• 目的探讨空巢老人生活质量心理状况是否存在差异以及相关影响因素

    Objective To study the difference in quality of life and psychological status of empty nest elderly and their influencing factors.


  • 目的探讨空巢老人生活质量与心理状况是否存在差异以及相关影响因素

    Probe into health problems of empty nest aged people in city community and its strategies;


  • 我们研究了搜索频率全文索引以及邮件文档是否收件箱中编辑保存相关影响因素

    We also looked at the impact related to frequency of searching, full-text indexing, and whether mail documents are filed or kept in the Inbox.


  • 目的确定乙肝病毒载量影响以及乙肝病毒感染移植受者纤维化进程中宿主相关因素

    OBJECTIVES: To determine the influence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) viral load and host-related factors on the progression of hepatic fibrosis in hepatitis B virus-infected renal transplant recipients.


  • 目的探讨抬高手法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的适应症,以及影响疗效相关因素

    Objective: Probing into the method of straight leg raising treating prolapsed lumbar intervertebral disc adaptive symptom and impacting curative effect relevant factor.


  • 社会认知、和侵犯事件相关因素人际关系人格共情以及人口文化变量宽恕都有着不同程度影响

    The influencing factors of forgiveness include social cognition, related factors of offensive events, interpersonal relationship, personality, empathy and demographic and cultural variables.


  • 目的了解高校教职工血脂异常相关疾病患病情况以及生活方式遗传因素患病影响

    Objective to learn the situation of dyslipidemia and related diseases of college staff, and the influences of lifestyle and genetic factors upon the diseases.


  • 介绍了我国目前院校分类情况及其相关影响志愿选择因素以及院校志愿选择过程中的一些误区

    On China's institutions of the current classification and its related impact on the voluntary choice of factors, as well as institutions in the process of voluntary choice of a number of errors;


  • 本文主要讨论影响相关因素以及流率与压力限制之间关系。总结出了典型注射参数值。

    The authors analyzed the influential factors of flow rate and the relationship between flow rate and pressure limiting and hence proposed a set of typical presetting injection parameters.


  • 本文远程教育学习者的学习态度以及影响学习态度相关因素进行了初步的探讨分析,并提出转变远程学习者消极学习态度的对策

    The article probes the attitude and affecting factors about distance learners and it presents the strategies in changing the negative attitude of distance learners.


  • 延期性能随组成与配比不同而变化制造工艺成分选择以及影响因素相关

    The performance of delay composition varies with the component and ratio, it is also related to the manufacture technics, the choice of composition, and the effect factors.


  • 目的回顾性分析比较手术治疗放射治疗远期疗效影响以及相关因素

    Objective to retrospectively analyze and compare the effects of surgery and radiation on oral tongue carcinoma.


  • 首先详细介绍分析相关概念理论知识以及谱分析经济金融领域的研究情况,总结影响股市波动基本因素

    First, we introduce the concept and theory of the spectral analysis and its application in the field of economic and finance, then summarizes the basic factors affecting stock market volatility.


  • 阵列测向空间相关噪声、杂反射噪声以及空间杂散干扰影响测向性能较大因素

    The performance of direction of arrival estimation is strongly effected by spatial scatter noises such as interference, multiple propagation noise or other spatial correlated noises.


  • 本文心肌细胞凋亡生理病理意义影响因素以及相关中医药干预研究进行概述

    This article reviewed the physiology and pathology significance and affecting factors of the apoptosis of cardiac muscle cells and the research of Chinese medicine for the intervention study.


  • 课题对某特种部队新兵入伍训练下肢军事训练伤的危险因素以及特种部队新兵影响训练成绩相关因素进行了研究

    In this research, we have studied the risk factors in lower extremity injuries and the influential factors of training performance record in new recruits of a Special Force Army.


  • 目的了解癫痫患儿家长抑郁水平以及相关影响因素,为有效的减轻心理负担提供依据。

    Objective To study the depression of parents of children with epilepsy and factors associated with their depression, so we can give support to them.


  • 一个政策方案都包含与其执行直接费用以及影响生产效率安全性因素

    Each policy solution has direct costs associated with its implementation and factors that impact productivity and security.


  • 通过房地产市场泡沫化现象本身以及相关产业影响数据进行分析,找出影响住房市场重要因素

    This thesis intends to find out the important factors which greatly affect the housing market by analyses the real estate bubble phenomenon itself and influences of related industries.


  • 本文在研究分析了大量相关资料现场调查基础归纳岩巷道的工程特性以及失稳变形特征影响因素

    In this thesis, based on many relevant materials, in-situ investigation, the soft rock tunnel engineering properties, character and influencing factors of buckling deformation are summarized.


  • 目的探讨病原菌定植的影响因素以及胃腔定植菌机械通气相关肺炎VAP内源性发病机制中的作用

    Objective To investigate the risk factors for gastric bacterial colonization and its role in the endogenous pathogenesis of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP).


  • 目的探讨玻璃体手术治疗严重眼外伤疗效以及影响预后相关因素

    Objective to evaluate the effect and outcome of vitrectomy surgery in cases of severe ocular trauma and analyze its prognosis-related factors.


  • 采用有限单元数值模拟法研究基础相互作用下破坏机制以及影响因素浅埋地下洞室安全顶板厚度影响相关变化规律。

    The failure mechanism of interaction process between the foundation and cavity and, the effect of every factor on safe thickness of top plate are studied by FEM simulation.


  • 目的探讨突发性耳聋病因以及影响突发性耳聋疗效相关因素

    Objective: to explore pathogenic factor of sudden deafness and to study the factors influencing the effectiveness of treating sudden deafness.


  • 第二,阐述粮食产量影响因素理论分析,介绍变量和评价指标,以及模型分析方法相关影响系数构建思路。

    Chapter One introduces the background, purpose and methodology of the research, as well as the summary of the related studies.


  • 贸易条件及其主要影响因素进行检验因果关系检验,得出它们长期相关关系,以及贸易条件与因素间的因果关系。

    Then performs cointegration test and causality test with the relative data, which shows the correlativity and the causality between the terms of trade and the influencing factors.


  • 贸易条件及其主要影响因素进行检验因果关系检验,得出它们长期相关关系,以及贸易条件与因素间的因果关系。

    Then performs cointegration test and causality test with the relative data, which shows the correlativity and the causality between the terms of trade and the influencing factors.


- 来自原声例句

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