• 移民家庭的父母可以谈论他们原籍以及他们移民原因

    Immigrant parents could talk about their country of origin and why they emigrated to the United States.


  • 为了把资源集中家乐福业绩良好家,他们撤出日本墨西哥捷克共和斯洛伐克可能出售葡萄牙瑞士以及分公司

    To focus on countries where Carrefour is doing well, they pulled out of Japan, Mexico, South Korea, the Czech Republic and Slovakia and may yet sell subsidiaries in Portugal, Switzerland and Thailand.


  • 卫生条例》缔约来说重要应知晓具有影响程序以及他们参与协商和发表意见的权利。

    It is important that States Parties to the IHR are aware of the processes that may affect them and of their right to be consulted and present their views.


  • 1971年,阿拉伯世界产油决定转换他们西方石油公司以及消费者之间力量平衡

    In 1971, the oil-producing countries of the Arab world tried to shift the balance of power between themselves and Western oil companies and consumers.


  • 此外有人展示了已死非洲人残记录以及一位突尼斯人,其声称他们从属已废黜突尼斯领导人本·阿里共和卫队

    Others showed recordings of dead mutilated African bodies, and a Tunisian they claimed had worked with deposed Tunisian leader Ben Ali's republican guard.


  • 那些欧盟27个成员以及挪威冰岛瑞士之间飞行的乘客,只要他们免税商品放在防干扰可以商品带上转接航班。

    Those travelling within the EU's 27 member states plus Norway, Iceland and Switzerland can take duty-free goods on connecting flights, provided they are in tamper-proof bags.


  • 每周新闻发布会上,迈赫曼·帕拉斯特表示他们一直表示,他们做好了联合安理会五个常任理事以及P5 +1继续谈判准备

    At a weekly news briefing, Mehmanparast says they have always announced their preparation for the continuation of talks with five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany, or P5 + 1.


  • 20集团领导人结束伦敦举行一整天会议他们谈到会议的成功、达成的前所未有一致以及具有历史意义妥协

    Coming out of their full day meeting in London, G-20 leaders spoke of success, unprecedented consensus and historic compromises.


  • 我们还将我们军人及其家属,以及所有过去10年里服役的人员致敬,是他们我们保持强大,享受安宁

    And we'll pay tribute to our troops and military families, and all those who have served over the past ten years, to keep us safe and strong.


  • 他们如同我在以及全世界所遇到的成千上万正在服役或退役的军人一样,自豪、坚强、意志坚定,满怀响应号召勇气以及美利坚合众服务品格

    Determined. Men and women with the courage to answer their country’s call, and the character to serve the United States of America.


  • 首脑都表示,他们希望推迟奖金发放以及银行效益不佳的时候扣减奖金。

    The three leaders also came out in favour of deferring awards and claw-backs in case of negative outcomes.


  • 不想削弱他们经济前途你们的经济前途,以及美利坚合众经济前途。

    What I'm not prepared to do is undercut their economic future, your economic future, or the economic future of the United States of America.


  • 他们关系折射出他们所生活时代背景、新世界世界之间冲突美利坚合众诞生及其早期成长过程以及两人各自思想体系

    Their relationship reflects their living background, conflict between new world and old one, birth of the United States and its early history as well as their own ideological system.


  • 第四批受益者旅游业他们因为主办吸引力以及旅游结构改善而获利

    Tourism is the fourth installment of the beneficiaries because their host country as well as the attractiveness of the structure of tourism and improve profitability.


  • 表示26年来联合世界粮食计划署一直贫穷农民以及他们家庭提供帮助他们能够自给自足。

    He said that 26 years ago, the United Nations World Food Program has been China's poor farmers and their Provide assistance to families so that they can become self-sufficient.


  • 陷入困境妇女告诉联合儿童基金会官员他们受到精神攻击威胁已经危害到自己以及孩子

    Women who spoke of their plight to UNICEF officials were threatened with renewed attacks against themselves and their children.


  • 他们非常担心相信日本以及其它主要债权都非常担心。

    They are very worried about it, and I am sure the Japanese and other holders of the debt are worried, as well.


  • 他们非常担心相信日本以及其它主要债权都非常担心。

    They are very worried about it, and I am sure the Japanese and other holders of the debt are worried, as well.


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