• 官员不久再次会晤重新开始谈判

    Officials from the two countries will meet again soon to resume negotiations.


  • 哈利韦尔女士联合儿童基金会特使身份访问菲律宾

    Ms. Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of UNICEF.


  • 隆重的仪式宣告共和成立。

    The republic was proclaimed with great ceremony.


  • 联合必须努力工作阻止历史重演

    The UN will have to work hard to stop history from repeating itself.


  • 他们工作检查确认没有任一签署违背协议

    Their job is to check that none of the signatory countries is cheating on the agreement.


  • 北大西洋公约》公开肯定成员“重申对《联合宪章》目的原则信念开头

    The North Atlantic Treaty begins with the affirmation that its parties "reaffirm their faith in the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations."


  • 进行会晤打破之间的一些贸易壁垒

    The two countries are going to meet to break down some barriers to trade between them.


  • 2012年,联合设立幸福提醒我们幸福是人类基本目标权利

    The United Nations set up the International Day of Happiness in 2012 to remind us that happiness is a basic human goal and right.


  • 联合份报告要实现目标,就必须大力增加密集高效畜牧业生产生产肉类奶制品

    A United Nations report says reaching that goal will require major increases in intensive, high-efficiency livestock operations for both meat and dairy production.


  • 应对这些限制粮食进口试图敲定长期贸易协议锁定未来粮食供应

    In response to those restrictions, grain-importing countries are trying to nail down long-term trade agreements that would lock up future grain supplies.


  • 超级低价一个卫星巧取豪夺各种商品

    Super powers plundered all kinds of commodities at low prices from a satellite country.


  • 20集团为首的工业化在四月份伦敦举行的会议面对这些选择

    The G20 leading industrialised states will be grappling with those choices when it meets in London in April.


  • 进行演习表明紧张关系升级

    The exercises in both countries point to escalating tensions.


  • 就正如绿色积极份子抱怨到伦敦20峰会经济代价忽视了气候问题

    As green activists moaned, the G20 summit in London risked neglecting climate at the expense of economics.


  • 补偿应急基金贷款旨在促进际货币基金组织支持其会员经济增长为导向的调整

    Compensatory and contingency financing facility is intended to enhance the fund's support to member countries in their economic growth-oriented adjustment.


  • 就是为什么改变自己自我挫败的思想获得

    This is why you must begin to alter self-defeating thoughts in order to experience success.


  • 家乐福撤出新加坡马来西亚市场集中占有领先地位的市场。

    France's Carrefour is leaving Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand to concentrate on markets where it has a leading position.


  • 普京日本首相麻生太郎承诺研究各种方案解决四个岛上长期存在的边界争端

    He and Taro Aso, his Japanese counterpart, also promised tostudy all optionsto resolve the two countries' long-running territorial dispute over four islands.


  • 但是意大利欧元区最大的债务现在可用资源帮助其摆脱困境。不仅仅是蒙蒂难题也是欧元区整个世界的难题。

    The problem—not just for Mr Monti, but for the euro zone and the world economy—is that Italy, the zone’s biggest debtor, is too large to be bailed out with the resources currently available.


  • 新书非洲角色作者德博·拉加姆说道金砖援助捐助者的身份出现,对于贫困重要性,不亚于柏林墙倒塌对于东欧的重要性。

    Deborah Brautigam, author of a new book on China's role in Africa?, says the BRICs' emergence as aid donors is as important for poor countries as was the fall of the Berlin Wall for eastern Europe.


  • 埃及埃塞俄比亚墨西哥自助措施条件提供现金补贴,譬如子女入学预防性体检

    Others, such as China, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Mexico offer cash transfers conditional on self-help steps - sending children to school or preventive health checkups.


  • 这种透支额度使得赤字贷款缓冲金本位所需突然调整

    The overdraft would afford deficit countries a credit buffer against the abrupt adjustments required under the gold standard.


  • 其它阿拉伯特别是君主惯用威吓、收买与许愿手段齐上,似成功压制了民众变化的诉求。

    Other Arab states, especially the monarchies, have so far parried calls for change with seeming success, using the familiar mix of coercion, co-option and promises.


  • 此后沃氏帮忙说服世行各捐助“一美元换一美元”的等额方式补偿不再收回的偿还债务

    Mr Wolfowitz then helped persuade the bank's donors to compensate it "dollar-for-dollar" for debt repayments it would no longer receive.


  • 世行教育部门开始进行地区磋商,征求各借款股东制定世行新版2020教育部门战略意见

    The Bank's education sector has embarked on regional and country consultations to canvas the views of clients and stakeholders to shape the Bank's new education sector Strategy 2020.


  • 其中包括卡扎菲所谓“色拉想法——一个同时包容色列人和巴勒斯坦人的统一

    Among these ideas was Colonel Qaddafi's notion of Israteen, a unitary state that would house both Palestine and Israel.


  • 其中包括卡扎菲所谓“色拉想法——一个同时包容色列人和巴勒斯坦人的统一

    Among these ideas was Colonel Qaddafi's notion of Israteen, a unitary state that would house both Palestine and Israel.


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