• 年初他们开始提及海斯特游戏以及隐藏MacTwitter初始版本暗示线索

    They began hinting about The Heist game earlier this year, and actually hid clues in the initial version of Twitter for Mac (which they had a deal with).


  • 数十万死亡数目仅仅一个统计数据,但是这个档案揭露所有位置以及隐藏在死亡背后关键事件

    The deaths of tens of thousands is normally only a statistic but the archive reveals the locations and the key events behind each most of these deaths.


  • 只有真正了解一所大学教育特点以及隐藏在其后的人文观念,才能创造出属于使用者的校园环境

    Satisfied campus environment is created not other than it exhibits educational character of the university and humanities' sense.


  • 忽明忽暗的灯光,破碎不堪墙壁毛骨悚然音乐以及隐藏黑暗深处怨灵……,准备好了吗?

    By dark lighting, broken-down walls, thrilling music, and the hidden depths of grieving in the dark... you ready?


  • 尽管俄罗斯企图压制批评人士以及隐藏流弊米拉新娜依然直言不讳,坚持出版强迫失踪、法外处决酷刑报道。

    Despite Russia's attempts to silence its critics and hide abuses, Milashina remains outspoken, publishing accounts of enforced disappearances, extrajudicial executions, and torture.


  • 如果或者另一半总是不到感觉压力以及隐藏健康问题都不是关键,也许你需要时间好好觉。

    If you or your partner just can't get in the mood, and stress or an underlying health problem isn't to blame, you might want to spend some extra time between the sheets — sleeping.


  • 比如说,神秘的事物、猜不出的谜语人们避免谈起的话题以及隐藏的在深处的问题,这些都会占据的大脑

    Mysteries, unsolved riddles, and topics that people usually avoid or sweep under the rug occupy your thoughts.


  • 交互面板交互面板中可以用于部件的交互,例如:基例如可以部件链接弹出效果,动态展示以及隐藏部件等。

    Interactions pane: Define widget interactions such as basic links, pop ups, and dynamically showing and hiding widgets in panels.


  • 提供关于如何触及电源管理功能装置的资讯就如同隐匿图形接头(graphicsadapter)以及隐藏有关于供应者(vendor)、模型(model)规格说明(specifications)等资讯一样。

    Not to provide information about how to reach power management functionality is comparable to anonymize the graphics adapter and hiding information about vendor, model and specifications.


  • 史密斯反驳说,如果把政府谷物补贴隐藏成本环境恶化以及人类健康动物保护减少考虑在内,那么草模式更具成本效益。

    Smith counters that if you factor in the hidden cost of government corn subsidies, environment degradation, and decreased human health and animal welfare, grass-fed is the more cost-effective model.


  • 可以选择显示隐藏哪些属性以及筛选定义任何可分类的属性。

    You can also choose which properties to show or hide, as well as filter and define any sortable properties.


  • 相反可以检查每个拥有用户权限产品以及索引视图隐藏显示这个按钮但是这个解决方案可能无法满意

    Instead, you could check each product for the user's rights and show or hide the buttons in the index view, but this solution may not perform to your satisfaction.


  • 可以指定属性从而改变连接件线条样式以及显示隐藏间隔或间隔标题

    You can also specify property values to change connector line styles and to show or hide compartments or compartment titles.


  • 管理员应该成员提供一个选项以便运行打开任务检查是否更新以及显示隐藏任务。

    The administrator should give the members an option to run, open tasks and check for updates at startup, and to show and hide tasks.


  • 群居动物喜好个性以及成就隐藏信息的来源

    The Social Animal: The Hidden Sources of Love, Character and Achievement.


  • 通过这种方式定义模式可以保持结构为自包含的隐藏名称空间以及防止受到其他系统影响

    By defining schemas in this manner, you can keep structures self-contained, hide namespaces, and prevent influence from other systems.


  • 管理层可以借此隐藏任务以及缺少决策现象,这是管理债务表现

    It allows management to hide multitasking and lack of decision-making, a form of management debt.


  • 是因为用于封送解封代码以及用于网络通信的代码隐藏客户端和服务器应用程序中。

    This is because the code for marshaling and unmarshaling, and the code for network communication is buried in the client and server applications.


  • 微型摄像头现在能够嵌入到屏幕或者隐藏大屏幕的周围追踪那些看广告的人以及他们广告前停留了多长时间。

    Small cameras can now be embedded in the screen or hidden around it, tracking who looks at the screen and for how long.


  • 对于多数应用程序而言,希望隐藏全局元素本地元素以及元素属性之间区别

    For most applications, you want to bury the differences between global and local elements, as well as between element and attributes.


  • 视频女孩芭比娃娃具备内置摄像头,一个隐藏LCD显示屏以及usb接口,通过这些装置,使用芭比娃娃的小朋友拍摄的视频传到电脑上。

    "Video Girl" Barbie has a small built-in camera, a hidden LCD display screen and a USB cord that allows kids to upload videos to a computer.


  • 展现出以及信奉什么时,社交网络无法隐藏

    You can't hide on your social network when you're revealing who you are and what you really believe.


  • 此外随着入住率收益的下降,酒店经营者正像走棋一样“摆布”自己库存——在这里提供网站特价、在那里推出最后时刻推销以及通过模糊定价网站提供更多隐藏折扣

    Moreover, with occupancies and revenues tumbling, hoteliers are moving their inventory like chess pieces — a Web special here, a last-minute sale there and more hidden discounts via the opaque sites.


  • 但是,在众多公众事件以及德黑兰当下纷杂流言背后隐藏的巨大纷争可能这个国家未来产生巨大的影响。

    But a Titanic struggle behind the scenes, obscured by public events and often blurred by Tehran's whirring rumour mill, may be just as crucial to the country's future.


  • 可以修改外观定制菜单隐藏组件以及通过修改代码显示相关信息

    You can change the look and feel, customize menus, change the code to give you the information that you feel is more relevant, and hide components.


  • 正面摄影镜头以及一只相当平凡塑料触控笔隐藏在控制器顶部所以毋庸置疑,这是电阻式面板

    Looking back at ya is a front-facing camera, and there's a plain plastic stylus tucked in the top, so we're certainly looking at a resistive touch display.


  • 隐藏图标关闭装置上耳塞以及任何可以使工作上避免分散注意的事情。

    Hide ICONS, turn off devices, wear earplugs, or do whatever it is you need to do to keep the distractions from luring you away from your work.


  • 还有几个蒙太奇偏远村庄——这些村庄过去以及现在仍然隐藏比利牛斯山脉的后面——这里或者更倾向于特别推荐伽他利派净化主义。

    Few villages were more isolated than Montaillouit was and remains buried in the Pyreneesor more prone to the heresy du jour, Catharism.


  • 还有几个蒙太奇偏远村庄——这些村庄过去以及现在仍然隐藏比利牛斯山脉的后面——这里或者更倾向于特别推荐伽他利派净化主义。

    Few villages were more isolated than Montaillouit was and remains buried in the Pyreneesor more prone to the heresy du jour, Catharism.


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