• 70年中期的夏天,我在家里投篮、打棒球或投橄榄球,为我将来成为橄榄球队的四分做准备。

    Summers in the mid-70s were spent at home shooting baskets, hitting a baseball, or throwing a football, preparing for my future as a quarterback on a football team.


  • 事关重大-个人,对组织及其众多伙伴,对全世界当然也对今后儿童都是这样。

    Much is at stake - for me personally, for WHO and its multiple partners, for the world, and, of course, for all future generations of children.


  • 组织促进全球药品安全工作,是通过国际药品监测规划来实现的。规划始于1960

    WHO promotes global drug safety through its International drug Monitoring Programme, which began in the 1960s.


  • 二十世纪七十,世组织秘书处终于开始寻求纵向(单一疾病)规划横向(系统)措施之间平衡

    In the 1970s, WHO's Secretariat at last began to search for a balance between the vertical (single disease) programmes and the horizontal (health systems) approach.


  • 组织20世纪70儿童生长标准制定之前,世组织一直建议使用美国国家健康统计中心生长参考

    A: Before the Child growth Standards were developed, WHO had been recommending the use of the us National Center for Health Statistics growth references since the late 1970s.


  • 组织20世纪70(1968- 1977)正式历史于2008年出版,作为涵盖世界组织两个10年现有正式出版物的续篇

    The official history of WHO in the 1970s (1968-1977), to be published in 2008, will sequel the existing official volumes that cover the first two decades of the World Health Organization.


  • 组织制定新的标准10的时间,此前的标准是20世纪70年制定

    It took WHO almost 10 years to develop the new standards, the previous ones having been in existence since the 1970s. 1970s.


  • 贾斯汀麦柯里还说,这20世纪70年加州相遇的夫妇似乎婚姻生活美满。

    The Guardian’s Justin McCurry adds that the couple, who met when both lived in California in the 1970s, seem quite happily married.


  • 二十世纪九十中,组织估计全球患病人数为250万人,其中46万病例

    In the 1990s, WHO estimated global prevalence at 2.5 million, of which 460 000 were new cases.


  • 20世纪80被摒弃的世组织疟疾国家认证程序2004年得以恢复。

    WHO procedures for certifying a country as malaria-free, abandoned in the 1980s, were reinstated in 2004.


  • 1950世界上有5000患雅直至世界生组织(世组织)儿童基金会结成伙伴关系,制定消灭雅司病的大规模全球控制规划

    In the 1950s, more than 50 million people worldwide were afflicted by the disease until WHO, in partnership with UNICEF, established a massive global control programme to eliminate it.


  • 报的律师杰弗-罗宾逊QC20世界70丹宁国王就已规定议会无论遭到何种评论“都可以报纸上公布于众,不必惧怕蔑视议会指责。

    The media lawyer Geoffrey Robertson QC said Lord Denning ruled in the 1970s that "whatever comments are made in parliament" can be reported in newspapers without fear of contempt.


  • 这个价钱已经当初已经算压到了底发行量也因此最初的1000份飙升19世纪20中期的3000份。

    This was the severest of pay walls, and the initial circulation was just 1,000, soaring to 3,000 by the mid-1820s.


  • :世界组织20世纪5060年期间开展消灭疟疾运动以失败告终,30年后的今天,盖茨基金会为何重提一目标,世组织又为何表示支持呢?

    Q: The WHO malaria eradication campaign of the 1950s and 1960s failed, so why did the Gates Foundation resurrect that goal 30 years later and why did WHO endorse it?


  • 》曾借此支持哈利波特系列电影的英国演员,打出了这样的字样:“鲁珀特·格林特,莱昂纳多迪卡普里奥?”

    The Guardian threw its weight behind a Brit in Harry Potter, asking: “Is Rupert Grint the new Leonardo DiCaprio?”


  • 我们等待约翰萨克合作新片《谍海风云》,和金凯瑞合作的喜剧片筹备中,当然还有大师王家下部电影《一宗师》中的角色。

    We wait for the release of "Shanghai" with John Cusack, a project with Jim Carrey is still in discussion, just like "The Grand Master", the next film by the master Wong Kar Wai.


  • 电影宗师》著名导演王家指导,讲述了武学大师一生传奇故事

    TheGrand Masters is a Kung Fu movie, directed by the famous director Karwai Wong, representing the legend life of Kung Fu master, Ye Wen.


  • 电影《宗师》著名导演王家指导,讲述了武学大师一生传奇故事

    The Grand Masters is a Kung Fu movie, directed by the famous director Karwai Wong, representing the legend life of Kung Fu master, Ye Wen.


  • 王家亚洲杰出电影导演之一,常常在国际电影节露面。王家的影迷们一直热切期待着《一宗师》的上映。

    Wong, one of Asia's most prominent filmmakers and a regular fixture on the international film-festival circuit, have been eagerly anticipating 'The Grandmaster.


  • 昨天印第安纳州本德发生飞机坠毁事故,其中一名受害者史蒂夫·戴维斯在上个世纪70俄克拉荷马大学连续赢得橄榄球国家冠军担任首发四分

    One of the victims of yesterday's plane crash in South Bend, Indiana, was Steve Davis, Oklahoma starting quarterback when the university won back-to-back national championships in the 1970s.


  • 根据报》报道,英国17- 20岁年龄段持有驾照人口比例上世界90初期的48%缩减去年的35%。

    According to the Guardian, in the UK, the percentage of 17 - to 20-year-olds with driving licenses fell from 48 percent in the early 1990s to 35 percent last year.


  • 西格唯一罗莱纳海岸大学首发的四分,该校橄榄球队2003年才开始组建。

    Thigpen is the only quarterback to start a game for Coastal Carolina, which built its football program from scratch in 2003.


  • 西格唯一罗莱纳海岸大学首发的四分,该校橄榄球队2003年才开始组建。

    Thigpen is the only quarterback to start a game for Coastal Carolina, which built its football program from scratch in 2003.


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