• 主要区别在于,发达国家可能具有能够发现此类疫情精密监测机制以及较强大食品安全检查体系

    A: The main difference is that developed countries may have more elaborate surveillance mechanisms to detect such outbreaks and stronger food safety systems in terms of inspections.


  • 安全机制需要提供强大的身份验证特性以及保密性其他的特性,例如点登录(SSO)。

    A security mechanism needs to provide strong authentication features as well as privacy and features, such as single sign-on (SSO), for example.


  • 2中心展示TivoliWebSEAL产品产品充当代理角色提供安全机制控制网络中的文档以及Web对象访问

    In the center of the diagram in Figure 2 is Tivoli's WebSEAL product, which serves the role of a proxy and provides a security mechanism to control access to documents and Web objects in the network.


  • 这种机制Web服务用来请求者进行更多质询,确保消息不过时,以及验证安全令牌使用是否已经授权。

    This is used by a Web service for additional challenges to a requester to ensure message freshness and verification that the use of a security token is authorized.


  • 分布式安全监视Web服务应该包括耦合切换机制以及WS -ResourceFramework和WS - ResourceTransfer

    Distributed security monitoring Web services should include the coupling switch mechanism plus the WS-Resource Framework WS-Resource Transfer.


  • 拥有96个5.2GHz处理器,一些用于改善总体可用性优化设施以及EAL5安全认证机制

    It has 96 processors running at 5.2 GHz, optimization facilities for better overall availability, and EAL5 security certification.


  • 必须访问机制强制执行现有的访问权限以及安全审核需求

    Existing access rights as well as security and audit requirements must be enforced for the new access mechanisms.


  • 许多质疑机制以及实作品安全

    Many people question the security of this kind of mechanism and its implementation.


  • WS - Security允许用户使用多种安全元素比如用户签名加密机制以及安全令牌

    WS-Security allows the user to use a variety of security elements, such as user names, signature and encryption mechanisms and security tokens.


  • WS - Security规范定义用于保护消息完整性机密性核心功能程序,以及用于把与安全性相关的声明消息关联起来的机制

    The WS-Security specification defines the core facilities for protecting the integrity and confidentiality of a message, as well as mechanisms for associating security-related claims with a message.


  • AmberPoint将SOA治理看成自动发现依赖关系流氓服务”的机制以及一种轻量级安全监控端到端错误分析机制

    AmberPoint saw it as autodiscovery of dependencies androgue services”, light-weight security, monitoring and end-to-end fault analysis.


  • 然后描述了各个层次具体实现方案以及各个组件之间安全通信机制

    The specific implementation of all these layers and the security communication mechanism among all these components are described.


  • 本文PKI安全机制理论基础、基本组成功能、P KI技术应用以及PKI的现状和发展前景加以论述

    In this paper we will expound the theory basis, function, application, actuality and foreground of PKI security mechanism.


  • 讨论了组件对象模型接口内存结构基本构成COM调用机制以及安全机制问题。

    The memory structure and basic composition of interface, calling mechanism of com database and security mechanism are described.


  • 数据库系统安全机制数据库数据安全机制方面,论述ORACLE数据库安全措施和方法以及具体实现方式。

    Safe policy and methods of ORACLE database are discussed on two aspects: safety of database system and safety of data stored in the database.


  • 需要了解安全机制基础以及如何主动或者被动预防攻击

    You need to understand the basis of safe mechanism, and how active passive perhaps precaution attack.


  • 提出了一种基于移动设备网络自主机器人系统体系结构设计实现了系统的安全机制以及人-机器人交互方式

    The architecture of Internet robot with mobile devices is presented and the security mechanisms and human-robot interaction way is designed.


  • 主要区别在于,发达国家可能具有能够发现此类疫情精密监测机制以及较强大食品安全检查体系

    The main difference is that developed countries may have more elaborate surveillance mechanisms to detect such outbreaks and stronger food safety systems in terms of inspections.


  • 文章具体分析了WAP安全机制架构以及基于WAP安全架构安全实现方式。

    The article analyses the security mechanisms and structures, as well as the achievement of security based on the WAP security architecture.


  • 安全通过大国制衡以及东盟外长后续会议东盟地区论坛多边安全合作机制保障东南亚地区和平稳定

    In security area, it ensures the peace and stability of Southeast Asia by the balance of great powers and multilateral security mechanism such as PMC and ARF.


  • 然后提出基于可信第三安全协议以及一种轻量级IP安全机制,对它们进行了详细分析

    Then the thesis put forward to a kind of security protocol based on trusted third party and a kind of lightweight IP layer security mechanism, and analysed them in details.


  • 方案应用SSL实现安全数据传输、应用XML数字签名加密实现安全的数据表示以及应用安全的XML访问控制机制

    In this solution, SSL is used to ensure secure transmission. XML data signature and encryption are used to achieve secure dada format and XML access control mechanism is deployed.


  • 笔者哲学角度,对安全意识概念进行剖析,探讨了安全意识的构成运作机制其中包括安全意识的结构以及安全意识的动力机制

    The concept of the safety consciousness is analyzed from philosophical view. Its composition and its operation mechanism are also analyzed including its structure and motivational mechanism.


  • 讨论了构件对象模型(COM)基本结构接口规范、COM调用机制安全机制以及基本的OLE服务问题。

    The basic structure of COM, interface standard, calling mechanism of COM database, security mechanism and basic OLE service are described.


  • 文章详细阐述SXSOAP体系结构和运行机制以及模型在电子政务安全解决方案中的应用

    Then the paper describes a model of it which is named SXSOAP in detail. At the end, the paper introduces its application in e-governance security scheme which now runs well.


  • 该文分析了网络本身安全机制以及实现整个网络安全机制等网络安全设计的主要方面

    This article analyzes main aspects of safety in mobile network, including security mechanisms of whole network.


  • 愤怒讲述的是在全球化背景下不断加强的国家控制安全机制以及艺术可以使我们免于这种控制幻想之间复杂关系。

    Raging Balls talks about the complex relationships between increased global state control and security apparatuses, and the illusion that art can somehow protect us from this.


  • 愤怒讲述的是在全球化背景下不断加强的国家控制安全机制以及艺术可以使我们免于这种控制幻想之间复杂关系。

    Raging Balls talks about the complex relationships between increased global state control and security apparatuses, and the illusion that art can somehow protect us from this.


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