• 纳修先生BBH在20世纪90经济泡沫时所提倡思考20分钟”。

    It is a move that BBHthought about for 20 minutes” during the froth of the late 1990s, says Mr Donahue.


  • 经历上世纪90“大文学现象”——例如大卫•福斯特华莱士的《可笑至极》里奥的《地下世界》——小说的一切又转向了追求离奇和独特。

    After the literary megafauna of the 1990slike David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest and Don DeLillo's Underworld — the novels of the aughts embraced quirkiness and uniqueness.


  • 哈米西·麦克是一位于二十世纪九十派遣印度德里的澳洲记者,他1998年就发表第一关于阿姆·巴尼的著作,书名为《纤维王子》。

    Hamish McDonald, an Australian journalist who was posted to Delhi in the 1990s, brought out his first book on Ambani, "the Polyester Prince", in 1998.


  • 成立麦克飞机1939年1960初以来大量努力投入直升机技术

    From the founding of McDonnell Aircraft in 1939 into the early 1960s, substantial effort was invested in helicopter technology.


  • 表示之后非常担心传统北京工艺品极近消逝的边缘

    Five generations later, Tang says she's worried that traditional Beijing crafts are on the edge of extinction.


  • 二者异、异中有同错落交叠状构成了龙朔宫廷诗坛实际状况,又以其审美趣味价值内涵宫廷诗风的流变乃至一”的形成产生深远的影响

    Both formed reality of poetry of Longshuo Palace, each of which has great influenced on both change of poetry style of the early Tang Dynasty and formation of "Tang Accent".


  • 音乐舞蹈审美形态丰富多样的,在审美上有着极高的成就。

    The aesthetic form of the music and dance in Tang Dynasty is of variety and of great significance.


  • 文学发展壮大时期,而王朝则是咏菊文学的巅峰时期、骄傲时期。

    Chrysanthemum literature was well developed in Tang Dynasty and reached its peak in Song Dynasty with a mount of proud works.


  • 散文嘉庆年间在内府基础上文》一书,成为研治文史学者的一部不可或缺的文献汇编。

    Has a Tang generation of prose, in Qing Dynasty jiaqing year in imperial storehouse old Tibet "Donovan" in the foundation edits is "Entire Donovan" a book.


  • 李白作为伟大浪漫主义诗人一生创作了诗歌。

    As a most famous romantic poem in Tang Dynasty, li BAI created nearly thousands of poems in his whole life.


  • 无相戒法倡导,使得宗禅会昌法难离乱开出抖落陈规、自由自在寻求人生安立解脱的新路。

    The Wuxiang enabled Southern Zen Buddhism to create a new way to find human peace and in a new and free manner after the Huichang Calamity and the tumult of the late Tang and the subsequent Five Eras.


  • 一章分析何逊诗歌文人影响尤其是名句后人的影响。

    The chapter analyses the influence of he Xun's poems to Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties, especially the impact on descendant of his chants the plum blossom poem and well-known phrase.


  • 相似文人命运使文人首先确立了杜诗诗史地位效仿之创作大量现实主义作品

    Scholars with similar destinies in the late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties established DU Fu s status as a poet of epics and created a great many realistic literary works by imitation.


  • 其后清等

    This was followed by the Han, Sui, Tang, the Five dynasties, Song, Liao, Kin, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties.


  • 但是到了时期由于中原纷乱这种通贡模式发生很大的变化呈现出了错综复杂状态

    However, in the Late Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynasties, because the Central Plains confusion, this Tributary system took place great changes, showing a complex state.


  • 5070年一个杰出趋势交易者,他多年取得很好的业绩:他叫理查德·奇安

    From the 1950s into the 1970s, there was one preeminent trend trader with years of positive performance: Richard Donchian.


  • 明清文献中,王慎中顺之归有光属于同一流派然而一流派的称谓,却没有明确的表述。

    In the literature of Ming and Qing dynasties, Wang Shenzhong, Tang Shunzhi and Gui Youguang belong to the same school. However, there is no explicit designation for this school.


  • 克里斯多弗·哥伦布可可豆当作奇物带回欧洲不过只有到了西班牙占领墨西哥之后这种饮料1520·科特斯引进西班牙

    Christopher Columbus bought back some cocoa beans to Europe as a curiosity, but it was only after the Spaniards conquered Mexico that Don Cortez introduced the drink to Spain in the 1520s.


  • 最后本文敦煌宝库所保存的以后文殊资料为例,根据宋、元、明、清各文殊信仰流传情况说明文殊信仰历史上影响

    Finally, it shows the historical influence of Manjusri belief in Tang dynasty with the data on Dun Huang Grotto and about the spreading situation in later ages.


  • 敦煌俗文学作品研究、五汉语词汇语法重要资料

    The language of Dun Huang Vulgar literature is one of the most important material for vocabulary and grammar research.


  • 魏晋山川内在方式不时开展与完美。

    Since the beginning of the Han through Tang Wei Yuan for five generations the meaning and form of landscape painting in the continuous development and improvement.


  • 第三具体分析个性化笔墨清和现时期不同体现以及造成的原因影响

    Chapter III of the specific personality of the ink in the Tang, the Five Dynasties, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing period is a concrete manifestation of the past as well as its causes and effects.


  • 童子汉魏南北朝时期“童子郎”、“童子奉车郎”、“童子”等名号有着直接的渊源关系童子科是科举制度下的一个小科目,面向的对象为十二岁以下的儿童

    The childrens section of imperial examination in the Tang Dynasty was related in its sources with those offices in charge of examination in the Han, the Wei and the Northwern and Southern Dynasties.


  • 童子汉魏南北朝时期“童子郎”、“童子奉车郎”、“童子”等名号有着直接的渊源关系童子科是科举制度下的一个小科目,面向的对象为十二岁以下的儿童

    The childrens section of imperial examination in the Tang Dynasty was related in its sources with those offices in charge of examination in the Han, the Wei and the Northwern and Southern Dynasties.


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