• 他用妻子钱来大手大脚的。

    He is rather free with his wife's money.


  • 他用钱来就即将变得不时髦似的。

    He spends money as if it were going out of fashion.


  • 他用五六个解释他们联系在一那种关系

    In half a dozen words, he had explained the bond that linked them.


  • 这家面包房屋里设计兴趣他在烘焙方面的天赋结合创造了奇迹——他用面粉、黄油和做出了美味大师级作品。

    In the back room of the little bakery, his interest in design and his baking talent combined to work wondershe shaped delicious masterpieces out of flour, butter and sugar.


  • 来清洁仪器的化学物质与他在实验中使用的化学物质混合在一,产生了一种亮紫色。

    The chemicals he used to clean his instruments mixed with the chemicals he used in his experiment and produced a bright purple color.


  • 没有什么话好说时候他用手指环抱着茶杯研究茶杯形状来。 在玉看来一个男孩,在冰冷琴键伸展着修长的手指。

    When there was nothing much left to say, he curled his fingers around the teacup and studied its shape, and Siyu pictured him as a young boy, spreading his slender fingers on the cold keys of a piano.


  • 他用左手牵着珂赛特右手地上那根棍棒

    He took Cosette by his left hand, and with his right he picked up his cudgel, which was lying on the ground.


  • 看来经常锻炼,”他用浓重波士顿口音,“闭市后跟我们去健身房吧。”

    'you look like you work out,' he said in a thick Boston accent. 'you should come to the gym with us after the close.'


  • 昨天我们只有18个人参加战斗,”Qomendan说道,天花板很低,他用坚定眼神注视着屋子中间某个地方,“也看到了有多少见钱眼开人和美国佬一攻击我们。”

    "Yesterday I had only 18 fighters," the Qomendan said, his unwavering gaze fixed on a point somewhere in the middle of the low-ceilinged room. "You saw how many mercenaries and Americans were there."


  • 可能精美相框装一张你们合影送给他或者是装个人的照片,等等。除此之外,你还可以想想在一的时候,什么东西他来说是得着的。

    Maybe,you know, besides a nice frame with a great picture of two of you in it, maybe personalize to him or something, think of things of your relationship together that have meant something to him.


  • 这种方式使用户能够创建他们需要数据库对象同时避免他们篡改创建的数据库对象,或者自己其他人创建的对象

    This approach allows users to create whatever database objects they need and prevents them from tampering or getting their database objects mixed up with those created by other users.


  • 需要朋友推荐才能加入网站,一旦成为会员后可以结伴,组织自己小组

    You need a friend to recommend you to the site, then once you're a member you can team up with other users or organise your own group.


  • 接着他用胳膊夹着小熊,把小熊到了电梯重新放回到玩具柜台的架子上,其他动物以及布娃娃们

    The watchman tucked Corduroy under his arm and carried him down the escalator and set him on the shelf in the toy department with the other animals and dolls.


  • 这里发生命案:件未确定的事情丈夫嫉恨怒火,于是他用斧头妻子死了

    This was the place where a man had once taken an axe and hacked his wife to death in a jealous rage over an alleged affair.


  • 2008年《连线杂志记者对进行了一次差不多可以算是访谈谈话,其中很大一部分时间他用来试图说服访谈者和去寒冷波罗的海游泳

    In 2008, he gave an interview of sorts to Wired magazine, but spent much of it persuading the interviewer to join him swimming in the near-freezing Baltic Sea.


  • 他用浆糊这些纸张在一

    He stuck the sheets of paper together with paste.


  • 牛顿发现万有引力定律建立经典力学他用一个公式宇宙最大天体运动最小粒子运动统一来。

    Newton discovers gravitational theory, built up classic mechanics, he USES a formula the biggest ephemeris sport in the cosmos and minimum grain sport of the son unify.


  • 汉斯•罗斯林是瑞典卡罗琳斯卡大学一位博士也是一位国际健康专家,”但是不能因为视图阻止人口增加就让可怜孩子们死去“,他用计算机制作的图形证明的观点,图形一些圆圈组成的多彩的形象,仿佛生物般挤在一,或膨胀缩小。

    But you can’t stop population growth by letting poor children die.” He has the computerised graphs to prove it: colourful visuals with circles that swarm, swell and shrink like living creatures.


  • 他用一个奇怪的装置纸张

    He used a strange (device) to pick up the paper.


  • 本来可以杰西卡安吉拉走的,担心如果一个人待着我会回去他们。”他用几近耳语的声音承认道

    "I could have let you go with Jessica and Angela, but I was afraid if you left me alone, I would go looking for them," he admitted in a whisper.


  • 同事们招徕了许多人一睡袋,不走运的家伙只能用我们腾出来的毛衣帽子睡觉了(他用我的小书包盖住)。

    My colleagues drew lots to share sleeping bags; the unlucky one wrapped himself up with as many sweaters and hats are we could spare (he covered his feet with my satchel).


  • 船上他用一根拐杖脖子,以使双手尽可能地自由

    Aboard ship he carried his crutch by a lanyard round his neck, to have both hands as free as possible.


  • 他用钉子木头钉在

    He joined the two pieces of wood together with nails.


  • 天晚上他们吃晚饭,有上来他用逻辑计算的知识告诉他们证明两只可以变成三只。

    One evening, they were all three at supper, and two fowls having been served up, he told them that, by logic and arithmetic, he could prove those two chickens to be three.


  • 天晚上他们吃晚饭,有上来他用逻辑计算的知识告诉他们证明两只可以变成三只。

    One evening, they were all three at supper, and two fowls having been served up, he told them that, by logic and arithmetic, he could prove those two chickens to be three.


- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定