• 最初稍微增加最糟糕情况下的付款时间

    I would initially expect slightly worst checkout times. The reality is different.


  • 设施接受部分付款付款时间

    Will the facility accept partial payments or payments on a schedule?


  • 方式可以这样付出所有付款时间

    The way that you can do it is by paying off all the payments on time.


  • 根据协议约定付款金额付款时间支付费用公司

    According to agreement payment amount and payment time, payment expense to our company.


  • 足够时间事实上机会得到付款时间

    You want to have enough time that you actually have a chance of getting your payments in on time.


  • 例如减少平均付款时间减少最差情况时间,哪个重要

    For example, is it more important to reduce average checkout time, or to reduce the worst case time?


  • 也就是并不仅仅平均付款时间兴趣,而且给定方案中糟糕情况感兴趣。

    Namely, I am not just interested in the average checkout time, but also in the worst case in a given scenario.


  • 我们可以一天将要购物每位顾客生成顾客对象为每位顾客分配相应的付款时间

    We could generate a customer object for each customer who will shop during the day, and assign each one an appropriate checkout time.


  • 由于付款时间地点方法不同货款安全和资金周转的影响产生了很大区别

    As the time, place and method of making payment vary greatly, there appear great differences in the safety of money paid and the influence upon the turnover of funds.


  • 病人恐怕这样贵吧这里的病人付款怎么的,可以付款时间拉长一些吗?

    Patient: I think that this will be very expensive. How would you like me to pay my bill? May I pay my bill over a period of time?


  • 票据一种偿还借贷资本的书面承诺其规定数额利率付款时间付款方式以及偿还义务

    Note a written promise to back funds borrowed, stating the amount, the interest rate, the time, the method of payment, and the obligation to repay.


  • 可以购物车中的物品分为份,然后分从几个清闲可用付款台结帐,这样就减少付款时间

    You can reduce service time by breaking up the contents of the cart and distributing them across several freely-available checkout counters.


  • 保持客户经常性联系主动为客户解决帐单疑问,并给予客户的信用期限与客户预约付款时间

    Keep touch with customer regularly and answer the customer question on billing actively. Make appointment with customer to identify payment time within credit period;


  • 庭的时间很紧迫,许多家庭的父母都在为房子付款而工作,通常无法选择工作时间,他们所在的社区依赖汽车出行,公共交通有限。

    Families are pressed for time, many with both parents working to pay for their house, often working hours not of their choosing, living in car-dependent neighborhoods with limited public transport.


  • 如果必须承担信用卡债务,那么确保规定时间全部还清避免债务的累积逾期付款之类的处罚。

    If you must take credit card debt please ensure that you pay it in full within the stipulated time to avoid debt accumulation and other penalties such as late payment.


  • 戴尔可以一个缓冲时间来给供应商结款,所以与此同时公司客户付款那里获得了利润。

    Dell can wait up to a month before paying its suppliers, so the company earns interest on customer payments in the meantime.


  • 填写所有可填领域包括经营时间付款方式服务领域

    Fill out all applicable fields, including Hours of Operation, Payment Methods, and Service Areas.


  • 付款时间扫描显著并且打印所花的时间付款扫描更少。

    Payment takes significantly less time than scanning, and printing takes less time than payment or scanning.


  • 当然规定时间,在预算内努力制作可交付内容,将可交付内容作为退出条件使用成功完成各个里程碑作为收取支付款的依据。

    Of course, you strive to produce the deliverables on time and within budget, using them as exit criteria and tying payments to successful completion of the milestones.


  • 不过联想不是通过付款形式而是允许消费者购买一定上网时间支付一半电脑价款。

    Instead of yoking customers to monthly payments, it allows them to pay for half of the computer by buying minutes of Internet access as and when they can afford them.


  • 由于签证方面不确定性,她服务的这家旅行社要求所有游客提前报名、提前付款以便给旅行社留出应付突发波折的足够时间

    Because of visa uncertainty, Ms.Fok said, 'we have all our clients book early, pay us early and allow enough time for hassles.


  • 福克由于签证方面不确定性,她服务的这家旅行社要求所有游客提前报名、提前付款以便旅行社留出应付突发波折足够时间

    Because of visa uncertainty, Ms. Fok said, 'we have all our clients book early, pay us early and allow enough time for hassles.'


  • 3时间可以免费部署AptanaCloud所以不必开始就输入付款信息

    You can deploy to the Aptana Cloud free for three weeks, so you don't have to enter any payment information at first.


  • 一旦来到付款通道顾客实际上就在付款时间与所购商品数量比例。

    Once at the checkout aisle, the customer actually checks out -- which takes an amount of time proportionate to the number of items purchased.


  • 确定付款进程表确定客户知道希望什么时候付款可以一月一,可以是完工后付,也可以是某个间隔时间付。

    Make sure you have a payment schedule in place and make sure your clients understand when you expect to get paid. It could be once a month, up-front, upon completion or at a different set interval.


  • 假设1号付款台前的长队中,您可以粗略地估算出大概需要多久时间才能排到自己付款

    Suppose you are in a long line at checkout counter 1 — you can roughly guess how long it would take to move up in that line.


  • 假设1号付款台前的长队中,您可以粗略地估算出大概需要多久时间才能排到自己付款

    Suppose you are in a long line at checkout counter 1 — you can roughly guess how long it would take to move up in that line.


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