• 希望篇文章那些有些不耐烦以及等待神奇魔棒人们有所帮助。

    I hope this little piece will be helpful to the many of you waiting in your impatience, again for a bit of a magic wand.


  • 需求某个地区急剧上涨,以及等待时长增加,动态定价策略就发挥作用了;

    When demand in an area spikes and the waiting time for a car rises, surge pricing kicks in;


  • 测试偏远地区运输化验室所需时间以及等待结果的时间,增加了出错误诊几率

    The time needed to transfer tests from remote areas to laboratories, and to wait for results, increases chances of mistakes and misdiagnosis.


  • 终结订单表示成功完成订单记得您的订单以及等待我们确认您的订单。

    In the final page, that mean you have complete your order, please remember your order number and wait for us to confirm your order.


  • 我们开始这份原文研讨时,作者我们询问问题以及等待我们回应作为研讨会开端。

    When we begin our discussion of the text in question, the writer will open the workshop by asking questions of us and waiting for our responses.


  • 罗切斯特皇家少年团更新将会加入更多亮点,最主要的就是罗切斯特以及等待已久PV P系统

    The "Rocheste Royal Cadets" update introduces a number of new features, chief among them the town of Rocheste, and the long-awaited addition of PVP system.


  • 这样一种方案中产生产品可以基于文本任何物,包括代码脚本SQL文件Eclipse资源以及等待

    The artifacts generated from such an approach can be anything that is text-based. This can include code, scripts, SQL, documentation, Eclipse-based project resources, and so forth.


  • 高昂医疗费用、急诊室里漫长等待以及不到初级护理医师,这些都只是患者每天面临问题的冰山一角。

    Crippling health care bills, long emergency-room waits and the inability to find a primary care physician just scratch the surface of the problems that patients face daily.


  • 尽管包含等待时间以及并没有这些任务相联系时间,还是会有一些问题会与工作时间无关

    Although the graphic contains only wait times and not the work times associated with these tasks, some questions stand out about the work time, regardless.


  • 没有办法看到哪些实例活动的,以及哪些实例正在等待

    There's no way to see which instances are active and which are waiting.


  • 此处缓存等待边际以及顺序扫描的边际数感兴趣,不是大量的锁请求

    Of interest here is a marginal number of buffer waits, and sequential scans, but a rather large number (at this point) of lock requests.


  • 不过除了这些传闻以外,是否切实证据显示,用户喜欢等待以及网页性能是否会影响到访客。

    But is there any proof outside of anecdotal evidence that people actually don't like waiting and that page performance affects website users?


  • 他们等待他们热衷减税措施以及他们基本不大看好的基础设施项目开支方案的崩溃

    They are waiting to see the breakdown between tax cuts, which they favour, and spending on infrastructure projects, which they generally do not.


  • 尽管已经有了下部假牙,但我等待上部假牙,以及修复舌头末端(修复后吃饭才不会显得狼吞虎咽)。

    Although I now have lower dentures, I am still waiting on the upper set, and also am missing the end of my tongue, which makes tidy eating impossible.


  • 输出显示任务列表根据任务ID 编号)、执行时间时钟节拍内)、等待执行的时间以及调用次数

    This output shows the list of tasks (numbered by task ID), their total execution time (in ticks), the amount of time they waited to execute, and finally the number of times they were invoked.


  • 巴勒斯坦正在等待美国采取什么步骤以及美国是否宣布巴勒斯坦国之内建立声明

    He says the Palestinians are waiting to see what steps the United States will take and whether Washington will announce that a Palestinian state will be created within a year.


  • 讨论减少等待时间以及如何集中整个目标远景技术

    I also talked about techniques to reduce the wait time and how to stay focused on overall goals and vision.


  • 许多人西岸加沙以及邻国土地难民营等待他们不曾过上和平稳定生活

    Many wait in refugee camps in the West Bank, Gaza, and neighboring lands for a life of peace and security that they have never been able to lead.


  • 我们会重点关注查看等待,操作,任务切换以及CLM怎样帮助开发团队业务IT私人外部团体如何协作以及相互交流的。

    In particular, we looked at waiting, motion, and task switching and how CLM can help development teams, the business, it, individuals, and outside parties all work together and interact more easily.


  • 等待制造商的正式回应以及取得最新安全性升级包,请点

    Wait for proper vendor response and get the latest security updates here.


  • 一个用于显示关键性能指示器仪表板比如输入输出吞吐量等待处理中的请求数量以及平均等待处理时间

    A dashboard must display key performance indicators such as the input and output throughputs, number of requests waiting and in process, and average waiting and processing times.


  • 发现唯一关联BPEL过程可以用图表示,以及语言支持等待状态

    The only association that I could find is that a BPEL process can be shown as a diagram and that the language has support for wait states.


  • 据了解,车内水壶电视以及无线电闹钟,可以旅客们轻松“等待”。

    With a bed, kettle, TV, radio alarm clock, it boasts everything needed to make a long wait bearable.


  • 经历了爱情长跑、以及时常孤寂等待后,凯特·米德尔顿终于今天嫁给英国威廉王子了。

    After eight long and sometimes lonely years of waiting, Kate Middleton will today marry Prince William.


  • 这个显示分区cpu利用率以及集合等待信息

    This chart shows the CPU utilization of the partition along with the wait information for the collection.


  • 另外如何比较顾客付款之前所用等待时间以及扫描所购商品所花的时间?

    Moreover, how do I compare the time a customer spends waiting to arrive at a checkout aisle with the time spent ringing up the items?


  • 强行进入lock语句finally子句释放以及允许访问任意等待线程(该线程占用已被破坏的资源),都可能引发异常。

    It is possible for an exception to occur that forces a branch to the finally clause of the lock statement, releasing the lock and allowing access to any waiting thread to the corrupted resource.


  • 就意味着等待合适目标出现的耐心以及通过观察判断是否是最佳目标能力Keohane解释道。

    That means the patience you need to wait for the proper mark, he says, and the ability to read other people to determine whether a potential mark is a good target.


  • 冯先生的观点不是十分的赞同,说:“不敢这个目标十完成现在我所能做就是逐步建立吴起镇的环境基础设施以及培养人才等待机遇来临

    We can’t tell what will be here in 10 years, ” he said. “All I can do right now is build up Wuqi’s environment and infrastructure and talent pool, for when the opportunity comes.


  • 清单7显示使用geronimo . sh start命令启动WebSphereApplicationServerCommunityEdition以及使用gsh. sh命令等待启动

    Listing 7 shows the use of the geronimo.sh start command to start WebSphere Application Server Community Edition as well as the use of the gsh.sh command to wait on startup.


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