• 为了改善以前的状况,人们改造了许多船只,并用带有舷外发动机的纤维强化塑料(FRP船只取代了许多木筏乡村小船

    In an effort to improve on the past, boats have been upgraded and many wooden catamarans or country boats have been replaced with fiber-reinforced-plastic (FRP) craft with outboard motors.


  • 二氧化碳浓度过高引起平均温度变化可能因为实施第一办法有所缓和,单纯减少太阳辐射量却并不能让气温恢复以前的状况。 当地的温度仍旧会发生变化,比如受洋流,降雨量,土壤湿度和光合作用的影响。

    While it is possible to imagine doing so in a way that cancels out the change in average temperature caused by an increase in carbon dioxide, such a reduction would not simply restore the status quo.


  • 妇女困难状况可能以前有所改善,问题仍存在

    Women may be less trapped than they used to be, but many difficult situations persist.


  • 另外很多愿意能力支付保险美国人却被保险公司剥夺了保险的权力,因为保险公司认定这些以前的疾病状况对保险公司而言太具冒险性或代价不菲

    Many other Americans who are willing and able to pay are still denied insurance due to previous illnesses or conditions that insurance companies decide are too risky or expensive to cover.


  • 因为老年人的身体状况以前他们不同人生看法或者说态度

    She says that because older people are in better shape now than before, they have a different outlook, or attitude.


  • 这种状况正确评价,如上所述,以前是否接受一个公司作为供应商取决于个别顾客商业决定

    There is an appreciation of this situation, and as stated, previously the acceptance for a Company to supply, rests with the commercial decision of the individual Customer.


  • 这种便捷资源丰富状况以前只能博客世界保守党那一半发现

    Such alacrity and resourcefulness was once found only in the Conservative half of the blogosphere.


  • 通过小组所有成员管理工作分配可以运行查询报告以及以前项目健康状况提供更多见解图表

    By managing the work assignments for all users on the team you can now run queries, reports, and charts that provide much more insight into the health of your project than previously possible.


  • 他们很早以前了解到他们的国家相对幅员广大的国度,如果他们能够别的国家招募更多身怀技艺那么国家的状况更好

    They realized long ago that they are relatively empty countries, and if they can recruit more skilled people from the outside, they will be better off.


  • 以前几乎没有这个时期内的人类饮食状况直接证据

    Little direct evidence of human diet has been found from this time period.


  • 以前研究表明孕妇体重健康状况会影响到胎儿但是研究暗示父亲的健康状况生活方式很重要。

    Studies in the past found that a pregnant woman's body weight and state of health affect her fetus, but this study suggests the father's health and lifestyle may also be important.


  • 比如说英格兰一些具有特殊科学意义的地质遗迹状况以前有所好转,88.4%的地区已处于较好状态或是处在恢复期,而2003年,一比率只有57%。

    "For example, England's Sites of Special Scientific Interest are in better condition than ever at 88.4% in favourable or recovering condition compared with 57% in 2003," it added.


  • 对于冰川世界回应以前的地质时期也出现过相似状况

    For the response of the ice sheets to a still warmer world, older periods in geologic time offer parallels.


  • 研究显示预测未来失业问题最佳工具以前的失业状况

    The best predictor of future unemployment, research shows, is previous unemployment.


  • 研究人员询问病人吸烟状况,如:是否吸烟或者以前曾经吸烟,开始吸烟年龄每天吸烟的数量,如果以前吸烟,那么多大年龄戒烟了。

    Current or former smokers were asked the age at which they started smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked a day.


  • 同一另一个地区以前Appian筑路公司修筑的66公路的现在依然状况良好

    In another part of the state, a section of Route 66, paved by Appian Roadways more than four years ago, is still in good condition.


  • 几年以前考虑退休因为当时由于一些原因我的状况不好

    A couple of years ago, I was thinking about retirement because I did not feel well for certain reasons.


  • 企业以前年度分配利润,并入年度利润,在充分考虑现金流量状况,向投资者分配。

    The profits not distributed in the previous year shall be merged into those of this year and be distributed to the investors after sufficiently considering the cash flow status.


  • ,他支持这个要求卫生计划不是否定以前存在卫生状况的(相对不足)覆盖面。

    He also said he supports a requirement that health plans not reject coverage based on preexisting medical conditions.


  • 然而没有完全脱离困境那会发生2010年下半年的某个时间七月以后,你的状况肯定会以前变的更好

    While you won't be completely out of the woods yet - that will happen sometime in the second half of 2010, after July - you are certainly in better shape than you were.


  • 由于加入更多使用简便图标安卓以前依靠菜单完成任务状况得以好转,无论打开什么程序,用户界面都有较大改善。

    Android's former annoying reliance on menus to perform tasks is reduced with the inclusion of more user-friendly ICONS, and these dynamically change according to whatever program is opened.


  • 新陈代谢先天缺陷普遍出现30以前个体发病状况。额颞叶痴呆普遍出现在35以后发生痴呆症的患者中。

    Inborn errors of metabolism were more common in individuals with symptoms appearing before age 30. Neurodegenerative causes were more common in dementias occurring after age 35.


  • 节俭很有帮助尤其是世界经济状况而且以前更难赚钱了。

    Being thrifty is of great help, especially when the economic status around the world is not very good and it becomes harder to earn money than before.


  • 随着人类活动不断向地球空间拓展,人们变得比以前任何时候关心空间环境状况

    When mankind extend their activity into the space, people pay more attention to the space environment than any other time before.


  • 不管怎么形容这里正在发生的事情——繁荣泡沫或者大量资金流入技术(以前称为“”技术,现在“新”字可以省略),这座城市现实状况因此而提升。

    Whatever you call what is happening - a boom, a bubble or a flood of money into what was known as new technology before the "new" became redundant - has augmented the city's reality.


  • 韩国以前监管体系市场运作中国当前状况相似。

    Korea's former regulatory regime and market practices were similar to those currently existing in China.


  • 由于全球变暖大堡礁过去18年来第三出现大规模珊瑚白化现象目前状况我们以前所了解的更为极端”。

    This year is the third time in 18 years that the Great Barrier Reef has experienced mass bleaching due to global warming, and the current event is much more extreme than we've measured before.


  • 由于全球变暖大堡礁过去18年来第三出现大规模珊瑚白化现象目前状况我们以前所了解的更为极端”。

    This year is the third time in 18 years that the Great Barrier Reef has experienced mass bleaching due to global warming, and the current event is much more extreme than we've measured before.


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