• 研究表明史密斯如今声誉原本立场的嘲弄

    Her research suggests that Smith's reputation today is a travesty of what he really stood for.


  • 研究表明:“有趣不一定良好社交技能健康标志可能恰恰人格缺陷标志。”

    "Being funny isn't necessarily an indicator of good social skills and well-being," his research has shown, "it may just exactly be a sign of personality flaws."


  • 很难确切说出多少同意的观点,研究表明这个数字已经上升了一时间。

    It's hard to tell exactly how many people agree with him, but research indicates that the numbers have been rising for some time.


  • 如果有什么不同的话,那就是这项研究表明性别大脑中的重要作用——“即使我们清楚具体是如何起作用的。”

    If anything, he said, the study suggests that gender plays a very important role in the brain—"even when we are not clear exactly how".


  • 如果有什么不同的话,那就是这项研究表明性别大脑非常重要作用——“即使我们清楚具体是如何起作用的。”

    If anything, he said, the study suggests that gender plays a very important role in the brain—"even when we are not clear exactly how."


  • 自己的研究表明虽然险胜不久将来确实会得到更多,但惜败实际表现一样

    His own work showed that although the narrow winners did get much more money in the near future, the actual performance of the close losers was just as good.


  • 说,澳大利亚本土鱼类研究表明一种聪明生物动物一样知道如何躲避敌人捕捉食物

    He says his studies of Australian native fish show fish were intelligent creatures that know how to avoid enemies and catch food like any other animal.


  • 5月发表研究结果表明许多同行正是这样做的。

    His results, published in May, suggest that many of his peers do just that.


  • 事实上连贯研究表明事实确实如此

    Indeed, his studies consistently show that this is the case.


  • 部分研究表明婴儿15个月大时就开始理解语法——们对语法单词加工同时进行

    Some of Hollich's research shows that babies start to understand grammar by the age of 15 months, processing grammar and words simultaneously.


  • 研究表明情绪许多生理机能重大的影响包括免疫系统

    His research showed that the mind has a powerful influence on many physiological functions, including the immune system.


  • 然而最近研究表明仅仅饮用绿茶就可能有助于控制体重

    However, he said that recent studies indicate that just drinking a few cups of green tea may help control weight.


  • 图坦卡蒙法老木乃伊进行的检测研究表明父母同父同母的亲兄妹。1922年,人们金斯河谷发现了图坦卡蒙的木乃伊。

    Research including tests on the mummy, discovered in 1922 in the Valley of Kings, showed that his parents had been siblings and he had only paternal grandparents.


  • 研究表明患有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症,一种睡眠反复地停止呼吸长达10更长时间的症状,降低脑部氧气供给量

    The study showed that he had obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a disorder in which breathing stops repeatedly in sleep for 10 seconds or longer, lowering oxygen supply to the brain.


  • :“之前的研究表明女性认为这些体征被认为具吸引力男性体征。”

    'Previous research has shown that these features are among the most attractive male physical characteristics, as judged by women,' he said.


  • ,“研究表明,在患者平均讲话18全科医生即打断话头。

    Studies have shown that a GP lets a patient speak for an average of 18 seconds before interrupting them.


  • 研究表明脑部目视系统一小片区域因为文字变得异常活跃

    His studies suggest that one small area of the brain's visual system is particularly activated by the written word.


  • Collier认为出于经济原因捐赠机构必须保持脆弱国家的接触,因为研究表明“脆弱”邻国的国家增长速度明显较慢。

    Collier also maintains donors need to stay involved with fragile states for economic reasons, with his research showing countries suffer measurably slower growth if they have a "fragile" neighbor.


  • 研究表明,福建省只有3000座土楼

    He said his research showed there were only 3,000 tulou in the province.


  • 研究表明福建省只有3000座土楼

    He said his research showed there were only 3, 000 tulou in the province.


  • 研究表明约有百分之十五的已婚男性外遇发生似乎是有些低估了

    Studies suggesting that about 15 percent of married men have affairs seem low, he says.


  • 众议院研究表明女性们提出法案更多参与关键立法辩论更具活力,以及每日会以上所做的一分钟演讲也更多。

    Her studies of the House show women introduce more bills, participate more vigorously in key legislative debates and give more of the one-minute speeches that open each daily session.


  • 助理教授布莱恩·海尼克说:“我们来说,火星发现岸线项重大收获。”补充称,研究表明湖泊存在于人们认为的火星寒冷干旱期

    "Finding shorelines is a holy grail of sorts to us," said assistant professor Brian Hynek, adding it showed the lake existed at a time when Mars was thought to have been cold and dry.


  • 研究结果表明肥胖症高血压胆固醇不再仅仅是富裕国家问题,而变成了一个全球范围内的通病。

    He says the results show that obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are no longer just found in wealthy nations. These are now worldwide problems.


  • 研究结果表明肥胖症高血压胆固醇不再仅仅是富裕国家问题,而变成了一个全球范围内的通病。

    He says the results show that obesity, high blood pressure and high cholesterol are no longer just found in wealthy nations. These are now worldwide problems.


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