• 挺直了腰杆面对

    I stiffened my back and faced him.


  • 的钱给了男孩,告诉要勇敢地面对生活。

    I gave my money to the boy and told him to face the life bravely.


  • B知道很深感情。但必须面对现实

    I know you have deep feelings for him.But we should face reality.


  • 宣布道:“面对这些不公过去一直保持着沉默现在不再沉默了。”

    "I have remained silent in the face of these injustices; but no longer so," he declares.


  • 透过挡风玻璃能够看到人的轮廓一样面对前方面对那条开始蜿蜒深入到群山高速公路线。

    Through the windshield I could see the man’s silhouette; like us, he was facing forward, toward the line of the highway beginning to wind its way through the hills.


  • 今年年初一天参观了班级面对这一特殊抵抗的人群。

    The day I visited one of his classes, earlier this year, he was facing a particularly resistant crowd.


  • 办公室很普通办公桌面对坐下告诉说,为了社会而不是自己

    As we sat facing each other across the desk in his modest office, he told me that the money he had made was for society, not for himself.


  • 虽然贺拉斯生活在2000多年以前似乎看到当下网络时代面对沟通困境

    Although he lived more than 2000 years ago Horace seems to capture my dilemma with communicating in the Internet age.


  • 低着面前,绞尽脑汁思考着如何才能向解释清楚,要给妈妈套房子为了实现这个梦想,甘愿面对失望

    I stood before him with my head hanging, trying to think of the words that would explain to him why my dream of buying my mom a house was worth facing his disappointment in me.


  • 面对说话,乃是明说,不用谜语,并且必见形象。你们毁谤仆人摩西为何惧怕呢?

    With him I speak face to face, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of the Lord. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?


  • 据说这样的:“生命没有属于空间勇气面对这一切,也不想伤害。”

    "There is no room in my life for him," she allegedly said. "I guess I don't have the courage to face up to it and hurt him."


  • 知道是否诚实面对究竟什么是问题。

    He wanted to know if I'd been honest about what love was.


  • 看着眼睛,接着说:“低分是因为希望你传递信息促使面对这件

    Meeting my eyes, he continued, “I gave you a low grade because I was hoping to send a message that forced you to confront this matter.


  • 那时,认为,作为男子汉得勇敢面对哪怕吃拳头。

    I believed that manhood required that I stand up to him, even if it meant fists.


  • 觉得安全表面天赐之物,”:“推测必须面对孩子脑震荡胳膊骨折等意外事故的父母不会同意操场过于安全的说法。”

    I think safety surfaces are a godsend,” he said. “I suspect that parents who have to deal with concussions and broken arms wouldn't agree that playgrounds have become too safe.


  • 知道如果不敢面对成为一个欺负的倒霉鬼,于是转过身,用尽所有的力量,一下巴上。

    I knew that if I didn't stand up to him, I would become his new whipping boy - so I turned around and with all my might, made a fist and hit him square in the jaw.


  • 于是觉得事情变得简单了,因为知道别人更多的热情面对挑战,迈向成功彼岸

    This makes the going a lot easier because I know he would have tackled the challenge with greater gusto and zeal than anyone else and finally succeed in the end.


  • ,“观众受到积极影响使乐观地面对自己的生活热爱拥有一切。”

    "I needed to do something that will affect the audience in a positive way, make them feel better about their lives and appreciate what they have," he said.


  • 相反尽力回避这些话题并不是因为感到羞耻——儿子认为聪明,有创造力就像小孩一样可以出去——只是准备好面对一问题。

    On the contrary, I avoided the subject completely. It's not that I was ashamed - I love my son, and I think he's brilliant and creative and cool as all get out - I just wasn't ready to deal with it.


  • 今天面对优秀选手利用自己的机会,达维登科优秀的选手,今天击败了

    I faced an excellent player today, and I couldn't use any of the opportunities I had.He was a very good player and he beat me today.


  • 将会获奖看作行动召唤,召唤各国共同面对21世纪将要出现的挑战。”

    "I will accept the award as a call to action, a call to all nations to confront the challenges of the 21st century," he said.


  • 回复道:“了罗达镇,遭遇了所有正在面对挑战亲历解决问题的艰难。”知道您的经历,深受鼓舞。

    He replies: "I am moved by the fact that you visited Vrede and saw all the challenges we are still facing and the way we a trying to resolve them."


  • 如此,陪伴去往茫茫中女子无法抵达那些地方然后某个点上必须独自前行,因为单独面对各自道义

    So he accompanies me to these places in the middle of nowhere where a woman can't go, and then at a certain point I have to go on alone because we face our mortality alone.


  • 但是现在面对顾客不可救药的坚持认为偏爱的电脑更好

    But here I was faced with a customer who was dead wrong in his insistence that his preference would be the better choice.


  • 确实关注英国石油公司,”在被问及这家能源公司可能面对诉讼,金达尔顾左右而言

    "I do have concerns" about BP, Jindal said while sidestepping questions about potential lawsuits against the energy company.


  • 必须能力相信自己可以平静地面对的时候再去见,但是现在不能

    I have to be able to trust myself around him and right now I don't.


  • 心里只有个人妻子自己个都溺,喜爱一个无法想象如何面对损失

    He had room in his heart only for two idols - his wife and himself: he doted on both, and adored one, and I couldn't conceive how he would bear the loss.


  • 心里只有个人妻子自己个都溺,喜爱一个无法想象如何面对损失

    He had room in his heart only for two idols - his wife and himself: he doted on both, and adored one, and I couldn't conceive how he would bear the loss.


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