• 从审美角度满意的雕像可能另一个反感

    A statue which is aesthetically pleasing to one person, however, may be repulsive to another.


  • 这个首先出现九月份一个峰会公报中,法国高兴英国担忧

    This word first appeared in a summit communiqué in September to the delight of France and the concern of Britain.


  • 实践有效地团队能够进行自己过程改进并且它们能够容易地组织。

    This practice effectively empowers teams to do their own process improvement and enables them to self-organize more easily.


  • 颁布王室赦免或者减刑但是通常罪犯监狱服刑后才这样做。

    He is able to grant royal pardons and reduce sentences but usually only after the felon has served time in jail.


  • 比如有些东西尤其男人感到有趣,还有一些只某种文化感到有趣。

    For example, there might be things that appealed particularly to men, or to people from a certain culture.


  • 当然可以显示字符串但是其实我还可以字符串相加,所见到的,我可以字符串相乘你们可以想想答案什么

    OK, I can certainly print out strings, but I can actually add strings together, and just as you saw, I can multiply strings, you can kind of guess what this is going to do.


  • 风险在于如果政策的效果财政借贷银行债务企业存货出现短暂不可持续的增长,那么这些政策只中国转型之更加艰难

    The risk is that China's transition will be made worse by policies whose effect will be to cause a short-term and unsustainable rise in fiscal borrowing, bank debt and corporate inventory.


  • 降低贸易逆差我们需要美国商品更具竞争性,就是说换算成他国货币时,我们需要美元价值降下来

    To get our trade deficit down, however, we need to make American products more competitive, which in practice means that we need the dollar's value to fall in terms of other currencies.


  • 波兰人淡定和从容应该每一个相信和平和解国家感到耻辱,也会那些坚信年轻应做出必要牺牲抚平历史伤痛的国家感到汗颜

    Poland should shame every nation that believes peace and reconciliation are impossible, every state that believes the sacrifice of new generations is needed to avenge the grievances of history.


  • 乔布斯此前接受癌症资料,而近日其过度消瘦的外表也投资者担心外界开始揣测该职位将出现继任人

    Mr Jobs has been treated for cancer in the past and investors were worried by how thin he appeared recently, leading to speculation about a successor.


  • 卫生部位发言人蒂姆·丘奇,州卫生部发对任何室内禁烟修改。华盛顿州美国首批实行室内禁烟之一

    The Health Department opposes any change to the state's indoor smoking ban, one of the nation's first, said Tim Church, a spokesman for the agency.


  • 数据匮乏可能的买家遇到花言巧语的推销时上当,也开发商自己无从了解供大于求程度

    The lack of data leaves prospective buyers at loss when faced with a hard sell from buyers -- and may keep the developers, themselves, from sensing the extent of their overbuilding.


  • 风格网站访客迷惑用户网站钱的公司受害。如果设计师不是从“这个网站做给谁用的?”

    When Style is a fetish, sites confuse visitors, hurting users and the companies that paid for the sites.


  • 无力握手对方兴味索然,所以不妨先找一位朋友练习握手,确保别人握手时不会对方骨头生疼,也不会显得软弱无力。

    Weak handshakes turn people off, so practice yours with a friend to make sure it's neither bone-crushing nor wimpy.


  • 教皇星期六颁布该赦召回了被冻结的天主教主教richardWilliamson[理查·威廉森]以及其他隶属庇护协会主教

    The Pope's decree, issued Saturday, brings back into the Catholic Church's fold bishop Richard Williamson and three other bishops who belong to the Society of Saint Pius X.


  • 反而一个6-1费德勒狼狈自从2001年被安德烈·阿加西(Andre Agasii)以6-1击败之后,至今还再没有费天王如此狼狈不堪。

    Instead, he kept flustering Federer, who hadn't lost a 6-1 set at the U.S.Open since a 2001 defeat against Andre Agassi.


  • 乔布斯出现似乎iPad2新品发布显得黯然失色,而且一些有关平板电脑并不会成为替代上代电脑产品的主流升级之作的批评之声有所缓和

    Jobs' appearance threatened to overshadow the iPad 2 launch and may alleviate some criticisms that the tablet computer isn't a major upgrade over the original.


  • 同样真实一切成为可能没有什么可以事物然然,事物的相亦不外真实。

    In the same way reality makes everything possible and yet nothing that makes a thing what it is, its name and form, comes from reality.


  • 绝对相信能力30分钟内拿到适当的搜索但是看到搜索,我不会保险箱打开的。

    I sincerely believe you can get a warrant in 30 minutes, but until I see that warrant I am not opening the safe.


  • 和平我们讲到和平,我们首先我们自己和平然后全世界和平。我们自己和平,便无法世界和平了。

    Peace, we talk about peace, we make ourselves peaceful first, then we make the world peaceful. We cannot make worldwide peace without making ourselves peaceful.


  • 每周都会收到份这样的数据包,通常三四天内下达的批准有时是拒绝

    He gets a set every week and usually returns them with his approvals-or in some cases bounces-in three or four days.


  • SS7则使用带外,即另外的一个物理信道上传送信消息

    SS7 USES out-of-band signaling where signaling messages are carried on a separate physical channel.


  • SS7则使用带外,即另外的一个物理信道上传送信消息

    SS7 USES out-of-band signaling where signaling messages are carried on a separate physical channel.


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