• 获得山区人民的多数支持但是现在起必须获得城里人多数支持。

    He said the hill people had carried me through three elections, but I would have to get my votes in the cities now.


  • 上次来自阿肯色州纳什维尔的当选后件事情花费缴纳的税金时,要把设想成的生活,每周只有150美元收入。

    In the previous election, one man in Nashville, Arkansas, asked me to do just one thing if I won: spend his tax dollars as if I lived like him, on $150 a week.


  • 个“特别时间”活动,也许一周一次选中孩子进行活动,然后赞美外貌个性才能“特别”方面

    Have an "I Am special Time" (perhaps once a week) when a child is chosen and the "special" aspects of his or her appearance, personality, and talents are celebrated.


  • 小贝还回忆起小时候趣事,说:“有一次参加婚礼,被选中花童,们让选择是‘穿西装还是‘穿灯笼裤芭蕾舞’,选择了后者。”

    I was given the option when I was a page boy once of either wearing a suit or wearing knickerbockers and long socks and ballet shoes - and I chose the ballet shoes and knickerbockers.


  • 失声之后,纽约专科医生,找到了一个发声教练一系列练习使咽喉扩张奋力声音往上顶出鼻窦

    When I had lost it during the primary, I saw a specialist in New York and got a voice coach, who taught me a set of exercises to open my throat and push the sound up through my sinus cavities.


  • 介绍艾尔时说,才是人民选择受到热情无比的欢迎

    Al got a rousing welcome when I introduced him as the people's choice in the recent election.


  • 试图安慰罗伯特指出年轻人选中她们女儿作为人生伴侣,原因们的女儿拥有妈妈公正大方性格

    I tried to reassure Robert, pointing out that the young man their daughter had picked out seemed to be a relaxed, nonjudgmental sort of person — a trait he Shared with her own mother.


  • 想你找到一些启示,“,”但是不想它限制一个数字

    "I think you can get some guidance from what I've said during the campaign," Obama said. "But I don't want to be locked into a particular number."


  • 选中是因为是个生物化学家明白意思

    I've picked him because he's a biochemist, so he understands what I tell him.


  • 湖人可能慢慢培养班克斯,但是确信库普切克知道幸运选秀一个如此靠后的位置上选中的像艾班克斯这样的球员

    The Lakers will likely choose to bring Ebanks along slowly, but I'm sure Mitch Kupchak recognizes he was very lucky to get a player with Ebanks' upside so late in the draft.


  • 喜欢闪亮称呼选中的这个男人同样爱被唤妻子

    I love being able to call the man I've chosen by his new, shiny title, and likewise being his Mrs.


  • 选中的,普通的。

    He was chosen. I was ordinary.


  • 巴黎新闻发布会上表示,“知道为何选中……因为没有一个人真正成为自己读者。”

    "What I am keen to see are the reasons why they chose me... one can never really be one's own reader," he told a news conference in Paris.


  • 今天中止竞选的时刻,祝贺取得胜利在竞选中出色表现。

    Today, as I suspend my campaign, I con-gratulate him on the victory he has won and the extraordinary race he has run.


  • 西只有17岁,比赛会给心灵巨大压力-不过埃里克森选中一定不会阻止的。

    Theo is only 17 and it is a big pressure to have - but I would not stop Sven from picking him.


  • 湖中央缓缓驶过条鱼W出现了,笑嘻嘻地“马上一场盛宴,选中厨师!”

    A fish boat was approaching to them, W showed up and said, 'There will be a magnificent banquet, and I am the chosen cook! '


  • 选中一个原因认为许多不同运动员服务,肯定擅于治疗对运动员遇到的伤病。

    That's also one of the reasons why I saw Dr. Whiten for my eyes is he's on a lot of different athletes and there's a certain comfort level to that when a person has worked with athletes.


  • 昨天前天都告诉过了,”大叫着,“莱恩先生选中击败了已经退出政界国外了!”

    'I told you yesterday and the day before yesterday,' he shouted, 'Mr Lane was defeated in the elections. He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad!'


  • 昨天前天都告诉过了,”大叫着,“莱恩先生选中击败了已经退出政界国外了!”

    'I told you yesterday and the day before yesterday,' he shouted, 'Mr Lane was defeated in the elections. He has retired from political life and gone to live abroad!'


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