、仪器选择原则作业关键点进行较详细说明海底管线综合物探作业给与了指导

    The layout of plan surveying lines, principle of instrument selection and the key points of working are described detailedly, which gives a guide to actual work.


  • 论述物理实验有效数字精度估计参量选择仪器选择使用以及实验设计等方面应用

    This paper concerns the application of effective numbers on precision estimation, choice of parameter, instrument choice and usage, and physical experiment design.


  • 本文详细地阐述了物理设计实验误差分配实验仪器选择》中进行CAI课件研制设计思想内容

    The article gave details of design thought and contents about developing CAI subject parts applied in physics design experimental-error distribution and experimental apparatus selection.


  • 然而如果飞行员持有仪器等级必须持有基本的飞行员执照等级之上那么飞行员只能选择仪表飞行规则。

    However, a pilot can only choose to fly IFR if they possess an instrument rating which is above and beyond the basic pilot's license that must also be held.


  • 他们急切了解哪些地方发现了新的物种,哪些已经濒危,然后制作出非常精准三维立体的地理仪器选择哪些地方需要保护

    They’ve made leaps in their knowledge of where rare species are found, and which ones are at risk, and they have built far better mathematical and geospatial tools for selecting places to protect.


  • 医生可以选择正确仪器很多药方提供血压,供你使用

    Your health care provider or pharmacist can help you choose the right device. Many drug stores also have blood pressure measuring devices you can use in the store.


  • 一些公司例如德州仪器(TexasInstruments),已经选择“轻晶厂”道路,也就是说他们自己生产特定芯片的晶圆厂。

    Some firms, such as Texas Instruments, have chosen to go "fab-lite", meaning that they have their own fabs only for certain chips.


  • 他们选择了L - 2赛德猎户座飞船完成这项工作,飞船能够容纳宇航员以及各类探测仪器

    It has pitched what it is calling the L-2 Farside Mission Orion spacecraft to do the job, which would house both astronauts and probes.


  • 可伸缩计算程序(EC2),现在联合存储,存储队列数据库其他选择功能可以允许建造出一台虚拟仪器,不管这台机器仅工作一小时还是永久工作下去

    Its Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2), now joined by storage, queuing, database, and other options, allowed anyone to fire up a virtual machine, for an hour or forever.


  • 演示实验选择是否恰当,演示仪器设计是否合理直接影响课堂教学质量

    Experimental demonstration of the proper choice, demonstration equipment design is reasonable, it will directly affect the quality of classroom teaching.


  • 阐述了燃气安全检测各种传感器工作原理、燃气安全检测仪器分类选择防爆区域划分

    Principle of different detectors for gas safety detection and classification and selection of gas safety detection apparatus are expounded, and division of explosionproof area is discussed.


  • 仪器正常启动工作站中点击详细控制按钮选择重置消耗品对话框,将使用时间清零更换泵油操作结束

    Click detailed control button in work station after the instrument starts normally. choose dialog box of reset consumable to clear the time of injection septum. then exchange of pump oil is finished.


  • 检测仪器确有两种检测模式选择

    Two detection modes are actually available on measuring instruments


  • 选用过程仪表校验仪器必须对其可靠性、精度溯源性维修环境条件进行综合分析做出合理选择

    Before choosing the calibrater, you must synthetically analyse the uncartainty, the accuracy, the traceability, the maintain, the environment of the calibrater and make the reasonable selection.


  • 讨论了物理实验基础知识中一次测量误差估计、测量仪器精度选择有效数字运算等问题实例予以说明

    The problem of error estimate in the primary measurement, the selection of measuring instrument accuracy and the calculation of the effective data are discussed and explained with examples.


  • 本文介绍了用不确定概念选择测量仪器原则方法

    The principles and method of selecting measuring instruments based on the concept of uncertainty are introduced.


  • 传统统计参数比较,新的参数选择时间长度尺度测试仪器无关

    In contrast with conventional statistical parameters, the new set of parameters is independent of the chosen time length scales and the measuring instruments.


  • 地震数据采集系统内部延迟系统固有采样率、滤波器的选择仪器类型有关。

    The internal delay in seismic data acquisition system is intrinsic feature of system and relative to sample, choice of filter and type of instrument.


  • 首先结合我国环境监测技术规范与标准合理地选择监测项目监测仪器建立水质监测系统

    First we should choose reasonable monitoring items and monitoring instruments to set up the water quality monitoring system according to our country's water environment monitoring technical standard.


  • 各式各样触发选择使仪器具有示波器敏锐眼睛逻辑分析仪头脑,以搜索毛刺

    Ahost of triggering Options let a instrument hunt down glitchs, arming it with a scope's sharp eyes and a logic analyzer's brain.


  • 实验室仪器设备接地处理不当直接影响测试数据准确性,正确选择实施实验室接地系统方案成为关键

    The proper grounding of laboratory instruments and equipments is critical to the correctness of testing data. The selection and implementation of a laboratory grounding system design is introduced.


  • 不同等级医院临床需要科研任务不同,仪器机型选择不尽相同

    Different grades of hospitals for the clinical needs and research mission is different, to the instrument, the type of choice is not the same.


  • 本文探讨地震采集系统不同相位滤波参数地震资料影响,及最佳仪器采集参数的选择

    The paper make an approach to the effects of the different phase filter parameter on seismic data of seismic acquisition system. To select the best instrument acquisition parameter.


  • 设计智能仪器程序恰当选择程序结构确定合理的程序编制模式重要

    It's very important to choose a suitable programme structure and then determine a rational programme model when programming for intelligent instruments.


  • 选择最佳仪器条件进行样品处理方法酸度干扰离子的研究,做了方法的检出精密度、加标回收率方法学的研究。

    The best condition of the instrument, sample handle methods, acidity, interfering, detectable limit, precision, rate of recovery and so on were selected and researched.


  • 生产精密仪器现代企业绿地,垂直绿化植物选择以木香首选,可结合大面积的爬山虎墙面绿化;

    In the green area of modern enterprise that produce precision instrument, Rosa banksiae Ait is the best selection.


  • 选择仪器感到没有头绪时刻,有关这些特性评论挑选恰当设备提供了极宝贵帮助

    Review of this nature can be invaluable as aid to the selection of the correct equipment when the choice seems infinite.


  • 选择仪器感到没有头绪时刻,有关这些特性评论挑选恰当设备提供了极宝贵帮助

    Review of this nature can be invaluable as aid to the selection of the correct equipment when the choice seems infinite.


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