• 20世纪60发生了肯尼迪兄弟马丁·路德·金死亡事件

    In the sixties there were the deaths of the two Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King.


  • 苏格拉底在这儿,事件,表著名的“苏格拉底转向,即苏格拉底的第二次启航

    That incident that Socrates tells here represents what one could call " the famous Socratic turn Socrates' second sailing so to speak.


  • SAX目前处在第二包括XML名称空间处理相对文档结构可以选择某些事件报告

    SAX is currently in its second generation, which includes XML namespace processing and optional reporting of certain events relating to document structure.


  • 约翰·厄普克通过笔耕把这些以及更多事件编进小说里,我们大家都知道一个人解脱我们大家都拥有东西时间

    John Updike chronicled these things and more in his decades of writing, and in this story he lets us in on the one release we all have: time.


  • 美国一物种已经导致许多儿童致命袭击事件,在一些禁止豢养杂交动物,还有一些州则规定这种杂交远离狼群才是合法的宠物。

    In the US, where they have carried out a number of fatal attacks on children, hybrids are banned in some states and in others are only legal once they are five generations removed from wolves.


  • 使用本文演示可以通过合成键盘鼠标事件这种新一导航系统应用任何应用程序。

    With the code demonstrated here, you can apply this next level of navigational system to any application through the use of synthetic keyboard and mouse events.


  • 模式 90下一个重大事件”。

    Patterns were the "next big thing" of the '90s.


  • SIP客户机发起IMS调用通常下一应用程序tcap堆栈接口之间触发一系列异步tcap事件

    An IMS call initiated from the SIP client typically triggers a sequence of asynchronous TCAP events between the next-generation application and the TCAP stack interface.


  • 科学家们说,大量洪水事件去年夏天发生巴基斯坦致命洪水下一通过气候预报模型预测

    Large flooding events, like the deadly Pakistan flood last summer, will be predictable with the next generation of climate-forecasting models, according to scientists.


  • 几乎所有被卷入英国以来历时最长人质绑架事件的人都震惊了

    Almost everyone involved in trying to resolve Britain's longest running hostage crisis for a generation is in shock.


  • 两位被告中的一位是个,另一了爱尔兰共和军,爱尔兰共和军中的一小被确认这次爆炸事件负责

    Two of the men were sued both personally and as representatives of the Real IRA, the splinter republican group that had admitted responsibility for the atrocity.


  • 国会第一持续长时间激烈争论涉及1886年的纯净食品事件:占统治地位黄油受到了黄油的挑战

    The first prolonged and impassioned controversy in the Congress involving a pure food issue took place in 1886, pitting the reigning champion, butter, against a challenger, oleomargarine.


  • 很清楚地看到白水事件,去佩珀因大学会是个体面的退出方式这个决定遭到了强烈谴责。

    He had obviously decided that Whitewater was a dry hole and this was a graceful way out, but he received heavy criticism for his decision.


  • 转变emu欧洲需要新的领导人这些不会20世纪恐怖事件影响。

    To transform EMU will probably require a new generation of leadership in Europe with its ambition not influenced solely by the horrors of the 20th century.


  • 20世纪60后期亚特兰大公民权利事件Bo朋友们沙袋攻击Norton。

    One day in an Atlanta civil rights event in the late 1960s, Bo and his buddies assaulted Norton by clobbering him with sandbags.


  • 目前清楚Coughran(库伦)所说审计记录所用时间增加Barksdale(巴克斯尔)违规事件是否直接相关

    It's not clear whether the increase in the amount of time auditing logs referenced in Coughran's statement was directly related to the Barksdale incident.


  • 了解这种关联,得回头看看20世纪90一系列事件

    To understand the connection, look back to the events of the 1990s.


  • 现在可编程Web浏览器应用程序开辟全新事件驱动环境

    Now, programmable Web browsers have opened a new event-driven environment to a new generation of applications.


  • 思考上世纪30类似事件时,重要问题突发金融危机多大程度上影响经济其它方面

    In thinking through the parallel with the 1930s, the important question is how far the financial emergency will infect the rest of the economy.


  • 我们目睹了1990年后房价暴跌以及1991年经济衰退,就是20世纪80重大事件

    We saw a collapse in real estate prices after 1990 and a recession in 1991, so it was the big story of the 1980s.


  • 国际有限公司(Reebok International Ltd .)一位,公司“非常重视产品安全问题”,此次事件后,公司立即25个国家召回了50万件产品

    A representative of Reebok International Ltd. says the company takes "product safety very seriously" and immediately recalled 500, 000 products in 25 countries following the incident.


  • 事实上虽然90开始,发生足球场内场外打架事件已经减少了很多,而且人们观看比赛时也通常感觉安全的。

    The facts, though, are that fighting both inside and outside football grounds has declined greatly since the early 1990s, and people going to matches now generally feel safe.


  • 参看GizmodoIphone事件答案显而易见一个实施下一Iphone实地试验工程师酒吧里面遗失了自己的Iphone。

    With the case of the Gizmodo iPhone, the answer is obvious: An engineer field-testing the next-gen iPhone left his prototype in a bar.


  • 事件之一一个庞大火星基地存在。它是60年建立的,通过星门组合体[26]为“太阳守望者”的先进并且机密太空计划[27]进行供给

    Among those is the existence of a substantial Mars base, established in the early 1960s and supplied by a combination of stargates26 and an advanced, classified space program codenamed SOLAR WARDEN27.


  • 我们指明这个世界明确证据,我们也知道描述正在指出他们成年事件

    We do have clear indications of two generations in this world, and we know about the events that defined or are defining their coming of age.


  • 63岁菅直人以耿直著称上个世纪九十中期,时任厚生省大臣勇敢揭穿医疗使用HIV污染血液的严重事件

    Known for his quick temper, Mr. Kan, 63, gained national attention in the mid-1990s when as health minister he exposed the use of blood tainted with H.I.V..


  • 实际上,19世纪30时就此类事件发生。倒闭银行大多数相对来说较小的,美联储他们破产无伤大雅”。

    In fact, that's precisely what happened in the 1930s, when most of the Banks that collapsed were relatively small - small enough that the Federal Reserve believed that it was O.K. to let them fail.


  • 20世纪90,塔皮一家法国国有银行出售运动服装制造商阿迪达斯事件处理不当批评家称之为过于慷慨私下和解

    Tapie won what critics called a too-generous private settlement with a French state-owned bank over the mishandled sale of sportswear maker Adidas in the 1990s.


  • 伦敦作为全球金融中心地位某种程度上,一次偶然性历史事件:在20世纪70美国法规促使英国产生了境外放款(欧洲市场)。

    London's status as a global financial centre is, in part, an historical accident driven by American regulations in the 1960s that created an offshore lending business (the Euromarket) in Britain.


  • 事件通常被称为20世纪60死亡一天,阿尔·塔特音乐节变成一一场大灾难

    Commonly referred to as the day the '60s died, the Altamont Free Concert turned into one gigantic disaster.


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