• 特奥蒂瓦坎自然资源以及城市精英们这些自然资源潜力认识似乎赋予了这座城市相对邻国竞争优势。

    It seems likely that Teotihuacán's natural resources, along with the city elite's ability to recognize their potential, gave the city a competitive edge over its neighbors.


  • 居室工作场所道路以及城市空间普遍重视公用空间也是必要的。

    It is necessary to value the common Spaces in homes, workplaces, roadways and urban Spaces.


  • 首先综合论述天然气储存方式、储存技术现状以及城市燃气调峰措施

    At first, the ways of natural gas storage, the situation of gas storage technology currently and the measures of gas peak adjusting were expounded synthetically.


  • 城市公共雕塑公众自然环境人工环境以及城市文化环境有着密切关系

    This article elaberates on the relationship between the public sculpture with the public, natural enviroment, artificial enviroment and urban cultural enviroment.


  • 随着我国交通基础设施飞速发展大量铁路公路隧道以及城市地铁相继修建。

    With the rapid development of Chinese transportation infrastructure, many railways, highways and city subway tunnels have been built.


  • 本文介绍新西兰地震背景以及城市防震减灾工作组织机构、动作相关措施

    In this paper, it was introduced the seismic background and organize framework as well as relate measure of earthquake prevention and disaster relief in cites of New Zealand.


  • 已经标识了姓名及其组成以及城市因此,您可以搜索字符串将结果限制这些元素

    You've identified names and their components along with cities and states, so you can search for strings and confine the hits to those elements.


  • 城市形态受到城市居民的生活习惯资源利用方式以及城市功能经济作用的影响

    Built from affects how people live in cities, how resources are used and how the economic life of a city functions.


  • 城市生态园林公墓建设好坏将直接影响城市景观完整性以及城市生态环境的优劣

    The quality of ecological landscape of a city cemetery is decisive to the integrity of the whole landscape of a city and a city's ecological environment quality.


  • 城乡结合部转型过程城乡结合部自身模仿融入城市以及城市扩散辐射效应嵌入的过程;

    The transition of the community between rural and urban areas is their imitation and incorporation into the urbanization, and the effect of their spread and radioaction.


  • 液化天然气天然气远洋运输边远气田气体利用以及城市燃气调峰起到了重要作用

    Liquefied natural gas has important role in the ocean transportation of natural gas, use of natural gas in remote gas field and peak shaving of city fuel gas system peak shaving.


  • 主要探讨福州厦门作为福建区域经济中心形成及其作用以及城市和附近乡村互动关系。

    This chapter mainly discusses the emergence and role of Fuzhou and Xiamen as Fujian's regional economic centers, and the interaction between the cities and neighboring rural areas.


  • 同时人力车夫生存状况这一特殊视角审视近代城乡关系以及城市下层民众的边缘特性。

    At the same time, it studies on the life of rickshaw pullers by investigating the relationship between the city and rural area and marginality of the lower class in cities.


  • 整场表演色彩纷呈表现巴西历史文化以及城市独特韵味,让许多媒体印象深刻。 。

    Many focus on the impressively colourful display used to highlight Brazil's history, culture and natural beauty.


  • 第三阐述了城市公园入口环境中的心理行为规律以及城市文化对公园入口设计影响

    The third chapter expatiates on the rule of the science that deals with mental processes and behavior of people in the environment of entry of city parks and the affections of city culture as well.


  • 预订阶段有三信息几乎同样重要机场交通信息、客房图片以及城市度假地指南具有同样重要性。

    At the time of booking, three pieces of information ranked as almost equally crucial, with airport and transportation information on a par with pictures of the room and a guide to the city or resort.


  • 论述城市道路景观设计含义原则以及城市车行道路、混杂型道路和步行道路的景观设计思路。

    The paper talks about the meaning, principal of the landscape design of urban roads and the landscape design thinks of urban carriageway, the person vehicle mixed roads and roads for pedestrians.


  • 本文首先城市社区解析入手,对城市社区、城市社区管理以及城市社区管理体制相关概念进行了探讨

    This paper begins with the analysis of urban community to probe into the concepts as urban community, urban communtiy management, urban community management system etc.


  • 如果优步能够实现所有雄心壮志,便可以成为世界级的企业巨头,对消费者生活以及城市面貌产生重要影响

    If Uber can pull all this off, it could be one of the biggest companies in the world-one which plays a critical role in the lives of consumers and the fabric of cities.


  • 居住区建设人居环境中的重要研究课题之一整个城市空间体系结构以及城市风貌都起着举足轻重的作用。

    Construction of inhabited region is one of the important research subjects in human settlement environment, which contributes most to the whole urban space system and structure and cityscape.


  • 世界第二国家一路向东行时,除了城市你还会看到山脉,会经过上千湖泊森林大河以及城市

    It is the second biggest country in the world and as you go eastward, you will see mountains, and pass by thousands of lakes, forests and wide rivers as well as cities.


  • 广泛应用于各类演播室,电影摄影棚新闻发布中心、电教中心、大型舞台剧场灯光照明以及城市光照明等。

    Those products are widely used on diversiform studio, movie studio, news promulgate center, video education center, large stage, playhouse lamplight and city floodlight.


  • 我们奥林匹克体育馆得到赞助其中一个参赛队伍装备的机会,还有就是回复癌症研究以及城市内部教育项目联系

    We've got a spot in Olympic Stadium sponsoring one of a team's equipment, then a rally for cancer research, and a connection to the inner-city education program.


  • 城市成为人类生产生活主要空间城市进程城市问题以及城市空间环境对城市犯罪的产生原因重大影响

    Cities have become the major space of human production and life. But the process of urbanization has a great impact on causes of crimes in the cities.


  • 城市物流考虑社会环境经济财政以及城市运输活动能量影响的情况下,对城市物流活动整体进行优化的过程

    City logistics is the process of totally optimizing urban logistics activities by considering the social, environmental, economic, financial and energy impacts of urban freight movement.


  • 系统设计先进,功能齐全、实用,为西安市供水管理人员提供了雨、、工情全面信息支持以及城市供水调度管理信息。

    The useable amount of surface water resource and ground water resource in Xi'an city and the relationship between water supplying and needing are analyzed in the system.


  • 系统设计先进,功能齐全、实用,为西安市供水管理人员提供了雨、、工情全面信息支持以及城市供水调度管理信息。

    The useable amount of surface water resource and ground water resource in Xi'an city and the relationship between water supplying and needing are analyzed in the system.


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