• 有一套健康养生法加强背部力量。

    He has a new fitness regime to strengthen his back.


  • 辩词已经找到一位证人证实弄错了身份受害者

    His defence says it has found a new witness to back his claim that he is a victim of mistaken identity.


  • 通过混杂自己电影片段制作一部电影。

    He's making a new film by jumbling together bits of his other movies.


  • 一直努力寻找合适方程描述引力概念这些方程定义物体如何空间移动以及物体是如何扭曲空间的。

    He was struggling to find the right equations that would describe his new concept of gravity, ones that would define how objects move through space and how space is curved by objects.


  • 穿着连衣裙着,因为旧的根本穿上;但是没有

    She waited in a new frock because the old one simply would not meet; but he never came.


  • 回忆一阵悲哀禁不住啜泣,说不出

    Recollection brought fresh waves of sorrow, and sobs again took full charge of him, preventing further speech.


  • 执行秘密任务自己起了一个名字掩盖身份

    He gave himself a new name to hide his identity when he went to carry out the secret task.


  • 的团队做了很多实验研发一种水稻。

    Later, he and his team did a lot of experiments to develop a new kind of rice.


  • 感觉到陈旧灰烬气味关注意识清晰的思维检查周围建筑物外壳听到一个以前不曾有的特别声音

    He perceives the scent of old ash, examines with new care and clarity the husks of the buildings around him, and hears a particular sound that was not there before.


  • 这么一如果一个婴儿放在火星上适应各种不同环境

    So if you put an infant on Mars, they would adapt to varying degrees of the new environment.


  • 还给厨师设立了“食品工作室”,旨在发明配方响应当地流行趋势

    He also set up a "food studio", where cooks devise new recipes in response to local trends.


  • 表示降低运营速度有助于通过降低票价增加乘客数量支付铁路网络成本。

    He said lowering the operating speeds would also help pay for the new network by reducing ticket prices and increasing passenger Numbers.


  • 需要一种方式呈现自己的结论——将干巴巴数据变成令人信服插图

    He needed a new way to present his conclusions-a way to turn dusty figures into convincing illustrations.


  • 锅盖不小心弄破了不过没有锅盖,只是身上块布一角盖住锅子,所以每当坐下时,都会靠近锅子而坐。

    And it so happened that the lid of the pot broke. But the monk didn't buy a new one; he just used one corner of his cloth to cover the pot.


  • 不过版权费协议采取了一个实验性方法兼顾双方的利益。

    However, he said the new royalty agreement incorporates an "experimental approach" that addresses concerns on both sides.


  • 如果测试人员看到问题可以对于开发人员编码测试用例形式建议变更

    If the tester sees a problem, he can recommend changes in the form of a new test case to which the developer can code.


  • 那时希望已经训练足够的“制冰人继承工作帮助世界第三冰盖”摆脱变成河流的命运。

    By then he hopes he will have trained enough new "icemen" to continue his work and save the world's "third icecap" from being transformed into rivers.


  • 然而如果是一位ceo的话,可能继续扩张证明市场进行扩张的能力

    A new CEO may have continued to push forward to prove his or her ability to expand into new markets.


  • 其中一个经常拿出说事的论点如果教授腾出尝试主题不能这个领域中的博士生的,那么我们生产博士生能力就下降了。

    One argument which is often raised is that if a professor tries his hand at a new topic, he will be unable to train new Ph. D.s in this new area, thus limiting our ability to produce more Ph.


  • 去年举办场比赛挑选秋季菜单菜式,冠军赢得了一顿双人晚餐

    Last year, he held a contest to select a new fall dessert menu item, and the winner received dinner for two.


  • 这些企业需要获得信贷以便能够“充分挖掘机会创造就业机会

    Such companies need access to credit to be able to "exploit the opportunities" to create new jobs, he said.


  • 其中一个经常拿出说事论点如果教授腾出尝试主题不能这个领域中的博士生的,那么我们生产博士生的能力就下降了。

    One argument which is often raised is that if a professor tries his hand at a new topic, he will be unable to train new Ph.D.s in this new area, thus limiting our ability to produce more Ph.


  • ,还可以寻找办法应对养成爱好采用减压技巧

    'Find other ways to cope like taking up a new hobby or using relaxation techniques,' he says.


  • 幸运女神突然而去的时候,可能认为可以暂时投资者投入弥补过去一切损失

    When his lucky streak suddenly ended, he might have thought that he would temporarily make whole the losses of old investors by giving them money from new ones.


  • IT业务之间的联系紧密数字业务模型需要方式管理安全性

    He said it is tied more closely to the business than ever and the new digital business model requires a new approach for managing the security.


  • 现在等待吉尼斯裁判官确定自己选择毛发领域创造一个纪录。

    He is now waiting for Guinness adjudicators to confirm that he has set a new high, hairy bar for his chosen field.


  • 总是在不停地寻求想法的方式运用绘画工具。

    He was still restlessly looking for new ideas and for new ways to use his artistic materials.


  • 蚱蜢的小贩你就知道夏天到了。”男人正在寻找的,代替后视镜的快要死的只。

    "When the grasshopper guy comes out, you know summer has arrived," said a man who was seeking to replace the one, tethered to his rear-view mirror, that was on its last legs.


  • 蚱蜢的小贩你就知道夏天到了。”男人正在寻找的,代替后视镜的快要死的只。

    "When the grasshopper guy comes out, you know summer has arrived," said a man who was seeking to replace the one, tethered to his rear-view mirror, that was on its last legs.


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