• 公司将这归咎于全球性经济疲软以及能源原材料价格的上涨。

    The company cited slack economic conditions world-wide and higher energy and commodities prices.


  • 投资者出售美元购回黄金和其它贵金属以及能源农产品期货

    Investors sold dollars and moved back into gold and other precious metals along with energy and agriculture futures.


  • 首脑们商讨了涉及金融危机经济复苏气候变化以及能源安全的相关议题

    The leaders discussed issues ranging from financial crisis and economic recovery, climate change to energy security.


  • 我们解决方案客户提供强大生产力可靠性以及能源效率

    Our solutions offer customers a powerful blend of productivity, reliability and energy efficiency.


  • 去年危机期间,集中清算保护股票期权、黄金期货以及能源期货衍生品市场

    Central clearing protected the markets for equity-option, gold-future and energy-future derivatives during the meltdown last year.


  • 更加智能电力系统、更加有效的污水回收供给系统,以及能源设施。

    Smart systems that deliver only the power needed or recycle sewage for water and energy.


  • 这场剧烈的地震袭击了智利首都圣地亚哥,持续导致电话以及能源线路中断

    The tremor shook the capital, Santiago, for a minute and a half early this morning, bringing down telephone and power lines.


  • 能源节约、寻求其他能源以及能源密集型重工业之重要性下降减少了石油消费

    Energy conservation, a shift to other fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy, energy-intensive industries have reduced oil consumption.


  • 生活水平18世纪开始不断提高关键原因之一便是因为能源不断减价以及能源可靠性

    One of the key reasons living standards rose from the 1800s onward was because of the cheapening of energy and the reliability of energy sources.


  • 合理能源结构以及能源严重浪费造成我国大气污染严重主要原因之一

    Unoptimized energy structure and energy waste are among the major causes of severe air pollution.


  • 我司主要全球电信电力、新能源以及启动型电源提供蓄电池以及能源解决方案

    We are providing industrial battery and energy storage solutions to Telecommunication, Power Utility, and Renewable energy and Motive Power industries globally.


  • 节约能源燃料替代以及能源密集型重工业重要性降低,这些减少了石油消耗量

    Energy conservation,a shift to other fuels and a decline in the importance of heavy,energyintensive industries have reduced oil consumption.


  • 安全委员会正在调查证人听证时是否能源施加压力,以及能源部的承包商是否不风险的。

    The safety board is looking into the possibility that witnesses at a hearing were pressured by the DOE and its contractors to downplay the risks.


  • 该产品的典型应用包括民用军用仿真训练任务规划科学医学可视装置建筑设计以及能源探勘

    Typical applications include civil and military simulation and training, mission planning, scientific and medical visualization, architectural design, and energy exploration.


  • 镍氢电池负极用贮氢合金电极材料充电电流效率电池密封以及能源节约具有重要的意义。

    The current efficiency during charging is important for the seal of nickel-metal hydride secondary battery and the saving of energy.


  • 基于煤化工行业需要,开发了可供煤化工科技工作者以及能源决策部门使用的技术经济数据库

    Based on the need in coal chemistry industry, a techno-economic database was designed to be used by coal-chemist and energy authoritative department members.


  • 长期经验以及无人可比产品组合系统服务使abb满足客户质量工期以及能源效率方面需求

    Long experience and an unmatched portfolio of products, systems and services enable ABB to meet the customer's needs in terms of quality, scheduling and energy efficiency.


  • 生产销售水资源处理和污水处理设备,以及能源控制转换设备方面,四方机械在业内一直占有重要地位。

    FOURGROUP in one of the most important manufacturers and distributors of products for clean and waste water treatment and control and transformation of energy.


  • 调查发现经理们认为经济增长放缓通货膨胀信贷市场动荡以及能源成本飙升下半年可能拖累股市走低主要因素

    Managers believe a slowing economy, inflation, shaky credit markets and energy costs are the top factors that could drag down stock returns in the second half of this year, the survey found.


  • 理由目前经济不振主要外部因素引起的,比如日本主要出口市场经济增长放缓,以及能源原材料价格的上涨等。

    That's because it is caused mainly by outside factors, such as slowing growth in Japan's main export markets and rising prices of energy and raw materials.


  • 自己2007年出版的《中国2020》看作一份蓝图,其中描绘的中国未来社会注重健康终身教育以及能源短缺限制

    He points to his 2007 book, China in 2020, as the blueprint for a society that pays attention to health and lifelong learning as well as to such constraints as China's energy shortage.


  • 正如目前所见,许多食品以及能源商品的价格交易日上升了1至2个百分点——白银的交易价格除外,的价格不能反应经济走势

    As of right now, many food and energy commodities are up a percentage point or two on the day after opening down-but not silver, it's worth noting.


  • 很快到了2012年,随后祖母——已故拉拉·布拉·斯维特——在与癌症战役中败下阵来克拉拉·莱昂内尔基金会成破的来由以及能源

    Fast forward to 2012 and then my grandmother, the late Clara Brathwaite, she lost her battle with cancer, which is the very reason and the driving force behind the Clara Lionel Foundation.


  • 由于这种能源大部分来自化石燃料使用浪费食物可能导致不必要的全球变暖以及低效率资源利用

    Since much of this energy comes from the utilization of fossil fuels, wastage of food potentially contributes to unnecessary global warming as well as inefficient resource utilization.


  • 不断变化建筑规范人们逐渐发展品味以及维护这些精美标志牌高昂成本企业欣然接受了发光二极管它们节约能源成本仍然很高

    Changing building codes, evolving tastes, and the high cost of maintaining those wonderful old signs have businesses embracing LEDs, which are energy efficient but still carry great cost.


  • 随着气候变产生能源减少以及生存消耗能源增加用于生长的能源变得更了。

    With less energy produced in warmer years and more being consumed just to survive, there is even less energy available for growth.


  • 随着气候变产生能源减少以及生存消耗能源增加用于生长的能源变得更了。

    With less energy produced in warmer years and more being consumed just to survive, there is even less energy available for growth.


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