• 每当任何形式身体功能代谢应激变化免疫系统立即发现毛病

    Whenever there are tissues in our body under any form of functional or metabolic stress, the problem will be immediately identified by the immune system.


  • 非酒精性脂肪肝过量饮酒史,遗传-环境-代谢应激相关性疾病,导致肝相关性患病率病死率升高主要原因之一

    Nonalcoholic fatty liver is a kind of disease related to heredity, environment, and metabolism instead of alcohol. It is a major factor increasing the morbidity or mortality of liver-related disease.


  • 它们发现干旱延长时,它们会改变自己新陈代谢它们组织中产生某些应激相关蛋白质其他物质

    When they detect an extended dry period, they divert their metabolisms, producing sugars and certain stress-associated proteins and other materials in their tissues.


  • 模拟老化,把条件相同蜜蜂放在塑胶中,暴露环境进行代谢应激试验

    To simulate aging, the same bees were then placed in plastic tubes and exposed to a high-oxygen environment, a metabolic stress test.


  • 差异表达基因的功能涉及细胞生长增殖调控凋亡、细胞周期应激反应转运代谢酶等方面。

    The expressions of the various genes modulated cell growth and proliferation, apoptosis, cell cycle, stress response, transporters, chaperones, transcription regulation and drug metabolism.


  • 缀合途径参与细胞多种代谢过程包括DNA损伤修复细胞周期调控应激反应

    The ubiquitin-conjugating pathway involves in numerous metabolic processes in cells, including DNA damage repair, cell cycle control, stress responses and so on.


  • 研究者发现这些代谢应激会产生更多象神经酰胺一样特殊脂肪

    The researchers found that these metabolic stresses lead to an upswing in production of a particular kind of fat molecule, known as ceramide.


  • 本试验各指标结果提示断奶应激使仔猪机体代谢水平免疫机能下降

    From the above results, we can have the implication that the body metabolism level and immune function of piglets might be decreased by weaning stressors.


  • 糖尿病由于葡萄糖代谢异常自由基产生过多,导致氧化应激

    Diabetes often has oxidative stress because of overloaded free radicals resulting from abnormal glucose metabolism.


  • 各组织中尿素代谢平衡长期应激趋于稳定这种稳定建立在较高水平基础上。

    The metabolic balance of the creatinine and urea nitrogen tend to be stable in the long-term strere, but the stabilization is in a high level .


  • 这些结果提示具有良好营养状态机体运动应激提高能量代谢活性适应机体的需要缺乏的机体对运动应激不能作出适应性改变。

    These results suggested that the body in good se status could raise the enzyme activity of energy metabolism in exercise to meet the body's need, while the body in poor se condition could not.


  • 结论小鼠衰老可能机体氧化应激状态能量产生蛋白质代谢改变有关

    Conclusions rat aging might be related with the alteration of oxidative stress status, energy production and protein metabolism.


  • 结论应激体外激活仔猪细胞AMPK促进脂质分解代谢产物抑制脂质合成代谢产物生成

    Conclusion: Heat stress activated AMPK activity and enhanced the formation of anabolic products and depressed catabolic products in piglets hepatocytes in vitro.


  • 结论伤后早期肠道营养调节代谢、减轻应激作用明显优于早期静脉营养。

    Conclusions the early enteral nutrition is more effective in reducing hypermetabolism response than the early parenteral nutrition.


  • 人体手术应激反应一系列炎症激素代谢改变特点,它们共同组成了机体的应激反应。

    The human response to surgical stress is characterized by a series of inflammatory, hormonal, and metabolic changes that together constitute the global stress response.


  • 过多负荷有可能加重损伤增加应激水平加剧蛋白质分解代谢

    Excessive glucose burden might aggravate the lung damage, increase the stress level and worsen the protein catabolism.


  • 因此认为重症脑出血患者进行早期外营养支持,不但改善患者应激营养代谢紊乱而且提高临床疗效,减少并发症

    So we think using early PN to severe cerebral hemorrhage patient is not only to improve the stressful metabolic disturbance but to raise curative effect and lower complication.


  • 目的探讨血管紧张受体拮抗剂缬沙坦对链佐菌素诱导的糖尿病大鼠代谢氧化应激胰腺病理结构影响

    Objective to assess the effects of valsartan (an angiotensin receptor blocker, ARB) on glucose metabolism, oxidative stress and pancreatic pathology in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.


  • 近来证据显示自噬提供了一个保护性功能限制肿瘤坏死炎症同时减轻了肿瘤细胞染色体损伤来回应代谢应激

    Recent evidence suggests that autophagy provides a protective function to limit tumour necrosis and inflammation and to mitigate genome damage in tumour cells in response to metabolic stress.


  • 结论敏感儿童血压加压应激反应(交感神经活性)增强,作用与代谢异常有关

    Conclusion Children with salt sensitivity have a remarkably increased blood pressure responses to cold pressor stress (sympathetic activity), which is related with abnormal sodium metabolism.


  • 目的探讨模拟高原低氧应激海马细胞外液单胺及其代谢产物影响

    ObjectiveTo investigate the effect of simulated high-altitude hypoxia stress on extracellular monoamine and its metabolite levels in hippocampus in rat.


  • 术后疲倦综合征病人对外科大手术应激内分泌代谢反应

    Postoperative fatigue syndrome (POFS) is mediated by the endocrine metabolic response to the degree of surgical trauma and stress.


  • 目的比较切口胆囊切除术(MC腹腔镜胆囊切除术(LC创伤应激反应程度差异、代谢改变以及术式特点

    Objective:Compare the degree of trauma stress reaction, metabolic change and operation characters of mini-incision cholecystectomy (MC) and laparoscopic cholecystectomy(LC) .


  • 运动应激可以激活ampk,参与调节骨骼肌葡萄糖代谢脂肪酸氧化等能量代谢过程。

    Exercise can activate AMPK, which regulate the glucose metabolism and fatty oxidation of skelecton cells.


  • UCP2能量消耗代谢密切相关,可能参与酒精性肝病(ALD)发病过程中的氧化应激和脂质过氧化。

    UCP2 is associated with energy expenditure and lipid metabolism. It can take part in the process of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation in the pathogenesis of alcoholic liver disease (ALD).


  • 猪的脂肪代谢主要遗传营养以及环境应激等因素的影响。

    Fat metabolism is mainly affected by heredity, nutrition and environmental stress.


  • 新近研究提示,在基础应激条件下,生长激素胰岛素样生长因子胰岛素样生长因子结合蛋白(GH IGF IGFBP)调节肌肉蛋白质代谢核心作用。

    Recent researches indicate that the GH IGF IGFBP axis plays a crucial part in regulating the metabolism of muscle protein on both basal and stress condition.


  • 目的研究慢性实验应激中国地鼠代谢中枢神经内分泌机制

    Objective To investigate the center neuroendocrine mechanism for the effect of chronic experimental stress on plasma glucose level in Chinese Hamster.


  • 目的研究慢性实验应激中国地鼠代谢中枢神经内分泌机制

    Objective To investigate the center neuroendocrine mechanism for the effect of chronic experimental stress on plasma glucose level in Chinese Hamster.


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