• 使大为惊奇的是还记得

    To my amazement , he remembered me.


  • 倘若再次见面希望记得的事。

    If and when we ever meet again I hope he remembers what I did for him.


  • 使大为惊奇的是还记得

    To my amazement, he remembered me.


  • 还记得名字,使感到荣幸。

    I was flattered that he remembered my name.


  • 觉得真的很喜欢这次访问,因为未来很惊讶的时候,还记得

    I think he really liked the visit because on our next one I was surprised when he remembered me.


  • 现年47岁商人马德瓦:“还记得家人因为那时除了是同学外,邻居。”

    "He remembers me and my family because we were neighbours, as well as classmates," said Madewa, now a 47-year-old businessman.


  • 看来好日子了,高兴记得家人而且也不在意耳朵,于是长驱直入这个年纪有什么感觉

    I'd picked a good day. I was pleased he'd remembered me and my family and relieved he didn't mind the tickling so got straight to the point and asked him what it's like to be his age.


  • 帕特这次旅行记忆生动清晰记得一些已经忘却的可怕事情。

    Pat has vivid recollections of the trip, and remembers some of the frightening aspects I had forgotten.


  • 朋友记得从容笑容记得瑞恩是因为天天戴着母亲送给手镯

    His friends remember his easy smile; I remember Ryan because of the bracelet his mother gave me that I wear every day.


  • 还记得上钢琴课,妈妈忧心忡忡地对爸爸说:“练习这么多,怎么没进步?”

    I still remembered when I took my piano lessons, my mother said worriedly to my father, "Why hasn't he made any progress with so much practice?"


  • 昨天谈到赛特说:‘来了,快来了。’还记得是怎样的吗?

    Do you remember how he said to me yesterday, when I spoke to him of Cosette, soon, soon?


  • 丈夫罗伯特荡秋千的时候,:“爸爸记得 爸爸那会儿, 荡秋千吗?”

    While my husband was pushing Robert on the swings, he said, “Daddy, remember when I was YOUR daddy, and I pushed YOU on the swings?!


  • 看着,看着记得这本书,这个时刻第一喜欢的书,还记得我书里睡去

    I look at him, look at the book, remember, this book, this moment, the first book I loved, remember wanting to crawl into it and sleep.


  • 母亲,依旧如此的睿智,让下来然后说道:“一下儿子应该还记得洗衣机开始就不是属于的。”

    His mother, wise as she was, sat him down and said, "Wait a minute, Son." You must remember, that machine never belonged to us in the first place.


  • 注意笛卡尔正在的,正在利用怀疑主义,还记得在开始的时候说过,接受任何东西除非确凿肯定的。

    So notice what he's doing, he's using his scepticism remember he started out saying I'm not going to accept anything except what is completely certain.


  • 还记得小时候,如果别人不毛巾被叫做“被被”,成什么样。

    I remember how mad he’d get if anyone called his blanket anything but his binkie.


  • 斯坦福研究生商学院理事会占有一席位,还记得他还旧金山音乐公司监事会成员之一。

    He is on the Managing Board of the Stanford Graduate School of Business as well as I remembered Board Governors of the San Francisco Symphony.


  • 布雷特,早些时候的治疗记得多少。

    I asked Brett what he remembers about thoseearly sessions.


  • 记得美国射中是如何倒地的,看到灵魂离开躯体之前,在地上尘土来抓去的样子。

    I still remember how he fell when the Americans shot him, and I saw him clawing on the ground in the dust before his soul left his body.


  • 今天(?)要罗伯特告诉记得哪些自己爸爸爸爸的什么事情。

    I asked Robert today to tell me what he remembers about being Daddy's dad.


  • 可怜小娃娃还记得好象眼前一样赤身露体解剖桌上时,皮下肋骨突出,好象墓地草丛下的坟穴

    That poor brat, I remember, and I seem to see him now, when he lay nude on the dissecting table, how his ribs stood out on his skin like the graves beneath the grass in a cemetery.


  • 还记得弟弟室外追思礼拜会上因为在那里心情很不好。

    I remember he ran away from my brother's outdoor memorial service because it was too sad to stay and listen.


  • 记得听说一个收件箱回复”原则,凡记得写信给过那些认识惴惴不安地写信给寻求帮助,无一例外的都意外收到了的回信

    I even remember hearing that he manages a "zero inbox" policy and people that I know have written Brad with questions asking for help have been surprised that he has written back and offered advice.


  • 补充说:“还记得小的时候,自行车穿过蓬勃发展街区。”

    He adds: "I remember riding my bike as a kid through thriving neighborhoods."


  • 习惯时候不停的唠叨,“你肮脏的小家伙”,还记得在打的时候不停的着这句话。

    He had a habit of continuing his lecture while he flogged you, and I remember the words ‘you dir-ty lit-tle boy’ keeping time with the blows.


  • 可以发自肺腑地理解哈姆雷特罗密欧,迪波尔特,赫克·恩(顽童历险记主人公)抑或是彼得潘困境还记得自己挥舞着剑指着赫克·芬恩,真切地感受到就是

    We have less trouble following Hamlet's dilemma viscerally or Romeo's or Tybalt or Huck Finn or Peter Pan - I remember holding that sword up to Hook - I felt like him.


  • 记得亨利以帕特里克·亨利命名——还记得的名言‘不自由,毋宁’吗?

    I reminded them that Henry County was named after Patrick henry-and remember what he said, 'give me liberty or give me death'?


  • 还记得一个晚上银行家第二通知你,贷款延长

    Do you remember that one evening I went to see the banker and the next day he notified you that the loan would be extended?


  • 还记得一个晚上银行家第二通知你,贷款延长

    Do you remember that one evening I went to see the banker and the next day he notified you that the loan would be extended?


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