• 政客争取西德联邦议会席位时对此几乎无言

    Politicians have had little to say about this in their quest for Bundestag seats.


  • 本文洪绶这位当代海外学者称为十七世纪具个人风格画家分析不同古人的高古画风。

    Chen Hongshou the most characteristic painter who is known aboard as an example for analyzing his different elegant and classical painting style, which is different from the former painters.


  • 都柏林大学圣三一学院物理学家和奎正一些铁珠玩耍,试图他们有效方法圆柱型管子

    One day, physicist Ho-Kei Chan of Trinity College Dublin was playing with steel ball bearings, trying to pack them into a little cylindrical tube in the most efficient way possible.


  • 同时加州大学切(音)同事已经研究出一种能够同样方式发电印刷“印刷”纳米线

    Meanwhile Chieh Chang at the University of California, Berkeley, and colleagues have developed a technique to "print" nanowires that generate energy in the same way.


  • 退休教育工作者培佳对传媒的负面报道感到很难过,驱使修院祈祷支持枢机。 这位教友指出,枢机的高尚情操是人所共知

    “I trust in the cardinal’s integrity and noble character,” said Peter Chan, a retired educator who visited Salesian House to show his support.


  • 今天伦敦交易所美元对于频繁交易16种货币(日元外)有所上升欧元上涨1.2%下午2:27分1.3854美元交易.

    The dollar rose today against all 16 of the most traded currencies expect for the yen, climbing 1.2 percent against the euro to trade at $1.3854 at 2:27 p.m. in London.


  • 今年3.5亿美元净资产胡润榜中名列第320位。

    Mr Rong came 320th in Hurun's rich list this year with a net worth of $350m.


  • 君的整个创作都参考储备所定义,像一个敞开袋子所有人都看见其中混合材料灵感各种形式聚集各个系列的作品之中。

    Chen's entire oeuvre is defined by his references and reserves - a mixed grab bag of material and inspiration that is open for all to see, coalescing in various forms that gather in various series.


  • 它们自己独有的移动着,优雅无畏自在

    They moved in their own singular formation graceful, intrepid , and free.


  • 厦门警方嫌犯家中查获了遗书,证实水总因为自我感觉生活不如意,悲观厌世而纵火发泄个人不满

    Xiamen police found notes in the suspect's house, which showed that Chen was unhappy and pessimistic about his life, and planned the arson to vent personal grievances.


  • 20举行的“好运北京”2008年北京马拉松赛女子组比赛中,中国选手包揽前三,2小时3042的成绩夺得冠军

    China made a clean sweep of women's podium at the Good Luck Beijing 2008 Marathon race Sunday, with Chen Rong winning the gold in 2 hours, 30 minutes and 42 seconds.


  • 韩国观察人士表示海访韩似乎旨在吓唬该国各大企业集团促使它们对首尔方面展开反对部署萨德的游说。

    Korean observers said Mr Chen's visit appeared to be aimed at scaring the country's biggest conglomerates into lobbying Seoul against Thaad deployment.


  • 许拯人利用转弯处使用交通凸面镜,将维英的面容镂刻其,好让记的路标,可指引前行方向。

    On a convex mirror mounted on a corner of the building where traffic turns hsu cheng-jen has etched the visage of chen weiying as a road sign showing the way forward.


  • 一个公共空间”,儒家学说阐发为主论辩空间。

    One public space of "the public", namely Chen Zhaizhang relies mainly on the fact that Confucianism is elucidated argue the space.


  • 基于至达提出变形问题基础理论指出了传统变形理论研究软弱围岩隧道大变形问题存在的弊端。

    Based on the basic principle of large deformation body put forward by Chen Zhida, it is unreasonable to study large deformation tunnel with small deformation theory.


  • 研究小组制作了一个筛选程序,通过人们品尝含有一些脂肪酸日常食物检测他们方面的能力

    The research team developed a screening procedure to test the ability of people to taste a range of fatty acids commonly found in foods.


  • 描述苦难记述乡民生存,叙写冥想显示乡民精神上的达观略带无奈的精神自乐是占敏小说创作的重要特色

    Chen Zhanmin s novels feature records of hardship to narrate the village life with meditations to show the villagers optimism not without some sort of helplessness.


  • 根据素数表示法改进RSA公钥密码体制中的安全素数寻找方法提高RSA算法运行速度。

    According to Chen's prime number representation method, this paper improves the method of calculating safety prime number to increase the speed of the RSA.


  • 周勇和最近正努力学习技能扩大他们业务

    He added that the two have recently learned new skills to expand their business.


  • 平顶山矿务局住宅小区实例系统地研究了老采空区上方地基稳定性评价方法

    Taking Chenzhuang residential quarter of Pingdingshan Coal Mining Bureau for example, the evaluation method of foundation stability over goaf was systematically studied.


  • 献章自然宗旨,从实现个体精神自由境界出发,对名利进行无情批判

    Based on nature and aiming at the individual spiritual freedom, Chen Xianzhang conducted fierce criticism of fame and gain.


  • 篮(音译)高兴老师采用了建议-代罚

    Chen Lan is glad his teacher adopted his idea of a singing punishment.


  • 介绍教授应用膏方治疗慢性肾脏疾病经验

    This paper presents professor Chen Yiping's experience in the treatment of chronic kidney diseases with herbal extracts.


  • 介绍教授应用膏方治疗慢性肾脏疾病经验

    This paper presents professor Chen Yiping's experience in the treatment of chronic kidney diseases with herbal extracts.


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