• 已经世界最大成长最快以及利润最高航空市场

    It is already the world's largest, fastest-growing and most profitable aviation market.


  • 木星幸福好运以及利润金星金钱

    Jupiter is associated with happiness and luck, as well as profits, and Venus is also linked to money.


  • 因为态度影响以及购买行为长期销售以及利润等级有着影响。

    Because of the effect attitudes and buying behavior have on long-term sales and profit levels.


  • 它们制造销售突破以及利润831美元的时候受到限制。

    They've pegged make or break for their sales and profits at 83 yen to the dollar.


  • 论证过程没有提供证据支持最优秀工人被留在公司以及利润获得保证这一结论

    There is no evidence presented in the argument to back up the conclusion that the best workers will stay and profitability will be ensured.


  • 月度预算报告显示销售环境包含以及包含加油站报废损耗薪资费用以及利润

    Monthly budget statements showing sales, including and excluding the Petrol Station, Waste, Shrinkage, Payroll, Expenses and Profit.


  • 遵照四个标准可以帮助任何小企业变成一个赚钱机器带来越来越多的客户营业额以及利润

    Following these 4 criteria will transform any small business into a money-making machine guaranteed to grow your client list sales and profits.


  • 事实上,全成本水价包括资源水价工程水价、环境水价以及利润税收外包括水价制度设计变迁成本。

    In fact, besides resource price, project price, environment price, profit and revenue, the cost of institutional design and innovation is also a part of the full-cost water pricing model.


  • 信贷利率时代已经过去私募企业应该开始拿出更多自己来做生意了。 这对他们意味着贷款成本的上升以及利润的减少。

    The days of cheap credit are over, and private equity firms will have to start forking over more of their own money when they do deals, analysts say.


  • 通用希望削减1100家稍以及利润最少的零售商,并且通过摆脱旗下Saab,SaturnHummer品牌再削减470家。

    GM wants to cut 1, 100 of its smaller and least profitable dealerships and will lose another 470 by getting rid of its Saab, Saturn and Hummer brands.


  • 通用希望削减1100家稍小以及利润最少的零售商,并且通过摆脱旗下Saab,SaturnHummer品牌再削减470家。

    GM wants to cut 1,100 of its smaller and least profitable dealerships and will lose another 470 by getting rid of its Saab, Saturn and Hummer brands.


  • 分析得出本文结论以及局限性同时,笔者希望本文能够对于现在汽车销售4s售后服务以及利润提升起到一定的借鉴意义。

    With the conclusions reached in the analysis and limited scenario of my Suggestions, I hope that the research will be useful on improving after-sale service and increasing profit in 4s stores.


  • 如果我们加利我们优势多样化产品全面售后服务,我们的竞争得到加强。那么我们可以别人手里争取更多市场以及利润

    If we can make full use of our advantage, such as rich products, overall after service, we can be more competitive and win over more market share from our competitors and earn more profits.


  • 更快周转意味着更少库存浪费频繁的发货以及更多利润

    Quicker turnarounds mean less wasted inventory, more frequent releases, and more profit.


  • 企业可能被迫消费者揭示他们拥有信息以及从中赚取的利润

    Companies could be forced to reveal to consumers what information they hold and how much money they make from it.


  • 业绩如何衡量有所改变,使之反映根据风险调整后的利润以及银行相对总的股东回报

    How that performance is measured will also change, to reflect risk-adjusted profits as well as the bank's relative total shareholder return.


  • 在发现难以达到今年税前利润目标以及预计第三季度收益低于预期之后德意志银行陷入了全面不安

    Deutsche Bank added to the general unease after it abandoned its pre-tax profit target for the year and forecast that its third quarter would be "significantly below expectations".


  • 方法不仅仅是简单利润而是应该追求什么样最终利润如何获得利润以及这种行为的影响什么

    The measure will not simply be profit, but to what end profit is pursued, how it is gained and what is its impact.


  • 对于质量改进可以创造成本优质以及潜在利润的认同。

    An understanding that quality improvement results in cost advantages and better profit potential.


  • 一批工人作出以下决定生产什么如何生产,在哪里生产以及如何分配利润。”沃尔夫

    "Groups of workers make the decisions: what to produce, how to produce, where to produce, and what to do with the profits that are generated," Wolff says.


  • 一些人还对西班牙制度称赞有加,要求银行景气良好时期损失存额外的储备,这样贷款的时候,他们利润以及自有资本的损失就会减少。

    Some admire Spain’s system, which requires banks to make extra provision for losses in good times, so that when loans turn sour their profits and thus capital fall by less.


  • 苹果比起其他大部分公司更长于竞争是因为具备了60%巨额利润空间以及定价权吸收这些成本

    Apple can cope better than most companies because it has fat profit margins of as much as 60 percent and pricing power to absorb some of those costs.


  • 对冲——以及对冲产生利润合约产量到期随着天然气价格走低新的对冲成本走高。

    Hedgesand the profits they protect or generateexpire, and the cost of new hedges has been climbing as prices have been falling.


  • 美国金融公司支付薪资总额以及赚取利润在总体经济中的比例最近几十年大幅提升。

    In the US, both the share of all wages and salaries paid by the financial firms and those firms' share of all profits earned have risen sharply in recent decades.


  • 美国金融公司支付薪资总额以及赚取利润在总体经济中的比例最近几十年大幅提升。

    In the US, both the share of all wages and salaries paid by the financial firms and those firms' share of all profits earned have risen sharply in recent decades.


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