• 社区学院工作值得我们所有去呵护因为他们得到这么(而付出的却是那么)。

    People who work at community colleges deserve all the love we can give them, since they get so little prestige day to day.


  • 更难解释是,怎么发觉他们心爱身上永远获取不够的,因为心爱的如此可以付出的东西,甚至他们所有

    It is harder to explain how lovers can feel that they can never get enough of their beloveds, since the beloveds have so much to give and might be giving their all.


  • 吃惊发现那里有非常一样来自非洲所有可能各个角落付出更高的船

    He was surprised to find that there were plenty of other men like him there, from every possible corner of Africa, and that many had fared worse than he had.


  • 如果一起工作不能付出和你一样思考努力来团队合作——离开去找那些能做到

    If you don't work with people who put the same amount of thought and effort into teamwork and collaboration as you do - leave and find people who do.


  • 无条件付出自我能力;爱会感觉很棒;爱让知道生活中的,你感激

    Love is the ability to give of yourself unconditionally, knowing how wonderful it makes you feel, and how grateful you are for the people or person who is in your life.


  • 一个悲哀日子巨大的损失从来没有积极热情踢过球。他为比赛付出这么

    It is a sad day and a great loss. I never played for a more enthusiastic man. He gave so much to the game.


  • 几乎所有学成归来找到一个位置展示自己能力特别是他们已经学业付出那么

    Nearly every talent would like to find a good place to show their ability after they come back from study; especially they have put so much effort on learning.


  • 那些付出一些,那些不求功名利禄,不求奖章甚至好处——那些仅仅打包降落伞的

    The people who go the extra mile, the people who don't look for the kudos or the accolades or the achievement medal or even the bonus check-the folks who are just out there packing parachutes?


  • 无论只是员工公司老板,付出一点点都可使你 成为公司里不可少的物:你为公司提供其他无法提供的 服务。

    Whether you are an employee or the head of your own company, going the extra mile makes you indispensable to others. You do for them what no one else does.


  • 无论只是员工公司老板,付出一点点都可使你 成为公司里不可少的物:你为公司提供其他无法提供的 服务。

    Whether you are an employee or the head of your own company, going the extra mile makes you indispensable to others. You do for them what no one else does.


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