• 转而谈到工作经历

    He went on to speak of his work experience.


  • 开始啰啰唆唆地讲述自己工作经历

    He launched into a lengthy account of his career.


  • 那个职位薪水是9万美元,并且简历列出了美国运通迪士尼美国网络等公司工作经历

    That position paid $90,000, and his resume lists jobs at companies like American Express, Disney and USA Networks.


  • 早期这份工作经历心存感激:“喜欢的是餐馆老板智慧——只要上班一会儿学习他的经营之道。”

    He is grateful for his early experience: "the best part was the wisdom of the restaurant owner, which I could capture if I came to work a little early."


  • 当然教育工作经历也是决定收入重要因素不过汉默梅希教授新书中指出,他的研究显示忽略一个长相不可能的。

    Of course education and work experience were important factors in earnings, but Professor Hamermesh said his new book, based on his research, showed that a person's looks were impossible to ignore.


  • 成为空降消防员教官后,喜欢挑选丛林营地工作经历松树状锈病处理经验的队员。

    When he came to train jumpers himself, he liked to pick people who had done stints in brush camp or dealt with blister rust on pines.


  • 刘教授这一现象同样表示了担忧,认为增加工作经历要求势必减少大学毕业生招收

    Liu also stressed that the increased recruitment of experienced applicants will decrease the demand for graduates.


  • 雷哲毕表示说,在这些著名实验性餐厅工作经历使明白,烹饪之道贵在打破常规,必要的时候可以规则抛至脑后。

    What that famously experimental restaurant taught him, he said, was that rules could be tossed merrily out the window.


  • 微软这家软件巨头工作经历证实PlanIT Valley这个工作做好了绝佳准备

    His experience at the software giant proved an excellent preparation for the job.


  • Theodore比较敏捷环境中与传统环境中的工作经历发现敏捷方式工作得多得多

    Theodore compared his experience working in an agile environment to one that was more traditional, and found that he learned much more when he worked in an agile way.


  • 显然总是以为自己学历工作经历肯定会给人深刻的印象,事实并非如此。

    VI. Obviously, he takes it for granted that his educational background and work experience are surely impressive. But actually they are not.


  • 显然认为自己的学历以及工作经历肯定会给人深刻的印象,现实不是云云

    Obviously, he takes it for granted that hellos educational background and work experience are surely impressive. But actually they are not.


  • 在中国的工作经历深刻意识到了文化间的差异

    He says his experience there gave him a greater awareness of cultural differences.


  • 给兰泽提供了一个机会,让说服那些过于热切父母竞争激烈的院校,招生人员不重视工作经历是一种错误的观念

    I offered him the opportunity to disabuse overeager parents of the notion that admissions officers at competitive colleges devalue work experience, and he laughed.


  • 今年53岁的戴维斯这份工作的兴趣不减,通过电话键,就自己的教育程度工作经历基本情况作了回答。

    Still curious about the job, Davis, 53, answered questions about his education, work experience, and other basic information using buttons on the telephone keypad.


  • 显然以为自己学历工作经历肯定深刻发印象实际并非如此

    It is obviously that he always thinks his diploma and work experience surely can give others deep expression, but in fact it is not so.


  • 25岁的刘雨辰北京市大兴做村官。甚至考虑过工作经历简历中抹去。

    Liu Yuchen, 25, a village official in Beijing's Daxing district, has even considered removing the village experience from his resume.


  • 大型小型公立私立学校工作经历使能够充分地了解计划赴美留学的学生针对性地给予建议。

    His experience at both large and small, public and private schools gives him a great perspective from which to counsel students who are looking at their options in the United States.


  • 于是决定丰富的工作经历充实自己简历:即50周的时间里,驾车游历全国50个州,尝试50份不同工作

    After that, he decided to beef up his resume by experiencing different jobs: He would work 50 different jobs in 50 states in 50 weeks, driving cross-country.


  • 只是简单一句“农民立场写作”,而是作家生活工作经历使农民文化深层价值体系认同感

    It is not simply a "stand on the position of the farmers on the writing," but a writer living and working experience, so that his deep-seated cultural value system of peasant identity.


  • 显然以为自己学历工作经历肯定会给人深刻的印象,实际并非如此。

    Obviously, he takes it for granted that his educational background and work experience are surely impressive. But actually they are not.


  • 以往工作经历包括担任名门家族基金的执行合作伙伴担任过拉扎德-福雷斯公司的财政分析师

    Prior experience also included serving as Managing Partner to a prominent family office, and as treasury analyst at Lazard Freres & Co.


  • 难忘工作经历很难用几句话说得清楚

    If you ask him to name a favorite career experience he struggles to narrow it down.


  • 加入万宝盛华之前工作经历包括埃森哲金融机构组织战略、金融、科技大规模的战略实施经验

    His experience prior to ManpowerGroup includes strategic, financial, technology and large-scale implementation expertise from organizations including Accenture and financial institutions.


  • 举例如果了解求职公司正在进行收购,有助于你在简历中强调相关工作经历

    For example, knowing a company you are applying to is in the midst of making acquisitions can help you structure your resume to highlight relevant work experience, he says.


  • 代替原来经理吗?这个之前工作经历怎样的?列出这些分析事情以及更好组织信息办法

    Was a replacement hired? What was this person's previous work experience? Listing all of this is a great way to cement the events in your memory and to better organize the information in a useful way.


  • 看得出来,在世工作经历已经使融入了苏州爱上这座古老却极现代魅力美丽城市

    Working with Wealthy has obviously made Howay love Suzhou, a city which is as contemporary as it is ancient, and become a part of it.


  • 另外3FAE经理工作经历零距离接触各种设计问题解决之道

    In addition, 3years FAE manager experience gave him chance to meet design puzzles and solutions.


  • 另外3FAE经理工作经历零距离接触各种设计问题解决之道

    In addition, 3years FAE manager experience gave him chance to meet design puzzles and solutions.


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