• 他们的日常饮食蔬菜为主

    Their diet consisted largely of vegetables.


  • 他们的日常饮食以蔬菜为主

    Their diet consists largely of vegetables.


  • 膳食蔬菜为主豆类谷物为辅。

    Make your meals heavy on the vegetable, bean and cereal side.


  • 自己们这蔬菜为主食,自己们不是那么强壮可是自己伶俐

    Vegetables in our food, so we are not so strong, but we are very clever.


  • 中国人主食谷类及其制品面食为主副食蔬菜为主肉类

    Chinese staple food with grain and its products such as pasta, non-staple food is mainly vegetables, supplemented with meat.


  • 冬季经济作物蔬菜为主,包括菜用马铃薯榨菜、雪菜、芥菜鲜食豌豆蚕豆草莓设施栽培

    The cash crops in winter mainly referred to vegetables, such as the preserved planting of potatoes, preserved Szechwan pickles, mustards, fresh peas, horse beans, strawberries and so on.


  • l出去的肉类产品实施重税,引导人们建立蔬菜为主饮食结构这样才能鼓励公司生产更多蔬菜食品。

    Introduce a significant tax on all meat sold to create an incentive for people to shift toward plant-based diets and thereby providing an incentive for companies to produce more plant-based foods.


  • 一群关注人类地球未来发出呼吁为了避免即将到来的全球气候灾难,我们的饮食结构要向以蔬菜为主转变

    A call from people concerned about the future of humanity and the planet for a major shift to plant-based diets, in order to avoid an impending global climate catastrophe.


  • l强调为了达到减少二氧化碳排放量目标(科学家们认为避免气候大动荡),一个蔬菜为主饮食结构非常重要的。

    Stress that a major shift to plant-based diets is essential to help meet the GHG emissions reduction targets that scientists claim are essential to avoid major climate upheavals.


  • 午餐晚餐不能食物蔬菜为主让我觉得艰难,因为我喜欢吃汉堡,吃肉还有甜食,但是那些东西我都不能再吃了。

    I can't eat much in lunch and dinner. The food was mainly vegetables. It was so hard, because I liked hamburger, meat, and dessert.


  • 午餐晚餐不能食物蔬菜为主让我觉得艰难因为我喜欢吃汉堡吃肉还有甜食,但是那些东西我都不能再吃了。

    I can't eat much in lunch and dinner. The food was mainly vegetables. It was so hard, because I liked hamburger, meat, anddessert.


  • 午餐和晚餐不能多吃,食物蔬菜为主让我觉得艰难因为喜欢汉堡吃肉还有甜食,但是那些东西我都不能再吃了。

    The food wasmainly vegetables. It was so hard, because I liked hamburger, meat, anddessert. I had to say no to them all.


  • 一点没有(除了偶尔吃点鱼肉),日常饮食蔬菜大米许多其他种类种植食物为主

    I didn't eat any meat (except for fish very occasionally) and based my diet on vegetables, rice and many other kinds of plant based foods.


  • 美国人需要进行更多植物为主饮食富含水果蔬菜按照最近一个报道建议更新联邦膳食指南

    Americans need to adopt a more plant-based diet, rich in fruits and vegetables, according to a recent report that proposed updates to federal dietary guidelines.


  • 地中海饮食——蔬菜鱼类为主橄榄油烹制菜肴,配有适量酒饮——或延缓老年人精神衰弱

    The Mediterranean diet — heavy on vegetables, fish and olive oil, with moderate amounts of winemay be associated with slower rates of mental decline in the elderly.


  • 选择水果蔬菜配料主菜因为它们膳食纤维多种维生素矿物质理想来源

    Select entrees with fruits and vegetables as key ingredients, as they are a good source of dietary fiber, as well as of many vitamins and minerals.


  • 家里其他成员一样Austin糖果换成蔬菜水果为主饮食

    Like the rest of the family, Austin traded in pizzas and candy bars for a diet heavy on fruit and vegetables.


  • 现在农业茶叶为主绿色高山蔬菜为辅

    Now the main agricultural tea, green mountain vegetables, supplemented by.


  • 我们过去蔬菜米饭为主

    We used to live on vegetables and rice.


  • 全镇农业发达现有日光温室蔬菜大棚50栋,养殖养猪养羊养兔为主

    The more developed agricultural town, the existing solar greenhouse, vegetables 50 greenhouses, aquaculture in order to raise pigs and sheep, mainly rabbitry.


  • 西方人为主食,会饭前凉拌蔬菜

    Westerners live mainly on meat, and eat raw vegetables like salad at the beginning of a meal.


  • 温室土壤次生盐渍化阴离子类型NO_3 ~-为主温室土壤NO_3 ~ -积累造成蔬菜伤害内部机理缺乏深入系统研究

    The main anion of the soil salinization of the greenhouse was NO_3 ~ -, but interior mechanisms of vegetable damage led by NO_3 ~ - accumulation in greenhouse soil were short of systemic research.


  • 一位官员介绍,田锅平时蔬菜为主很少吃油腻

    Tolook after himself, Tanabe mainly eats vegetables and few greasy dishes, an official said.


  • 饮食引发肥胖主要因素:岛国居民本来根茎蔬菜为主食,现在和高脂肪的进口加工食品

    Diet is the main reason - people who once subsisted on fish, coconuts and root vegetables now eat imported processed foods that are high in sugar and fat, according to experts.


  • 蔬菜主要黄瓜番茄组成,它们公园各个角落,缩小版本的长城紫禁城为主

    The vegetables, mostly cucumbers and tomatoes, will be hidden throughout the park in a scaled-down Great Wall and bite-size Forbidden City.


  • 鱿鱼鳕鱼胡萝卜西芹原料研究了汉堡蔬菜肉饼工艺配方

    Using squid, cod, carrot and celery as main raw materials, the craft and formula for producing hamburger vegetable fish cutlet was studied.


  • 就连千百牛羊肉藏北牧区蔬菜水果也越来越受到牧民青睐

    Even herdsmen in north Tibet who have habitually taken beef and mutton as their staple food for tens of hundreds of years now increasingly favor fresh fruit and vegetables.


  • 就连千百牛羊肉藏北牧区蔬菜水果也越来越受到牧民青睐

    Even herdsmen in north Tibet who have habitually taken beef and mutton as their staple food for tens of hundreds of years now increasingly favor fresh fruit and vegetables.


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