• 包括提供供给支持服务商业中心会议室以及举办特殊活动其他场所

    This includes offering business centres that supply support services, conference rooms and other space for special events.


  • 其他区域位置占用数据可以通过会议室预订系统以及场所规划紧急情况规划数据库来采集

    Other areas of location occupancy data can be acquired from conference room reservation systems, as well as site planning and emergency planning databases.


  • 除了传统日期时间选择功能之外,调度程序允许选择会议室类型以及其中的家具和物品类型。

    In addition to a traditional date and time selection, the scheduler allows you to choose the kind of meeting room, and the type of furniture and accommodations inside.


  • 另外还有间藏于地下会议室公共娱乐室、一个茶水、一间休息室以及客户要求下遍布主要空间茂盛植物

    In addition there is one (divisible) meeting-room, a common recreational room, a kitchen, rest rooms, and, at the special request of the patron, lush vegetation all over the main space.


  • 强大的拉丁裔,其他种族——美国所有族群——帮助作出重要决定不仅仅最高法院,还要会议室,在学校以及在编辑室

    You want to have powerful Latinasand others, the full panoply of American types — helping make big decisions, not just on the Supreme Court, but in boardrooms, schools and editorial offices.


  • 最近一早上14个人聚集当地社区大学个没有窗户的会议室,据说那里就如何他们的简历年轻化以及如何应对一些关于年龄的问题,他们回得到一些建议

    On a recent morning, 14 people gathered in a windowless conference room at a local community college to get tips on how to age-proof their résumés and deflect questions about being overqualified.


  • 心理学教授罗伯特·得曼我们揭露为什么谎言会出现卧室会议室以及等等等等其他的地方。

    Psychology professor Robert Feldman uncovers why we lie, from the bedroom to the boardroom and beyond.


  • 让我们回到Research会议室中,大家讨论项目整体范围以及Maryellen团队哪些参与到项目中。

    Back in the Research conference room, the group is discussing the overall scope of the project and who will be involved from Maryellen's group.


  • 中心设有宏伟的入口大厅三个礼堂、一处多功能活动会议室办公室餐厅地下停车场以及公共屋顶露台

    The Center houses a grand entrance hall, three auditoriums, a multi-purpose event hall, conference rooms, offices, a restaurant, an underground parking and a public roof terrace.


  • 设计简单,包括一个至少可容纳400会议庆典空间口授经文的教室教区会议室以及牧师的住所。

    The program is simple: a meeting and celebration space for at least 400 people, classrooms for catechesis, meeting rooms for the parish and a home for the pastor.


  • 拥有四合院餐厅精品民宿青年旅社、酒吧、咖啡吧多功能会议室以及农耕展览馆等。

    Have a courtyard restaurant, boutique accommodation, hostels, tea bar, coffee bar, multi-functional meeting rooms and the agricultural exhibition hall.


  • 层都提供可以用作非正式会议合作公共区域以及采用落地窗和玻璃墙围合的会议室

    Each floor offers communal zones used for informal meetings and collaboration, as well as clusters of glass-walled conference rooms with floor-to-ceiling Windows.


  • 建筑内包含部分规划部门以及新的展览厅会议室会议中心

    The building houses parts of the planning bureau as well as new exhibition halls, meeting rooms and conference centres.


  • 河川华美达酒店内设4个餐厅以及1200平米会议场地其中包括一个600平米的会议室

    The Ramada Plaza Hechuan is envisaged to feature four food and beverage outlets and 1, 200 square metres of meeting space including a 600-square-metre ballroom.


  • 一楼业主预留工作空间这里可布置私人办公室以及较大会议室

    The ground floor is reserved for the resident's work spaces, where private offices as well as larger rooms for meetings are laid out.


  • 像土拨鼠般抬头,目光越过隔板,这样可以进行同事交谈以及团队会议不用茶水间或者会议室

    Co-worker conversations and team meetings may also take place via prairie dogging as an alternative to the water cooler or conference room.


  • 此外还有另外会议室以及供工作人员客人特勤人员新闻记者使用的座位

    Beyond that, there are another conference room and seating compartments for staff, guests, Secret Service agents and the news media.


  • 除了办公室这个改造后建筑还具有丰富的服务功能会议空间会议室更衣室存储以及食堂

    In addition to offices, the transformed building now houses functions such as meeting Spaces, conference rooms, changing rooms, storage as well as a large canteen.


  • 其他展览楼层设有研讨会议室以及患者医生治疗专家、矫形专家进行咨询空间

    The other exhibition floors provide seminar and conference rooms as well as Spaces for consultations between patients, doctors, therapists and orthopedic technicians.


  • 还有一些可欣赏全景区域餐厅会议室礼堂以及更多内向型工作环境

    There are areas with a panoramic view, like the restaurant, the large conference room and the auditorium, as well as more introverted working environments.


  • 宽敞会议空间商务中心以及所有会议室公共区域均配备的无线上网世界触手可及。

    Plenty of meeting space, a business center, and wireless Internet in all meeting rooms and public areas keep the world at home at your fingertips.


  • 五星级城市商务酒店,包括186个房间世界级会议室以及举办各种活动设施,结合商用娱乐用途。

    The brief called for a five-star, 186-room contemporary urban business hotel with world-class conferencing and event function facilities catering to both business and leisure travelers.


  • 提供多功能厅会议室华丽宴会厅以及娱乐中心商务中心。

    It also has multifunctional halls, conference rooms, splendid banquet halls as well as recreation centers and business service centers.


  • 同时饭店拥有容纳1200多人多功能会议厅以及各类小型会议室10多个

    There are more than 10 rooms, including the function room which can hold 1200 people and different small and medium conference rooms.


  • 另外还有特别展示会议室全世界发布其他展示还有Web电视以及语音访谈

    In addition, there were special demonstrations in small meeting rooms for worldwide press, and other opportunities for web, TV, or audio interviews.


  • 另外还有特别展示会议室全世界发布其他展示还有Web电视以及语音访谈

    In addition, there were special demonstrations in small meeting rooms for worldwide press, and other opportunities for web, TV, or audio interviews.


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