• 这场变革涉及到集约化商业化农业以及以前种植作物土地种植动物饲料

    The revolution involved intensive commercial farming and the growing of animal fodder on land not previously used for crops.


  • 这里技术带来一个好处就是可以延长手机寿命因为手机不用以前那样频繁使用自己CPU了。

    One of the major benefits of this technology is its ability to extend a phone's battery life since the phone no longer needs to use its CPU as much as before.


  • 一瓶400毫升屈臣氏会花掉块钱但是以前学校不用付费,”唐慧婷

    "A 400 ml bottle of Watsons water costs me two yuan, but I did not need to pay for the water on campus [in the past], " said Tang.


  • 警官们乘着警车在街区巡逻,不用以前那样躲老旧笨拙陆虎装甲车里了。

    Officers now cruise neighbourhoods in squad cars more often than in the elderly, lumbering armoured Land Rovers they once used.


  • 任何IBMCognos可以用作这个EventStudio代理包,因为以前创建存储过程不用这个代理

    Any IBM Cognos package can be used as a source package for this Event Studio agent since the stored procedures created earlier are not used in this agent.


  • 支持异步处理后,Servlet线程不用以前那样——收到来自资源响应之后才能继续处理请求。

    With the asynchronous processing support, a servlet no longer has to wait for a response from a resource such as a database before its thread can continue processing.


  • 声明式配置基本上不用修改现有代码(除了以前状态Spring应用,现在需要变成状态)。

    Declarative configuration with almost no changes to existing code (except where Spring applications are explicitly stateless and need to instead become stateful).


  • 但是眼下这种规模行动从未以前尝试过,没有人知道在何时产生效果——更不用它将会有多大的作用。

    Yet action on the current scale has never been tried before and nobody knows when it will have an effectlet alone how much difference it will make.


  • 要是也能转头回家……发现祖父以前一样健康……也就不用穿过这么丑恶地方了。

    If only she could turn and go home too... and find Grandfather well again... instead of her having to walk on through this ugly place...


  • 那样用户可以按下向上箭头以得到以前输入不用再重新敲击输入。

    That way, the user can press Up Arrow and grab the old inputs instead of having to retype them.


  • 它们基本上给了所有以前工作渴望的东西。。。一份不错薪水管理层位置不用经常出差等等

    They basically offered me everything I had yearned for when I was employed there… a damn good salary, a management position, less travel, etc.


  • 很久以前可能道理,因为不用付给新娘父母礼金,也用不着每年他们感恩节共进晚餐了。

    Long ago this probably made a lot sense, as it helped you avoid buying the bride off the parents or having Thanksgiving dinner with them every year.


  • 爱丽丝以前见过不会不用说像你这样老着嘴笑的。

    Alice: All the cats I've seen never smile, much less grin so much!


  • 以前诺教徒不用交税他们开办自己的学校,拥有自己的警察

    The Mennonites, who until recently paid no taxes, run their own schools and police.


  • 只要关注那些站点有趣特性好了,不用再重复那些你以前已经重复百万次的CSS代码了。

    You are left to focus on what is unique and interesting about the specific site you're working on, rather than writing the same CSS you've written a million times before.


  • 希望我更早以前开始了如果那样的话,我也不用二十

    I wish I'd started sooner.Maybe if I had, I wouldn't have been in debt for twenty years!


  • 希望更早以前开始了如果那样的话,我也不用欠了二十

    I wish I'd started sooner. Maybe if I had, I wouldn't have been in debt for twenty years!


  • 最后演示如何使用以前别人—比如个测试人员—建立的IntelliTrace记录文件调试一个应用程序,不用运行应用程序重现错误

    Finally, I'll show how to use a previously recorded IntelliTrace file that was created by someone else-a tester-to debug an application, without having to run the application to reproduce the error.


  • 可以指定服务类型不用自定义Web服务代码,也不用重新编译以前应用程序

    You can specify the type of service without customizing code for the Web service and without recompiling the legacy application.


  • 对于新的类型来说,的确可以添加dispatch .on通用函数签名不用修改以前代码

    It is true enough that dispatch.on generic function signatures for new types can be added without changing the prior code.


  • 以前的男人们茹毛饮血荒野野兽争食,那些不用劳动得来作为饭。

    Nascent men before, in the wilderness with wild animals fighting over food, to those who do not have to work the rice known as soft rice.


  • 笔者以前曾多次使用这种方法非常有效当然现在不用了,直接一个稍高pr网站首页个链接OK

    Several previous occasions the author using this method, very effective, of course, now no need, directly in a higher pr website link on the home to be OK.


  • 而且后来大学早就过了四六级了,听说第一考过以前都很努力学英语的,当然专业课不用说了。

    She has read tons of professional English books, most of which are original compositions. It was also said by her that she was one of the first group of students who passed the CET4 and CET6.


  • 继承一种方法通过它,对象可以访问以前精确定义过的类中的成员变量函数不用重新声明那些定义

    Inheritance is the means by which objects of a class can access member variables and functions contained in previously defined class, without having to restate those definitions.


  • 不用担心,小孩以前都是这样的,是因为消化系统没有发育成熟

    Do not worry, my kids are like before, it is because his digestive system has not yet fully mature.


  • 不用担心以前主题依然存在

    Don't worry, your old theme will still be there.


  • 由于奥多姆出任前锋,这湖人增加前场高度创造更多的再起的机会。更不用以前一直有的创造得分机会的能力了。

    Odom at small forward gives the Lakers a taller front line and creates more post-up situations for him. Not to mention his ever-present playmaking ability.


  • 现在这里一切以前一样不用担心

    Things here are the same now as they were before. Don't worry about me.


  • 现在这里一切以前一样不用担心

    Things here are the same now as they were before. Don't worry about me.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定