• 格利泽 581c被确认另一个超级地球”,科学家2007年首次发现它时候一度以为它有条件承载生命

    When scientists first discovered Gliese 581 c, another confirmed super-Earth, in 2007, they thought the planet was, just possibly, capable of hosting life.


  • 既然条件可以采取一些办法获取,我可之而努力;他的爱母爱一样,并没有越出控制力

    Since his love is conditional, I can do something to acquire it, I can work for it; his love is not outside of my control as motherly love is.


  • 支持真相的说出,使用以上陈诉的方法创造条件

    So in order to encourage truth-telling, use the above methods to create the conditions.


  • 以为菲律宾创业同想象的在硅谷创业一样,然而菲律宾所有舒适有利条件里面剥离开来。

    Being a startup in the Philippines is just like what I imagine a startup in Silicon Valley would be like except you get all the comforts and advantages stripped away.


  • 管理员现在活动传出链接提供转换条件迫使流程沿着所选分支运行

    Administrators can now provide transition condition values for outgoing links of an activity, to force the process down the chosen branch.


  • 凭借条件我们某些可能发生的事情注册处理器

    Conditions allow you to register handlers for something that can happen.


  • 什么不无条件的内战承认美国已经不可救药失败,并同意现在离开时候了,伊拉克独自的解决一切呢?

    So why not call it a civil war without qualification, admit that America has failed beyond redemption, agree that it is time to go, and let Iraqis fight it out on their own?


  • 根据经验工人最大的压力来自人际情绪困扰工厂内部工作条件,(这样的工作条件)工人们已经以为并觉得理所当然了。

    In my experience, the greatest pressure on workers comes from interpersonal and emotional concerns rather than conditions inside the factory, which workers tend to take for granted.


  • MPS适合用来创建DSL,因为它任意语言实现定制的语言编辑器其他约束条件

    MPS is also useful in creating DSLs where you can define custom language editors and other constraints for any new language.


  • 我们历史角度看待过去,我们以为自己理解也就是说自己放在历史的条件下,重新构建历史的视角

    We think we understand when we see the past from a historical standpoint, i.e., place ourselves in the historical situation and seek to reconstruct the historical horizon.


  • 通过运用内容管理软件过滤器搜索引擎他们雇主找寻符合条件员工。

    Utilizing content manager software and search engine with selection filters, they are able to match the requirements of the job search assignment they received from employers.


  • 稳定气候条件使这里的环境四季如春,硕果累累,动物们提供充足食物

    The steady climate means fruit and flowers are always available, providing plenty of food for animals.


  • 忽略一般思想哲学上反思区别常会引起一种误会:误以为类的反思是我们达到永恒达到真理的主要条件,甚至是唯一途径。

    The neglect of this distinction between thought in general and the reflective thought of philosophy has also led to another and more frequent misunderstanding.


  • 许多西欧国家希望梅德韦杰夫上任双边关系基础改善创造条件

    Many west European countries also hope that the arrival of Dmitry Medvedev as Russian president could be a chance to put their relationship on a friendlier footing.


  • 如果客户尊重你的付出而且表示满意,这样的客人提供更多的优惠条件

    Give more service to customers who like and respect what you're already doing.


  • 某种程度上我们所得出的这一合乎条件的乐观以为公正数据证实的。

    To some extent, our qualified optimism is borne out by impartial data.


  • 艾滋病病毒的防治具有潜在的互利效应:预防艾滋病病毒可以使治疗更加能够承受治疗可进一步推动艾滋病病毒的预防创造重要条件

    HIV prevention and treatment have potential reciprocal benefits: HIV prevention makes treatment more affordable, and treatment creates important opportunities for enhanced HIV prevention.


  • 经过这些理解以为具有成为优秀解说员条件

    Through these know I think I have become outstanding commentator conditions.


  • 不要似乎强加,不要试图去强加,把高尚纯真有时候被称作正义,你自以为的高尚纯真强加到管理国家的,必要条件上去因为导致毁灭

    Don't seem to impose, don't seek to impose your own high-minded innocence, sometimes called justice, your own high-minded innocence on the requirements of statecraft because it will only lead to ruin.


  • 它们不会解决所有社会问题它们更可预期的更舒适的生活创造条件---所有这些措施就是为参加工作接受教育的年轻人提供后续的报偿

    They would hardly solve all of society’s problems, but they would create the conditions for more-predictable and more-comfortable lives—all harnessed to continuing rewards for work and education.


  • 这些早期症状往往非常温和的,所以容易以为他们另一项条件感冒发烧

    These early symptoms are often very mild, so it is easy to mistake them for another condition, such as a cold, or glandular fever.


  • 通过检查调整起重机正常运行提供条件

    Through inspection and adjustment, can provide the normal operation of the crane conditions.


  • 服务清单:在这一部分你的潜在客户介绍以为他们什么提供了什么优惠条件

    A list of services: Here, tell prospects what you do or offer.


  • 直到一刻,以为一个邻居或者是熟人这里东西,可是这样交换条件意识到我们正在被打劫

    Until then, I thought the man was a neighbor or acquaintance here to borrow a utensil, but the exchange made me realize we were in the middle of a home invasion.


  • 也许需要太多物质的条件也许需要条件多么优秀只要你可他们梦想提供一个温暖土壤

    Maybe you don't need too muchmaterial, it may not be your condition is how excellent, as long as you can provide a warm soil for their dreams.


  • 大家看来,要把成功金钱一起是需要一定条件信念放弃相当可观的薪水似乎有些愚蠢

    So conditioned are most of us to association of success with money that the thought of giving up a good salary for an idea seemed little short of insane.


  • 通过后期巷道揭露资料验证了该方法有效性巷道安全掘进提供可靠地质条件预测参数

    It has been proved effective by late data on mine working disclosure and may provide reliable geological conditions forecast parameters for mine working development in a safe way.


  • 使得NASA大型运输航天飞机创造运行条件小时1,440公里跨音速飞行

    It enables NASA to create the operating conditions for large transport aircraft flying at transonic speeds of up to 1,440 kilometers per hour.


  • 以为客观条件变化不是人为的力量可以控制的;

    I just think that the operations of most world affairs are beyond our intervention and the change of objective conditions are out of our control.


  • 以为客观条件变化不是人为的力量可以控制的;

    I just think that the operations of most world affairs are beyond our intervention and the change of objective conditions are out of our control.


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