• 工程野外测试位于新泽西州迪克斯基地莱克海军举行,评估网络移动性技术成熟

    The engineering field test, conducted at Ft.Dix and Lakehurst Naval Station in New Jersey, provided a means to assess technical maturity of key features needed for network mobility.


  • 工程野外测试位于新泽西州克斯基地莱克海军举行,评估网络移动性技术成熟

    The engineering field test, conducted at Ft. Dix and Lakehurst Naval Station in New Jersey, provided a means to assess technical maturity of key features needed for network mobility.


  • 技术成熟阶段雷神干扰机进行研发测试确保频谱精度功率反应速度定向能力

    In the technology maturation phase, Raytheon's jammer will be developed and tested to ensure spectral precision, power, reactive speed and directivity.


  • 其二XForms一种技术XForms 为主的供应商不如已经开发多年厂商解决方案成熟

    Second, since XForms is a new technology, XForms-centric vendors will not be as mature as vendor solutions that have been in development for many years.


  • 最近微软hyper - v进入裸机hypervisor领域就是技术业已成熟标志

    The recent entry of Microsoft into the bare-metal hypervisor space with Hyper-V is a sign of the technology's maturity in the industry.


  • 增大现实技术虚拟现实相比一个不够成熟领域,虚拟现实已经各种形式进入技术主流,如计算机游戏网络虚拟世界、基于计算机动画的电影计算机特效

    Ar is still an immature field compared with virtual reality, which has now entered the mainstream in the form of video games, online virtual worlds and computer-animated films and special effects.


  • 再次技术可能令人鼓舞因素因此可能会加入健身房提供最新的新设备新的成熟方法跟踪帮助减肥

    Again, new technology may be an encouraging factor, so you may join a gym that offers the latest in new equipment and new, proven methods to track and help weight loss.


  • 借鉴关系数据库成熟高效查询技术采取空间时间策略

    Referencing the mature and efficient relational database query techniques, and to take the strategy space for time.


  • 公司完善设备先进技术成熟工艺严密管理服务客户

    Companies to improve the equipment, advanced technology and mature technology and strict management services to customers.


  • 增大现实技术虚拟现实相比一个不够成熟领域,虚拟现实已经各种形式进入技术主流,如计算机游戏网络虚拟世界、基于计算机动画的电影计算机特效

    Ar is still an immature field compared with virtual reality which has now entered the mainstream in the form of video games online virtual worlds and computer-animated films and special effects.


  • 公司成熟先进技术高品质产品严谨工作作风满意的售后服务全面满足各种客户需求

    With mature and advanced technology, quality product, prudent working style, satisfactory after-sales service to meet all needs of customers.


  • 随着并行技术的日益成熟并行集群上软硬件结合方式设计神经网络重要性也不断提高。

    With parallel technology having become more matured, the neural networks' design process of hardware and software combination is getting more importance in these days.


  • 随着分析技术成熟完善感官鉴有待不断总结、提高推进白酒质量全面提高。

    With the mature and the perfect of liquor analytic techniques, sensory judgment is also in need of further improvement to advance the overall promotion of liquor quality.


  • 推动桥梁加固技术不断成熟完善

    To promote the Bridge Strengthening and improving the technology continues to mature.


  • 成熟转杯纺纱引进绢纺行业高产优质的转杯纺生产技术替代补充传统丝生产技术

    The high-production and quality-insurance rotor spinning is introduced into waste silk spinning industry, replacing or complementing conventional noil silk production technology.


  • 我们提供专业的服务成熟技术稳定品质合理价格优质服务客户创造价值

    We also provide professional services to sophisticated technology, stable quality, reasonable prices and quality service to create value for customers.


  • 先进技术成熟产品完善的服务创造用户需求我们公司主要宗旨。

    Here we are as advanced technology, mature product, perfect service to creates user requirement, is us corporate tenet chief.


  • 整个项目采用成熟UML建模技术软件管理尽量CMM来要求

    And through entire item we adopt ageing model technique of UML, and draw the merit of the management mode of CMM.


  • 事实上,目前仍成熟可能只是宝马混合动力技术丰田代表厂家已经混合动力技术趋于完善。

    Can Actually, we do not mature may only BMW's hybrid technology, Toyota as the representative of the manufacturers has allowed hybrid technology to perfect.


  • 随着企业规模扩大及企业技术成熟公司治理能力的提高,技术企业适时调整公司治理模式更好地促进企业持续发展壮大。

    With the enlargement of the business scale, maturity of business technology and the improvement ability of companies, high-tech enterprises should change their improvement models in order...


  • PSS作为成熟技术在世界各地得到普遍采用建议我国各电力局进一步推广采用简单经济有效的实用技术提高电力系统动态稳定

    As a mature, simple, effective and economic means the PSS has been used for improving the dynamic stability of power system. The widespread adoption of the PSS in China is proposed.


  • 公司成立来,借鉴、吸收国内外先进管理经验成熟技术、配专业人才。

    Since the company is found, it is operated under the advance management experience and advance technique with the specialists organization.


  • 随着技术日趋成熟,被现代媒介消灭身体将会一种新的形式重新恢复。

    With the maturity of TV technology the body having disappeared in the modern media will be recovered as a new for...


  • 我们成熟技术带给您超值回报永远您业界前端技术咨询

    Basing on the spirit of quality the first and sincerity the essence, we want to repay our customers with the most advanced technical consultation.


  • 公司利用德国成熟风力发电技术具有德国资深风电专家为总指挥的风电技术专业开发队伍

    With advanced Germany sophisticated wind turbine technologies, our company owns Germany experts and large Numbers of professional personnel.


  • 成熟技术成熟产品成熟管理,竭诚客户提供优质服务

    Providing clients with the best quality service through our advanced technology, master products, and our outstanding management!


  • 系统的研究充分利用现有成熟技术J2EE核心,采用MVC设计模式进行实现。

    The program is written in the existing technology, uses J2EE as core, and MVC as model.


  • 系统的研究充分利用现有成熟技术J2EE核心,采用MVC设计模式进行实现。

    The program is written in the existing technology, uses J2EE as core, and MVC as model.


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