• 可能会希腊爱尔兰努力减少预算赤字时,本身已经脆弱计算结果变得更加难以处理。

    That could complicate the already fragile calculations of Greece, Ireland and others as they try to rein in budget deficits.


  • 际刑警组织甚至收到一个成员要求发出通缉逮捕

    A member country of the Interpol has once requested the Interpol to issue a warrant for His arrest.


  • 这次注资众人确信阿布扎比不会对阿拉伯联合酋长第二大成员滑铁卢坐视不理

    The bail-out confirmed everyone's assumption that Abu Dhabi would not let the second-biggest member of the UAE fail.


  • 货币货币估值这重要手段控制权交出去的前景欧共体成员甚感气馁。

    The prospect of denationalizing currency and surrendering control over a fundamental tool of statecraft — currency valuation — was daunting to the member states of the European Community (ec).


  • 尽管还是预期数据汽车销售量数据许多观察家宣称2009超越成为世界第一汽车市场。

    Statistics on car sales in China led many observers to declare 2009 as the year the country overtook America as the world's largest car-market, though the data came with caveats.


  • 然而遭受重挫欧元区所面临诸多困难似乎不能主要来自东欧大量申请推迟尝试加入欧盟

    Yet all the current troubles of the hardest-hit euro-zone countries do not seem to have put off a raft of applicants, mostly in eastern Europe, from trying to join the club.


  • 欧盟(EU)成员身份爱尔兰波罗的海家提供一些保护它们免受压力不能解决所有问题

    Membership of the European Union has provided the Irish and the Balts with some protection from pressure by larger nations, but it cannot solve all problems.


  • “七集团会议今天正式举行,从昨天开始了。”的话日本记者团成员困惑不已。

    "The G7 meetings... which were officially held today... started last night," he told bemused members of the Japanese press corps.


  • 1940年西俄罗斯大约20000名波兰军官其他杰出市民苏联机密警方杀害的惨案长期关系紧张。

    The 1940 massacre of around 20,000 Polish officers and other prominent citizens in western Russia by Soviet secret police has long soured relations between the two countries.


  • 1940年西俄罗斯大约20000名波兰军官其他杰出市民苏联机密警方杀害的惨案长期关系紧张。

    The 1940 massacre of around 20, 000 Polish officers and other prominent citizens in western Russia by Soviet secret police has long soured relations between the two countries.


  • 电网能为99%人口提供电力这点上印度相形见绌能源(International Energy Agency,简称IEA)不久前警告说,中供电中断的风险依然存在

    China has outshone countries such as India in connecting 99% of its population to the national electricity grid, but the risk of blackouts remains, the International Energy Agency recently warned.


  • 工资成本上涨过快的时候,已然不能通过本币贬值来重获失去竞争力

    When a country's wage costs rise too quickly, it can no longer recover lost competitiveness through a lower exchange rate.


  • 大规模的采购出口相当受益包括最大两个出口智利秘鲁

    The surge in copper buying benefits the largest exporting nations, including top producers Chile and Peru.


  • 传承雅致生活馆首款台历--2017月,由此而

    Inheritance of Chinese-style elegant life, the GUOGUAN of the first desk calendar - 2017 month, which was born.


  • 巴勒斯坦已经威胁说如果以色列解除未来可能建立的巴勒斯坦土地建设定居点冻结,他们就要退出和平谈判

    The Palestinians have threatened to abandon the peace talks if Israel lifts a moratorium on building settlements in land the Palestinians want as part of a possible future state.


  • 席卷加拿大页岩勘探和生产热潮天然气价格下跌之后企业正在寻求出口天然气的机会

    U. S. and Canadian companies are exploring opportunities for exporting natural gas after a boom in shale-gas exploration and production across the U. S. and Canada deflated domestic prices.


  • 俄罗斯世界上最大小麦生产之一中东这样地区,少有的小麦禁止可能会使到面包价格上涨

    Russia is one of the world's biggest producers of wheat, barley and rye, and the ban is likely to see bread prices rise in places like the Middle East.


  • 确定性加剧的正在考虑扩大防空识别区、覆盖均宣告主权暗礁,以此回应举动

    Adding to the uncertainties, South Korea is considering responding to China's move by extending its own ADIZ to cover a submerged rock both countries claim.


  • 确定性加剧的正在考虑扩大防空识别区、覆盖均宣告主权暗礁,以此回应举动

    Adding to the uncertainties, South Korea is considering responding to China's move by extending its own ADIZ to cover a submerged rock both countries claim.


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