• 请求但是回绝了。

    He asked her to marry him but she turned him down.


  • 请求将军女儿许配

    He asked the general for his daughter's hand in marriage.


  • 请求离开房间许可

    He asked permission to leave the room.


  • 请求警方保护

    He asked to be put under police protection.


  • 请求诸位尊敬观众允许,戴上眼镜

    He begged permission of the worthy audience, and set his spectacles on his nose.


  • 这个七岁的孩子对这个游戏很感兴趣,请求妈妈允许加入俱乐部

    Interested in the game, the seven-year-old kid asked his mother to allow him to join the club.


  • 请求合法妻子

    He proposed she become his lawfully wedded wife.


  • 请求真相告诉

    He begged to be told the truth.


  • 于是请求母亲允许,母亲唯一一生朋友

    So he asked for his mother's permission, who was his only lifelong friend.


  • 出去执行死刑时请求国王做最后件事

    When he was led forth to die, he begged a last favour of the king.


  • 请求坐下来只是鞠躬致谢低声说话,依旧站着

    He begged them to be seated also, but they only bowed their thanks or murmured them, and remained standing.


  • 请求援助

    He is begging for help.


  • 请求医生作全身检查

    He asked the doctor to check him over.


  • 请求女子查看散文

    He asked the woman to look over the essays written for her.


  • 请求宽恕

    He asks for forgiveness.


  • 请求机会甚至愿意掏钱只要试。

    He pleaded for a second chance and even paid to guess again.


  • 请求开你,不要再看摄像机张牙舞爪疯狂枪手模样。

    He asks that you turn away from the face of the deranged gunman glaring at the camera.


  • 努力失败后请求美国帮助实现哥伦比亚计划取得胜利。

    When he failed, he had asked the United States to help him defeat them with Plan Colombia.


  • 他请求回答提倡开源明智,不是Linux信徒(相对微软用户)一个信念吗?

    Which begs the question: Isn't one of the tenets of the Linux "religion" the belief that open source advocated are wiser than Windows users?


  • 巴尔捷涅夫说,请求船长送到最近港口岸上——但是这一要求遭到拒绝而且没有给出解释

    Bartenev says he asked the captain to put them ashore at the nearest port - but the request was refused without explanation.


  • 请求自己巴斯医生一封短信。之后,会在布里斯托尔就地找个医生,并把这封短信转交

    He asked his doctor in Bath to write a note to whatever doctor the businessman managed to scare up in Bristol to bring that new doctor up to speed on the case.


  • 节目采访一位隐姓名皇家空军军人,正是请求国防部执行《信息自由法》《信息保护法》。

    The programme will include an interview with an unnamed former serviceman who put the Freedom of Information and Data Protection Acts request to the ministry.


  • 库奇以习惯法深刻认识出名他请求双方将争执“用坚压下”——尔格期间中止彼此恶意。

    Mr Kuchi, who is famed for his deep knowledge of customary law, asked the feuders to "place a stone" on their dispute-to suspend hostilities while the jirga sat.


  • 请求不要公布姓氏,并表示,“总而言之,酒店业务就是如此,忽视许多发生顾客员工身上的事情”。

    “That’s the hotel business in a nutshell, ” says the doorman, Anthony, who requested that his last name not be used. “They ignore a lot ofthings happening to their guests and to the workers.”


  • 埃利斯情况请求妹妹自己两岁约克郡犬实行安乐死,因为没有人的狗。”

    That was the case with Ellis, who asked his sister to euthanize his 2-year-old Yorkshire terrier after his death becausenobody would love him like he did.”


  • 请求欧洲法庭裁决,要求媒体必须提前向被报道通告所有可能隐私损害斯特拉斯堡的欧洲法庭驳回了的案子。

    European judges in Strasbourg rejected his application for a ruling that media outlets must notify the subjects of their stories in advance about any potential breach of privacy.


  • 信中写道,由于父亲年前去世了,他请求汤普森夫人答允——在婚礼坐在新郎母亲应该就座的位置上。

    He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit at the wedding in the place that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom.


  • 信中写道,由于父亲年前去世了,他请求汤普森夫人答允——在婚礼坐在新郎母亲应该就座的位置上。

    He explained that his father had died a couple of years ago and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might agree to sit at the wedding in the place that was usually reserved for the mother of the groom.


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