• 麦克来说,将自己知识下去这一信念重要

    The idea of handing down his knowledge from generation to generation is important to McLean.


  • 上世纪30早期福克斯哥伦比亚的工作人员把的姓名写成马里·迈克尔·莫里森决定将错就错,从此无论什么时候记者问及他的姓名,他都说自己叫作马里·迈克尔·莫里森

    Early in the 1930s, when studio biographies at Fox and Columbia mistakenly identified him as Marion Michael Morrison, he decided to go along.


  • 弯曲事情我们已经创造了一个没有上帝方式因此没有法律,因此没有宽恕,并因此完全没有希望

    And the most crooked thing about this generation is that we have created ways of salvation without God and therefore without law and therefore without forgiveness-and therefore utterly without hope.


  • 如果将来天然气价格不断下降以至于开采活动已经无法承受时候,·失去不仅经济基础,同时也丧失部分当地的美景

    And if the price of gas falls so far that drilling becomes unaffordable, Pinedale will not just lose the backbone of its economy. It will have lost some of its natural beauty, too.


  • 但是不管是森林管理局还是公园管理局都无法控制瓶颈处私人领地发生事,无法控制在派·南部土地管理局地块钻井地点发生的事。

    But neither the Forest Service nor the Park Service can control what happens on private land at a bottleneck, nor on Bureau of land Management parcels within the drilling fields south of Pinedale.


  • 虽然这只是好莱坞一个不成熟想法我们很有可能即将会荧幕上看到60 70明星斯蒂夫传记片 虽然有两个与之打擂台作品制作中.

    It's still a twinkle in Hollywood's eye, but the chances are that we'll be seeing a biopic of 60s and 70s star Steve McQueen on the big screen soon, as two rival projects are said to be in the works.


  • 女士第一巴勒斯坦车手有着比赛经验

    Ms. Ennab is one of the first Palestinian women drivers, with seven years' racing experience.


  • 告示牌上还有引自奥德·伊瓦尔·路德说过的话,最后捕猎者七十年居住屋里,现在小屋门有一块木板刻着他的名字

    There is also a quote by Odd Ivar Ruud, the last trapper to live in the hut in Hornsund in the Seventies, and whose name is carved on a wooden board above its door.


  • 这只名为"露露"的小狗3个月出生,当时它的主人·廷并未发现什么特别之处。

    When tiny pup Lulu was born 3 months ago, her owner Jean Tindall didn't think there was anything remarkable about her.


  • 1104年,另外一位年史编撰者——达拉谟西米——记录了为教堂重新将卡斯波特埋葬而如何棺材打开的过程。

    In 1104 another chronicler, Simeon of Durham, records how Cuthbert’s coffin was opened in preparation for formal reinterment in a new church, the precursor of Durham cathedral.


  • 随着钻孔机油井工人到来,派·命运怀俄明州其他盛产石油和天然气的地区一起,在瞬间被改变了

    Then the drillers and roughnecks arrived and the fate of Pinedale, together with other oil - and gas-rich parts of Wyoming, abruptly changed.


  • 2009年9月澳大利亚城市成为世界上第一彻底禁止瓶装水上的城市,喷泉式饮水机

    In September 2009, the Australian city of Bundanoon became the first city in the world to completely ban bottled water from its stores' shelves, installing water fountains instead.


  • 茨外出作生意归来很快开始怀疑这个甜言蜜语的新朋友密探阻止踏上恐怖

    Returning from a business trip, Pointz quickly came to suspect that the oily newcomer was a spy. But he failed to prevent his translator friend walking into a horrible trap.


  • 独具个性魅力让誉为新一的凯特·莫斯”。

    With her own charismatic personality, Deyn has often been touted as the "new Kate Moss".


  • 尔南面台地怀俄明州繁忙的一块区域,四周散布着泥泞的道路坑坑洼洼地分布着一些井眼钻孔设备。

    On a mesa south of Pinedale, Wyoming's busiest field is laced with dirt roads and pock-marked with well-heads and drilling rigs.


  • 说:“下一太空望远镜必将变得更为庞大。”

    "The next-generation space telescope will have to be significantly bigger," says Dr Bar-Cohen.


  • 这套四本书书集包括经典爱情诗集情歌集、情书友谊诗集,出自约翰·多和约翰·厄普克等作家之手

    Anthologies of classic love poems, love songs and letters, and poems on friendship-include works by writers that range from John Donne to John Updike.


  • 上世纪50,一对白人夫妇下了一个黑人女儿

    Laing was a black child born in the 1950s to a white Afrikaner couple.


  • 虽然这种携统治通常十分严酷特别是20世纪30、40战争时期不是大陆那种明显的暴行

    While that rule waspatronizing and often harsh, particularly during the war years of the 1930s and 1940s, it was notmarked by the brutality seen on themainland.


  • 这种意义上讲福德的《技术文明吉·的《机械化指挥一切》三十化。

    In this sense, Mumford's Technics and Civilization is a more 1930s book than Geidions' Mechanization Takes Command.


  • 由于盟军破译工作保持机密直至1970尼格玛密码用于一些国家——包括西班牙佛朗哥(Franco )——直到1950年

    Because the Allied codebreaking effort remained secret until the 1970s, Enigma machines were still used by some countriesincluding the Franco government in Spainuntil the 1950s.


  • 布赖•凯鹏(BrianCapon)上个世纪七十米兰银行英国分行助理经理心境能影响人们作出财务决定方式

    Brian Capon, who in the 1970s was assistant manager at Midland bank branches in the UK says state of mind affects the way people approach financial decisions.


  • 计划穷人老人医疗补贴减至20世纪60以来最低水平

    Ryan's plan cuts medical benefits for the poor and elderly to the lowest level since the early 1960s.


  • 解释什么是摇摆伦敦(60年英国文化趋势的总称),玛丽特(Mary Quant)还有披头士(the Beatles),还的说明为什么这些会给社会带来影响。

    You need to explain swinging London, Mary Quant, the Beatles and why these people made a difference.If you don't explain, they're just clothes.


  • 作家托马斯.T.哈蒙德(Thomas T. Hammond)摄影师.康吉60中期深入苏联,深度报道了莫斯科城市生活

    The capital city is profiled in depth by writer Thomas T. Hammond, with photographs by Dean Conger that illustrate urban life in the Soviet Union of the mid-1960s.


  • ,自己上世纪60一部名叫《千错错还不错》的电影,之后开始鳄鱼着迷

    Explaining her fascination with the creatures, Vicki said: "I watched a movie called 'An Alligator Named Daisy' back in the 1960s and from then on I was hooked."


  • 几年,怀俄明州的Pinedale(派尔)就已经注定成为富人们一个夏季避暑胜地。

    A FEW years ago, Pinedale seemed destined to become a summer retreat for the rich.


  • ·米切尔·巴斯奎特是80纽约名著名的街头涂鸦艺术家

    Jean-MichelBasquiat was a graffiti artist on the 1980s New York art scene.


  • ·米切尔·巴斯奎特是80纽约名著名的街头涂鸦艺术家

    Jean-MichelBasquiat was a graffiti artist on the 1980s New York art scene.


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