• 凤凰称秀,叫绝

    Phoenix gorge is famous for its elegant hill, and matchlees water.


  • 聪明仁义的人为乐。

    The wise find pleasure in water; the virtuous find pleasure in hills.


  • 布洛林曾经亲眼见过约翰·伏塔达基“运功”。

    Brolin says that he once witnessed John Travolta practicing Scientology.


  • 中国唯一一个合并命名地方就是海关

    In China, the only one to mountains, the sea is a place named after the merger closed Shanhaiguan.


  • 游客们喜欢前的公路上停下车来,背景拍几张照片。

    Visitors like to park off the highway that runs below the mountain to have their picture taken with the mountain in the background.


  • 设计围绕江城”进行,

    The design plays around 'water, mountain and city' - mountain as the foundation, water as the heart, river as the loop and city as the soul.


  • 标志形状设计主体并且倾向一个融入,代表诚信

    Hill to mark the shape of the main design, and a preference for integration into the inner circle, good faith on behalf of the mountain.


  • 衣,“,只有合理配置植物才能有形有神。”

    "Mountain borrowed tree, and trees to mountain for bone", only the rational allocation of plants, landscape can have flesh and bones, tangible.


  • 我们客栈河流为背景宾客提供一个温和氛围及漫无目的的休闲生活

    Our Inn, together with the background of mountain and river, offers a gentle atmosphere for guests' aimless leisure life.


  • 果皮原料,分析竹果皮中植物多酚类型含量其抗氧化活性进行研究

    The Garcinia mangostana L pericarp was used as a raw material to study on the kinds, contents and antioxidant of plant polyphenol.


  • 构图及画风阳殿相近,由49连续性画面组成,各部分之间相隔

    The painting style is similar to that of the Chunyang Hall with 49 consecutive scenes separated by mountains, stones, clouds and trees.


  • 以山富庄主家族姓氏命名度富的顶级产品,极佳年份酿制,每次仅发行500箱。

    Named after the Prendiville family, owners of Sandalford Wines, this ultra-premium wine will only be released in great vintages and only as a limited released 500 case lot.


  • 以山家林洗煤原料,着重考察了碱性有隔膜电解体系中的电化学脱硫规律对影响因素进行了初步探讨。

    The disciplinary of desulfurization is studied for Shanjialin fine cola in divided batch cell by basic medium, and influence factors are discussed preliminarily.


  • 相对计算机主机,2000年前国内ups市场相对平静,市场基本上特为主几个品牌生产厂商拥有。

    Before 2000, in the domestic market, compared to host computer, UPS market was calm and mainly occupied by several famous brands, such as Santak.


  • 全园形式巧安排,西群峰借景,使园内景色变幻无穷,美不胜收园内建筑吸收了中国各地建筑精华。

    Its general layout makes full use of the hill and the lake, together with the borrowed views from the peaks of the west mountain, which brings about infinite scenery variations with exceeding beauty.


  • 血腥玛丽一种混合番茄汁伏特加,再加上柠檬片酸橙以山辛辣沙司和辣酱油,黑胡椒芹菜调制而成的鸡尾酒

    A mix of tomato juice and vodka, along with lemon or lime, horseradish, Tabasco and Worcestershire sauces, black pepper and celery salt, the Bloody Mary packs a punch.


  • 了纪念万,月球背面有一座他的名字命名的环形

    To remember Wan, there is a crater (环形) on the far side of the moon which is named after him.


  • 缅因州场绿色对绿色纠纷那里环境保护论者就计划基比荒地扩建一座风力农场争论不休。

    As an example of a green-on-green row, take one in Maine, where environmentalists squabble over plans to expand a wind farm on the wilderness of Kibby Mountain.


  • 只有少数的研发人员了解配方他们也已悉数签署了专门的保密协议确保配方成为德士上校又一独家料理

    Only a few KFC executives know the second secret recipe and they have all signed confidentiality agreements to keep the recipe as secret as the Colonel's Original Recipe.


  • 例如桑德·赫斯特受训的第六军校学员受命围绕威尔士进行36小时的行军强调完成任务过程中团队合作至关重要性

    In their sixth week at Sandhurst, for example, military cadets are sent on a 36-hour March round the Welsh mountains to emphasise the crucial importance of teamwork in completing command tasks.


  • 如果时间紧张,就省去这些去很好的里程碑,回到我们进度上来。

    If time gets tight, these nice-to-see landmarks can be omitted to get us back on schedule.


  • 模模糊糊地看见遥远西纳瓦黑黢黢轮廓。西纳瓦环绕小村的小相连,缓慢沉重节奏绵延起伏,一直延展大海

    Far away, I can just make out the black bulk of the Chenoua, rooted in the hills around the village, moving with a slow and heavy rhythm until finally it crouches in the sea.


  • 非洲地区世行支持某些区域为重点的活动南非马拉维的穆拉尼亚栖息地消灭控制外来植物

    In the Africa region, the Bank is also supporting site based activities to eradicate and control exotic plants in mountain habitats in South Africa and mount Mulanje, Malawi.


  • 现在具体项目团队工程师项目经理块,开门见简短会议开始的工作。

    Now, project-specific teams of engineers and project managers sit together and start their day with a short meeting to touch base.


  • 向四处张望着确保没人跟踪后来那边不见了。

    He looked around to make sure that noboay was following him,and then he disappeared over the hill.


  • 不管怎样我们轻快步子着蠢话,做着蠢事

    At any rate, we were climbing at a brisk pace, saying and doing foolish things.


  • 大熊天文台坐落一个清澈湖中,那里气流平稳闻名

    The Big Bear Observatory is located in a clear mountain lake which is known for its atmospheric stability.


  • 滑坡携带者各种杂物从纳瓦多·瓦斯卡时速200英里速度急冲而,将所有村庄全部毁灭

    Landslides, with debris traveling at speeds of up to 200 MPH down the sides of the Navado Huascaran mountain, destroyed whole villages.


  • 提及永久性标志指的乔迪纹身纪念一生的愿望。

    The permanent mark Samson referred to was Jody's desire to get a tattoo to honor his life.


  • 耶和华,到那日岂不从智慧人,除灭聪明人。

    Shall I not in that day, saith the LORD, even destroy the wise men out of Edom, and understanding out of the mount of Esau?


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