• 很多20世纪90年广受欢迎电视节目一样,很多周边产品也随之涌现

    Like many of the popular TV shows during the 1990's there was a lot of merchandise released off the back of the show。


  • 二氧化氯混合消毒剂广高效消毒剂,消毒能力是次氯3 ~5

    ClO 2 mixed disinfectant is a new broad spectrum high effect disinfectant. The ability of disinfect is 3 ~ 5times as much as ClO - 's.


  • 这种经常被比喻蜘蛛网结构作为一种可以缓和传统买卖双方对立关系的形式,1990广受欢迎。

    The structure, frequently likened to a spider's web, was much admired in the 1990s as a way to defuse the traditionally adversarial relationship between buyer and supplier.


  • 但是白酒海外广受欢迎吗?国外的餐桌上白酒实在普通的多,这对于他想进军的第二第三顾客的确还很难说。

    But will baijiu be a hit abroad, where it is much less common at banquet tables and with the second - and third-generation customers that Diageo is targeting in its overseas expansion?


  • 弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫,《阿》、《佩宁》、《微暗的引人犯罪的超级畅销书《莉塔》的广受赞誉作者他的富于想像力的写作技巧持续折磨着又一的读者。

    Vladimir Nabokov, the acclaimed author of Ada, Pnin, Pale Fire and that transgressive bestseller Lolita, is a writer whose imaginative mastery continues to torment successive generations.


  • 数码音乐自从90出现以来就广粉丝们追捧但是在线音乐公司投资者没有赚到什么钱

    Since it emerged in the 1990s, digital music has been hugely popular with fans, but for online music companies and their investors it has almost never been profitable.


  • 19世纪30受过教育的年轻人圈子中有一个广受喜爱做法,就是人们会故意单词缩写这些词,然后互相交谈中把这些缩写当作俚语使用

    During the late 1830s, it was a favorite practice among younger, educated circles to misspell words intentionally, then abbreviate them and use them as slang when talking to one another.


  • 腾冲新生火山分布具有数量面积广类型全、活动具有多性等特征

    The volcanoes in Cenozoic Era of Tengchong have features of large number, wide area, multi types, multi periods of activities.


  • 第三诺酮类药物,即氟喹诺酮类药物,具有抗菌广、抗菌作用作用迅速副作用优点

    F-quinolones, as the third generation of quinolones, have many advantages such as broad antimicrobial spectrum, strong and fast antimicrobial effects and a few side-effects.


  • 掷飞长久以来都是广新斯科舍省伐木工人欢迎的消遣娱乐活动。 达伦•哈德森谢尔一家锯木厂的第五经营者,他决定飞斧运动推广大众

    Axe-throwing has long been a popular pastime among lumberjacks in Nova Scotia, and Darren Hudson, a fifth-generation sawmill operator from Shelburne County, decided to bring it to the masses.


  • 中国文学史上,杂剧颗璀璨明星内容广数量之多,堪称文学古希腊悲剧印度并肩。

    In Chinese ancient literature history, Yuan drama is a shining star, its content, the number of large, called the generation of literature, as the ancient Greek tragedies, India brahman drama.


  • 二十世纪九十中后期以来点式玻璃幕墙我国运用越来越广

    Since the later period of 1990s, the spot connecting glass curtain wall has been utilized more and more widely in our country.


  • 自80兴起的框架研究近年国外广重视研究媒体报道建立一个典范

    Framing analysis, which came into being in 1980s, has been taken seriously in recent years, and it sets up a new research paradigm for studying media reports.


  • 沙滩排球于1996年亚特兰大奥运会首次亮相,早在五十年就已经是广受欢迎竞技项目了。

    Beach volleyball made its debut in Atlanta in 1996, but its popularity as a competitive sport began in the 1950s.


  • 广是孔子第七十孙,中叶有名经学家、音韵学数学家

    Kong Guangsen, a descendant of Confucian of the 70th generation, was a noted scholar in the study of Confucian classics, a phonologist and a mathematician in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.


  • 广是孔子第七十孙,中叶有名经学家、音韵学数学家

    Kong Guangsen, a descendant of Confucian of the 70th generation, was a noted scholar in the study of Confucian classics, a phonologist and a mathematician in the middle of the Qing Dynasty.


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