• 文章分析对象讨论以色列经济开展白勺制约因素推动因素。

    The subject of the study is to explore the restricting and promoting factors in Israel's economic development.


  • 第二分析以色列经济开展白勺制约因素内部外部加以逐个分析。

    The second chapter focuses on the restrictive factors in its economic development, including internal and external factors.


  • 依次历建国以来四个阶段白勺开展历程,梳理以色列经济开展形式演变白勺三个阶段。

    After describing the four development stages since the founding of the country, the thesis gives a detailed description of three-stage evolution of Israel's economic development.


  • 以色列8月份采取了行动,将指标利率0.5%上调至0.75%,原因是迹象显示以色列经济已经开始增长,而通货膨胀可能迅速上升也让担心

    Israel acted in August, raising its key interest rate to 0.75% from 0.5%, responding to signs that the local economy had started growing and to fears that the inflation rate might pick up quickly.


  • 阿拉伯国家开始意识对付以色列最好办法复制充满活力经济模式。

    Arab countries are beginning to realise that the best way to deal with Israel is to copy its vibrant economy.


  • 伹是以色列撤走以后巴'嫩人已经习惯难得和平经济'的复苏

    But since Israel left, the Lebanese have got used to a rare peace and to a reviving economy.


  • 出于战术道德考虑,以色列应当解除经济封锁

    For tactical reasons as well as moral ones, Israel should lift its economic siege.


  • 以色列钻石公司一位雇员,钻石美国销售因为经济下滑而减少了。

    This employee of an Israeli diamond firm says that as sales in the United States have fallen, because of the economic downturn there.


  • 以色列外长利夫尼说,以色列希望温和派巴勒斯坦合作改善他们经济但是巴勒斯坦人必须改善安全

    Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni says Israel wants to cooperate with moderate Palestinians to improve their economy, but Palestinians must improve security.


  • 但如果定居者需要更大空间他们可以转移以色列本土美国可以向他们提供经济刺激帮助他们

    If the settlers need more space, they could move to Israel proper; America could perhaps offer cash incentives to help them do so.


  • 过去以色列经济保持5%平均增长率

    Israel's economy has grown by an average annual rate of 5% in the past five years.


  • 热衷创业精神时候三个国家优缺点以色列过于依赖美国正在经受美国经济低迷的影响。

    All three countries have both advantages and disadvantages when it comes to embracing entrepreneurship. Israel depends too heavily on America and is being hit hard by the downturn there.


  • 虽然如此其他国家一样以色列正在经历经济衰退痛苦。

    Still, Israel is suffering with the rest of the world.


  • 有22个成员国,复兴阿拉伯联盟总部所在地,阿拉伯粮仓经济改动机,是第一以色列媾和的阿拉伯国家,是美国坚定的阿拉伯盟友

    It should be the Arabs' breadbasket and economic motor. It was the first Arab country to make peace with Israel and has been America's most stalwart Arab ally.


  • 世界银行指责以色列窒息巴勒斯坦经济

    The World Bank is accusing Israel of stifling the Palestinian economy.


  • 哈马斯则要求解除以色列经济封锁

    Hamas demands a lifting of Israel's economic blockade.


  • 可是希腊似乎没有全盘接受以色列,只有当以色列同意黎巴嫩塞浦路斯边境为界,并划出各国经济专属

    But Greece may not sign on the dotted line until Israel has agreed with Lebanon and Cyprus on where a border is to be drawn in the sea, demarcating each country's economic exclusion zone.


  • 经济学家/你来做主民意调查里,33%的美国人认为巴马同情巴勒斯坦人,只有11%的人认为他更同情以色列

    In this week’s Economist/YouGov poll, 33% of Americans thought that Mr Obama sympathised more with the Palestinians and only 11% that he sympathised more with the Israelis.


  • 法勒克斯曼,美国大学教授出示大量社会经济方面的证据证明巴勒斯坦人的生活犹太裔以色列相比多么的惨不忍睹。

    Mr Peleg and Mr Waxman, both professors at American universities, provide the socioeconomic evidence to show just how badly the Palestinians fare compared with Jewish Israelis.


  • 投资者担忧由此引发的地区性动荡,那会威胁到以色列安全世界石油供应进而影响到还脆弱的全球经济复苏

    The bigger worry is that unrest spreads through the region, threatening Israel’s security or world oil supplies, and thus a fragile global recovery.


  • 投资者担忧由此引发的地区性动荡,那会威胁到以色列安全世界石油供应进而影响到还脆弱的全球经济复苏

    The bigger worry is that unrest spreads through the region, threatening Israel's security or world oil supplies, and thus a fragile global recovery.


  • 丹麦新加坡全球经济成功钥匙,以色列则定位生存之道

    The Danes and the Singaporeans regard it as their ticket to success in a global economy and the Israelis as a matter of survival.


  • 一个安全和经济可行巴勒斯坦国家以色列自己边界内和平稳定的忧虑得以消除。

    A Palestinian state that was secure and viable economically, an Israeli state that is secure within its own borders and where its worries about peace and stability were answered.


  • 一方面,分析家表示玛斯对抗以色列政策,使得哈玛斯地区的支持率下降因为这已经造成数百巴勒斯坦人死亡扼杀了加萨地区的经济

    On the other hand, analysts say support for Hamas has dropped in Gaza over its policy of confrontation with Israel, which has left hundreds of Palestinians dead and suffocated the local economy.


  • 一方面,分析家表示玛斯对抗以色列政策,使得哈玛斯地区的支持率下降因为这已经造成数百巴勒斯坦人死亡扼杀了加萨地区的经济

    On the other hand, analysts say support for Hamas has dropped in Gaza over its policy of confrontation with Israel, which has left hundreds of Palestinians dead and suffocated the local economy.


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