• 感谢所有支持朋友特别感谢马丁·米勒,感谢在我需要时候在我身边。

    I want to express my appreciation to all of my friends for their support, especially to Martin Miller, for being there when I needed him.


  • 尤其是那些需要付出努力事情比如特意为你的朋友了一知道/喜欢的书。

    This is especially true of small things that show effort, such as going out of your way to buy your friend a book that you know he or she will like.


  • 显然那个朋友需要倾诉的离婚一事。

    Obviously, she said, the friend needed to talk about what he was going through.


  • 同时朋友不可能的;绝对需要知道选择哪一个

    It is impossible for you to be my friend and his at the same time; and I absolutely require to know which you choose.


  • 有时贝克需要朋友其余时候只想独处

    At times Beckett sorely needed his friends; at others he simply wished to be left alone.


  • 朋友,“,我需要就行了。”

    His friend replied, "I don't have to outrun it, I just have to run faster than you."


  • 相反朋友知道在乎或她需要保持健康幸福而且没有需要独自承担们的烦恼

    Instead, let your friend know that you care, that he or she deserves to be healthy and happy, and that no one needs to bear their troubles alone.


  • 多年的朋友来自霍普的乔治·弗雷泽次在采访中说:“如果说缺点的话,其实我们有缺点,觉得比尔缺点在于,看到太多需要的事情。”

    My longtime friend George Frazier from Hope once told an interviewer, If he has a flaw, and we all do, I think Bill's flaw is that he sees so much that needs to be done.


  • 认为应付这种情况需要借助朋友公司中有威望同盟,“可以协助确定这些批评是否工作有益。”

    To counteract that, he says, you need a good friend or respected ally at work "who could help you determine whether any of the criticism is useful to your work."


  • 最后需要铭记重点假如忽略一些小缺点,那么狮子几乎会所有女人所期待那样,成为风趣的朋友温情伴侣

    Lastly, remember that if a few of his shortcomings are ignored, the Leo man is the most interesting person to live with and the best and most loving partner a woman can get.


  • 就意味着比如如果需要俄罗斯重大问题给予帮助那么将会与俄罗斯结盟,而不惜伤害目前并不那么重要朋友

    This means, for example, that if he needs Russia's help on issues that matter most to him, he will seek it even at the risk of damaging older, currently less important ties.


  • 不过小时完成了比赛很快感到了快乐,朋友同样感到高兴,确信需要找个教练

    Still, I finished in one piece in six hours and quite enjoyed it. And so did my boyfriend, who convinced me it was time to sign up with a coach.


  • 这个男人需要朋友邻居解释丈夫哪里为什么这么久都不回来。

    This man has to make excuses to their friends and neighbors about where his husband is and why he’s been gone so long.


  • 不过还有一个朋友个你不需要总是想着朋友多样化

    But you have another best friend, one you don't spend a whole lot of time thinking about: diversification.


  • 凯利独来独往宣称自己没有朋友因为需要朋友

    He was a loner who claims he didn't have any friends because he didn't want any.


  • 到了我们以及我们朋友们)父母遭遇的离婚现象,觉得婚姻除了需要承担金融风险以外一无是处,之后我们聊到上一次感情不的经历。

    We talked about our (and all of our friends’) divorced parents, about how marriage was nothing but a pragmatic financial venture, and about the last time we cheated on someone.


  • 这个小伙子没有朋友没有欢乐,”心里,”爷爷知道需要什么总是把孤零零地在屋里。

    "That boy is suffering for society and fun, " she said to herself. "His grandpa does not know what's good for him, and keeps him shut up all alone.


  • 滚轮有兴趣,但还需要几个,所以朋友鼠标一直没——这样就四个滚轮。

    So, I was interested in these two rollers, and I actually wanted more, so I borrowed another mouse from a friend — never returned to him — and I now had four rollers.


  • 最后Monet表示,“女性明白只有超重丈夫朋友伴侣)真正意识自己需要减肥时,才会做,也许有时候平衡。”

    Ultimately, Monet says: "You have to realize that your overweight husband (or boyfriend or partner) is only going to lose weight when he wants to, which sometimes leaves you out of the equation."


  • 一个需要意味着没有三个朋友

    He that wants money, means, and content is without three good friends. - William Shakespeare.


  • 既然提到朋友简历需要彻底修改,登提出的条建议可以使简历更合雇主的胃口。

    Since you mention that your friend's resume may need an overhaul, consider these four tips from Lyden on how to make a CV match up with employers' "scripts".


  • 每个人都需要朋友分享快乐烦恼

    Everybody needs close friends to share his happiness and sorrow.


  • 如果支持哪一任何疑虑的话,需要问问民意代表朋友oprahWinfrey

    If he has any doubt as to which side he ought to be on, he need only ask that bellwether of public opinion, his old friend Oprah Winfrey.


  • 爱丽丝疯帽子最真诚朋友如果需要必会帮助

    Alice Kingsleigh: Hatter is my truest friend. If he's in need, I will help him.


  • 爱丽丝疯帽子最真诚朋友如果需要必会帮助

    Alice Kingsleigh: Hatter is my truest friend. If he's in need, I will help him.


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