• 天文学家然后测量这个辉光纠正望远镜设置克服大气遥远图像所造成的模糊效果

    Astronomers then measure this glow and use it to correct telescope settings to overcome the blurring effect of the atmosphere on far-off images.


  • 天文学家已经发明出一种叫做自适应光学技术,自己模糊方式突破大气层

    Astronomers have devised a technique called adaptive optics that can beat Earth atmosphere at its own game of blurring.


  • 天文学家仔细观察一星光,星球空气获得令人信服生命存在证据比如大量甲烷氧气

    Astronomers can scrutinize this light for compelling evidence of life in the planet's air, such as significant quantities of both methane and oxygen.


  • 今年二月份时,有多天文学家警告称,人类现在历史任何时候都更加脆弱,面对太阳风暴,我们必须做好万全准备应对这全球性卡特里娜飓风灾难

    In February, astronomers warned that mankind is now more vulnerable to such an event than at any time in history - and that the planet should prepare for a global Hurricane Katrina-style disaster.


  • 意大利英国科学家计划16世纪天文学家伽利略尸体挖掘出来并进行DNA测试决定晚年严重视力问题是否影响了他的一些文发现。

    ROME - Italian and British scientists want to exhume the body of 16th century astronomer Galileo for DNA tests to determine if his severe vision problems may have affected some of his findings.


  • 首次发现澳大利亚文学家名字所命名的麦克诺特彗星C/2009R1,其明亮强度左右出现一次库克

    The intensity of brightness seen in Comet McNaught C/2009 R1named after the Australian astronomer who first spotted it in September 2009—only occurs once every four years or so, Cook said.


  • 2005年,天文学家报告,距银河系中心二十万光年处,有一颗恒星非常快的速度移动

    In 2005 astronomers reported an extraordinarily fast-moving star some 200, 000 light-years from the galactic center.


  • 这个一个博克球状体”,亚利桑那大学天文学家BartBok命名

    This dark cloud is an example of a "Bok globule," named after the late University of Arizona astronomer Bart Bok.


  • 上图中的行星状星云叫做Shapley1著名天文学家Harlow Shapley的名字命名,它有非常明显环状结构

    This particular planetary nebula, pictured above and designated Shapley 1 after the famous astronomer Harlow Shapley, has a very apparent annular ring like structure.


  • 照片左上方部分SN 1572,它通常被称为第谷超新星(Tycho’s Supernova)”,纪念文艺复兴时期文学家第谷·布拉赫(Tycho Brahe)。

    The red circle in the upper left part of this image is SN 1572, often called "Tycho’s Supernova" for Renaissance astronomer Tycho Brahe.


  • 发现了颗彗星的英国天文学家马尔科姆·哈特利从来没有想到这么一个飞船接近名字命名的彗星。

    British-born astronomer Malcolm Hartley, who discovered the comet, said he never imagined a spacecraft would get so close to his namesake find.


  • 有时,人们错误地想像数十亿的标准来衡量时间间隔的天文学家一定冷漠,不会在乎明年下周甚至

    It's sometimes wrongly imagined that astronomers, contemplating timespans measured in billions, must be serenely unconcerned about next year, next week and tomorrow.


  • 事实上从那后,天文学家无法找到直接测量星系距离方法他们来代替。

    In fact, ever since the discovery of this phenomenon, whenever astronomers cannot measure a galaxy's distance more directly they instead give an estimate using its redshift as a proxy.


  • 有如语言之于批评家望远镜之文学家文化就是指一切精神力量东西

    What language is to the critic, the telescope to the astronomer, and the culture is the thing that gives power to the spirit.


  • 2005年,文学家报告,距银河系中心二十万光年处,有一颗恒星非常快的速度移动

    In 2005 astronomers reported an extraordinarily fast-moving star some 200,000 light-years from the galactic center.


  • 科学家近日在距离地球3000光年的地方发现了一对衰老双星。 据天文学家所言,它们陷入了一支“死亡舞蹈”——支舞蹈注定两者的碰撞而告终碰撞的过程中可能会形成一颗超新星

    A pair of aging stars discovered 3,000 light-years away is locked in a "dance" of death—a union that will end in their collision and a possible supernova, astronomers say.


  • 研究彗星称著英国天文学家数学家埃德蒙·哈雷生于伦敦

    Edmond Halley, English astronomer and mathematician, renowned for studies of comets, was born in London.


  • 发现星星一位中国天文学家名字命名,表彰文学做出的奉献

    The newly discovered star was named after a Chinese astronomer in honor of his contributions to astronomy.


  • 17世纪天文学家科学家伽利略,他或许历史科学贡献最大的人之一。

    For instance, Galileo, a 17th century astronomer and scientist, was arguably the greatest contributor to science of our time.


  • 具有博士学位天文学家可能一对约会年轻情侣同样的方式注视星光明亮的

    Astronomers with a PhD cannot be expected to simply gaze at a starlit sky in the same manner as a pair of young lovers out on a date.


  • 如今天文学家建议所有星座后移一个引入第13星座夫座,调整星座十二日历

    Astronomers are now proposing to move all the star signs back one month and introduce a 13th star sign, Ophiuchus, to help readjust the zodiac calendar.


  • 比如常常文学家物理学家宣称发现数学证明”,物质宇宙一种方式运行

    It is quite common, for example, for an astronomer or a physicist to claim that he has found a 'mathematical proof' that the physical universe must behave in a particular way.


  • 空中炫光不仅影响人们特别是天文学家而且影响其他生物体例如星星确定方向的鸟类

    Not only does this "sky glow" affect people, particularly astronomers, but it also affects other organisms, such as birds that are oriented by stars.


  • 文学家正在计划一个新的文台研究个别正在爆炸被相信变为黑洞的星球

    And astronomers are planning a new observatory to study the individual exploding stars believed to be black holes.


  • 为了使玛雅历法一个完结围绕着的欧洲为基础的格里高利体系等同,已经天文学家伤透了脑筋

    Equating an end-date for the Mayan calendar round with a date in the European-based Gregorian system has been a heartbreaker for astronomers.


  • 天文学家懂得如此炽热环境下无法液体形式存在的。

    Astronomers knew that water could not exist as a liquid in such hot surroundings.


  • 天文学家懂得如此炽热环境下无法液体形式存在的。

    Astronomers knew that water could not exist as a liquid in such hot surroundings.


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