• 都柏林大学圣三一学院物理学家一些铁珠玩耍,试图他们有效方法圆柱型管子

    One day, physicist Ho-Kei Chan of Trinity College Dublin was playing with steel ball bearings, trying to pack them into a little cylindrical tube in the most efficient way possible.


  • 我们就着希腊沙拉黄瓜土豆还有许多橄榄海带蔬菜豆腐日本豆面、腰果酱炒菜;还有藜。

    We ate a Greek salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, loads of olives and seaweed; a stir-fry of vegetables with tofu and a miso and cashew sauce; and a mound of quinoa.


  • 位于纽波特史密斯庄园·布维耶在这里度过孩童时夏天并且在这里为和约翰·肯尼迪婚礼举行招待会

    Take the case of Hammersmith Farm in Newport, R.I., where Jacqueline Bouvier spent her childhood summers and held the reception for her wedding to John F. Kennedy.


  • 在前首相阿斯当地一个吉普家庭成员中间安眠于此,埃里克·布莱尔之名。

    He lies there now, as Eric Blair, between HH Asquith and a local family of Gypsies.


  • 前年,他们12盎司每盒装亚藜,AncientHarvest品牌进入市面,美国市场零售价99美分

    A decade ago, a 12-ounce box of his quinoa, marketed under the Ancient Harvest brand, retailed for 99 cents in the United States.


  • 个很棒的, 结婚为目的, 拥有200万付费会员的网站:eHarmony, 卫道夫说: “那些单身了好几的人们,现在忽然之间专注想找到另一半.”

    People who have been single for years are suddenly focused on finding someone,” says Greg Waldorf, the boss of eHarmony, a wholesome marriage-oriented site with more than 20m paying subscribers.


  • 他们巴基斯坦西部俾路支(Baluchistan)首府基地而闻名之后舒拉”(Quetta shura)(what is it?) 声名大播。

    They are known as the “Quetta shura”, after the capital of Pakistan’s western province of Baluchistan, where they are believed to be based.


  • 丽丽•阿斯博士是LHC音频项目发起人之一,她解释说,质子光速碰撞后,转化成了能量新的粒子

    When protons collide at just under the speed of light, they’re transformed into a spray of energy and new particles.


  • 作为疯狂做法一部分达伦这项超级武器工程所有知识·克萨克斯脆弱意识中抹去,确保不会另一艘“灭日者”出现。

    As part of his maddened vigilantism, Durron ensured that another Sun Crusher would never be built by using the Force to tear all knowledge of the superweapon project from Qwi Xux's vulnerable mind.


  • 欧比-万是尽职的老师,看得出阿纳金的力量弱点试图像他的导师-冈那样耐心和理解授课

    True to his role, Obi-Wan recognized both Anakin's strengths and weaknesses, and he tried to impart his lessons with the patience and understanding that his mentor, Qui-Gon, did.


  • 奉献者启发人们意识而感到快乐因为知道那唯一通往快乐的方法

    He is interested in enlightening people in Krishna consciousness because that is the only way for them to become happy.


  • 《老板不说,但要做到》一书的作者·惠特摩尔并非每个人都会你那样的方式欣赏幽默,你可能会冒犯什么

    Not everyone translates humor the way you might and you risk off ending someone, says Jacqueline Whitmore, author of Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work.


  • 可是的两条后腿丧失了活动的功能。最后爸爸只能安乐死解脱它的痛苦。

    But Queenie developed a crippling problem with her back legs, and finally my dad said she would have to be put down.


  • 《老板不说,但要做到的》一书的作者·惠特摩尔并非每个人都会你那样方式欣赏幽默,你可能会冒犯什么

    "Not everyone translates humor the way you might" and you risk offending someone, says Jacqueline Whitmore, author of "Business Class: Etiquette Essentials for Success at Work."


  • 萨伽雅这样那说着,便展现了的形象,然后又再一次地美丽作为至尊人格神的双臂形象出现,从而平息了阿诸那的恐惧

    Sanjaya said: Lord Krsna speaking in this way to Arjuna, exhibited his four armed form and then again appearing in the beautiful two armed form as the Ultimate Personality pacified his fears.


  • 哈特福德大学3比0横扫后尼匹克大学排球队B中淘汰。

    Swept by Hartford 3-0, the Quinnipiac University volleyball team was knocked out of Group b.


  • !只是祢的便生物福祉,因此,祢千万师那哥文达那样名字

    O my Lord, Your holy name alone can render all benediction to living beings, and thus You have hundreds and millions of names like Krsna and Govinda.


  • 失去功能格里菲斯霍格,罗得邀请进行比较辛普森。

    The dysfunctional Griffins of Quahog , Rhode Island, invite comparisons to The Simpsons .


  • 吉尔工具认识论本质的观点一样诉诸科学解决认识论问题。

    Giere's instrumentalism epistemology was essentially the same as Quine's views, and both of them resorts to the science to solve the epistemology problems.


  • 《天使》画面中个唯美、充满爱意的像素来“洗刷”那段网络录像的每一帧令人难忍受的残暴实事图像假想救赎形式

    Artist is attempting to rinse out every intolerably violent factual image in the online video by every beautiful and lovely pixel, which, as a result, leads to the form of an imaginary salvation.


  • 总的来说,帕出拳数上474比229遥遥领先马加里托,其中44%是连击拳。

    In total, Pacquiao outlanded Margarito 474-229 at a connect rate of 44 percent.


  • 过世的母亲正直而闻名,也这份正值存在三世的基因中,他树立了良好形象

    Mr Aquino's image is built on the notion that the probity for which his late mother was famous is there in his genes.


  • 为了更好地恢复斯特图像减少失真选择好的内插模板关键

    Choosing a good interpolating template is the key to better recover the subsampled image with low distortion.


  • 李香向“猫王”艾尔维斯·普莱斯利(ElvisPresley)史蒂夫·麦因(SteveMcQueen)等其他名人后人咨询进一步了解如何成功重振一位已故偶像形像

    Lee also consulted with the estates of other famous people, including Elvis Presley and Steve McQueen, to learn more about how to successfully revive a deceased icon's image.


  • 李香向“猫王”艾尔维斯·普莱斯利(ElvisPresley)史蒂夫·麦因(SteveMcQueen)等其他名人后人咨询进一步了解如何成功重振一位已故偶像形像

    Lee also consulted with the estates of other famous people, including Elvis Presley and Steve McQueen, to learn more about how to successfully revive a deceased icon's image.


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