• “等一等,”建议,“我们现在需要数据库么?”

    "Hold on," I suggested. "Do we need a database table yet?"


  • 尽管我们可以解雇自己律师,但事实如果你雇一个律师通常意味着确实需要那位律师的帮助,所以几乎都会听从建议

    Although we can fire lawyers the fact someone has a lawyer usually means that they are actually in need of that lawyer and as such are pretty likely to listen to their advice.


  • 无论如何林肯也许并不需要建议

    Anyway, he said, Lincoln probably did not want his advice.


  • 尽管我们之间存在分歧,但鲍威尔将军明确表示,尽力做好自己份内的事,包括提出诚恳建议而这正是需要的。

    Despite our differences, General Powell made it clear that he would serve as best he could, including giving me his honest advice, which is exactly what I wanted.


  • 建议有关停业处罚的规章需要更加的清晰,避免管理者也包括公司自己过分广泛不公平应用

    He suggests that the rules surrounding suspensions need to be clarified to prevent the practice being applied too broadly or unfairly, not just by regulators, but by companies themselves.


  • 告诉父亲是,的出现只使父亲的生活变得复杂化,这不是需要的。她知道父亲会息事宁人接受她每月回家吃一次午饭建议,这也就作为保持父女关系唯一方式了。

    He did not need her to complicate his life, she had replied, knowing that he would stoically accept her proposal of a monthly lunch as their only way of remaining father and daughter.


  • 礼貌某人是否需要帮助或者建议可以说CanIhelpyou? (我能帮忙吗?)

    To ask someone politely if they want help or assistance or advice, you can say: Can I help you?


  • 医生建议防止打鼾,可以女士们如果需要,帮翻个身),使用减肥减少气道压力空气流入增加空间)。

    To prevent snoring, doctors suggest sleeping on your side (ladies, roll him over if you need to), using nasal strips or losing weight (less pressure on the airways means more space for air to flow).


  • 上赶着【编者按:意别人本没有要求或者请求做某事,而主动提出帮助等举动,带有吃力不讨好等嘲讽或讽刺意味】提建议——不管觉得多么需要——都耽误时间精力的事。

    Giving unsolicited advice to othersregardless of how much you feel that they need it—is a waste of time and energy.


  • 不平等源于土地物业所有权,佩因建议:当这种特权产生财富时,应对征税因为这些财富有可能需要社会支持才能产生。 土地物业税收应投入社会福利系统,这属于每个公民的权利。

    The inequityhas much to do with land and property ownership, a privilege Paine suggestsshould be taxed since the generation of wealth that makes


  • 第二克利夫兰对此进行了回应表示同意关于加强惩罚建议认为需要采取预防措施的立场一派胡言。

    The next day, in Cleveland, I answered him, saying that I agreed with his proposals for punishment but that I thought his position that no preventive measures were needed was nonsense.


  • 我们评论简要了几句,建议准备好“应急包”,以应付随时需要离开这里的可能。

    We chatted briefly in the comments section of that post, and he advised me to put together a go-bag.


  • 比如说建议阅读本书需要光线不能用床头柜亮的灯泡

    As an example he suggests using a book light to read by rather than a lamp on a bedside table that USES a much stronger bulb.


  • 现在人们愿意打交道告诉需要别的工具或者提问题建议

    People are more willing to engage with him now, he says, telling him if they need a different tool or have a question or suggestion.


  • 教授建议琢石,因为基石需要很多工作

    His professor advised him to learn stonemasonry first; there was plenty of work making headstones.


  • 建议除了必须需要情况下,避免使用消息队列指出基于HTTP数据库备份通信模型通常能提供简单的解决方案

    He suggests avoiding usage of message queues unless it is absolutely required and points out that an HTTP-based communication pattern backed up by databases typically provides a simpler solution.


  • 同事们已经研究需要多少木糖醇才能真正消灭细菌预防蛀牙两点建议

    He and his colleagues have studied how much xylitol is needed to actually knock out bacteria and prevent cavities, and he has two pieces of advice.


  • 每个需要音乐家乐队提供建议

    Every month he offered advice to musicians and bands who hadn't yet made it.


  • 麦克卢尔称,所在的公司建议亲人之间利用家庭关系,而不是工作关系,帮助需要家庭成员

    McClure says his company urges people to use the family network, not the business network, to support needy members.


  • 需要用爱心接受不是批评建议

    These are the times when he needs her loving acceptance the most and not her advice or criticism.


  • 我你需要建议吗?…修好

    You want my advice?... Let him fix it.


  • Robinson建议尽管有些公司不是DSA的成员但是也可能一家不错的公司,但是需要对其进行详细的调查来保护你自己。”

    "Even if the company is not a member, it could be a good company, but you need to do a little more legwork to be sure you're protected," Robinson advises.


  • 努力工作改变可以改变需要改变事情但是实际上抛开不能改变的怒火压力挫折,”建议

    "Work hard to change things that you can change and need changing, but really let go of anger, stress, and frustration that you can't change," he suggests.


  • 最初JamesStrachan建议构建一个通用集群api (ActiveCluster),支持Geronimo需要功能系统集群抽象

    He said that initially, James Strachan suggested building a general clustering API (ActiveCluster) to support the cluster abstraction for Geronimo or anything else that needed such functionality.


  • 找到那些做好工作一个独特的部分负起责任的人,”Kalin建议帮助手工艺者建立个官方的流水线满足需要

    "Find other people who can do a good job and take responsibility for each unique part," advises Kalin, who has gotten requests to set up an office assembly line to help crafters with their work.


  • 既然提到朋友简历需要彻底修改,登提出的建议可以使简历更合雇主的胃口。

    Since you mention that your friend's resume may need an overhaul, consider these four tips from Lyden on how to make a CV match up with employers' "scripts".


  • 布特这样说,同时也逐渐地在更衣室内肩负起自身的责任,这不需要明说,“作为一名有经验球员义务承担更多的责任以及表达自己意见包括教练提出建议,以及帮助队中的年轻球员。”

    That goes without saying, he argues. “As an experienced player you have an extra duty to express your opinions, including to the coach, and to help younger players.”


  • 如果男生倾诉愁绪只是需要一个人听众。你不必给予任何建议

    If a guy tells you about his problems, he just needs someone to listen to him. You don't need to give advice.


  • 计划荣耀也许作者建议你的需要十分不同

    He may have planned to give you quite a different grace than the one the author suggests you might be needing.


  • 计划荣耀也许作者建议你的需要十分不同

    He may have planned to give you quite a different grace than the one the author suggests you might be needing.


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