• 应该一点钟来。”朋友回答

    "It is supposed to come at one," replied his friend.


  • 已经决定朋友了。”回答

    "He's made up his mind to make friends with thee," replied Ben.


  • 朋友感到很惊讶,们问道:“你为什么要打磨这块丑陋的石头?”但是男孩没有回答

    His friends felt surprised and they asked, "Why are you polishing that ugly stone?", but the boy didn't reply.


  • 如果朋友律师(专业家庭法律),你觉得回答劳动法问题吗?

    When you have a friend that is a lawyer (who specializes in family law) do you expect him to know the answer to an employment law question?


  • 同意回答这个问题,但是必须接受要价:巫婆嫁给加文,圆桌骑士团高尚骑士,亚瑟最亲密朋友

    She agreed to answer his question, but he'd have to accept her price; the old witch wanted to marry Gawain, the most noble of the Knights of the Round table and Arthur's closest friend!


  • 朋友回答——“死了太艰苦!”

    To which my friend replied - "He is dead, too much hard living!"


  • 向约三个朋友发怒因为想不出回答的话来以约伯为有罪。

    Also against his three friends was his wrath kindled, because they had found no answer, and yet had condemned Job.


  • “的确稀奇,”韦翰回答道:“归根结底来说差不多一切行动出于傲慢,傲慢成了要好的朋友。”

    "It is wonderful," — replied Wickham, — "for almost all his actions may be traced to pride; — and pride has often been his best friend."


  • 什么会认为朋友命长。良久,轻轻地回答:“一个人永远都不会知道。”

    I asked him why he thought he'd lived longer than his friends and he thought for a while before saying softly: "One never does know."


  • 朋友回答说:“其实很幸运吧,”然后解释说,“你应该庆幸有这么一座山你提供额外锻炼机会。”

    He replied, 'You mean fortunately.' he explained that I should be glad of the extra exercise that the hill provided.


  • 陌生人变成最好朋友妻子女儿成为死敌老师回答然后建议一起喝茶点小酒。

    A stranger could be one's best friend just as one's wife and daughter could be one's deadly enemies, Teacher Fei replied, and he suggested that they go out for tea or a quick drink.


  • 你,心事重重的,”朋友,“怎么了?”回答

    "You looked troubled," I told my friend, "what's your problem?" He replied.


  • 不过舅父终于代她问出一句话,使大为慌张,连忙别转头去,只听见雷诺奶奶回答道,的确不在家。接着又说,“可是明天会回家,还要带来许多朋友。”

    At length, however, the question was asked by her uncle; and she turned away with alarm, while Mrs. Reynolds replied that he was, adding, "but we expect him tomorrow, with a large party of friends."


  • 朋友回答:“不用,我只要跑得就行了。”

    His friend replies: "I don't have to out run it, I just have to run faster than you."


  • 当然由于这本杂志如何回答是不是你的位”这一问题感到很好奇,便问了这位朋友

    Of course, being curious about how this particular magazine might have answered the question "is he Really the One?", I asked her what it said.


  • 彬格莱没有回答可是姐妹们兴高采烈地表示同意继续嘲笑了一会儿亲爱的朋友下贱亲戚。

    Bingley did not answer, but his sisters agreed enthusiastically, and continued mocking their dear friend's vul - gar relations for some time.


  • 没有意识到这个习惯影响有多大直到发现自己嘴里在重复着曾经回答的一个朋友的老话。

    He was unconscious of just how much this habit had hold of him until one day he found his lips repeating an old answer he had made to one of his friends.


  • 汤姆握住朋友等候回答

    Tom held his girlfriend's hands and waited her answer.


  • 是个热情友善朋友愿意半天才能回答的问题。

    He was a warm and friendly friends, but also willing to ask before I have thought for a long answer.


  • 如果我会鞋匠一百的钱,”朋友回答,“我相信你有足够的这样。”

    "Well, if I were you, I would give the shoemaker a hundred pounds," answered his friend. "you are rich enough to do that, I suppose."


  • 画我去,”回答把头往后一甩,怪异的姿势,往日就常被牛津大学朋友取笑

    "I don't think I shall send it anywhere," he answered, tossing his head back in that odd way that used to make his friends laugh at him at Oxford.


  • 没有必要无可救药,”朋友回答,并没有带多少安慰的口气

    You have no business to be incorrigible, ' was his friend's answer, delivered in no very soothing tone.


  • 老人没有回答告诉介绍一个朋友认识,这个朋友可以减轻悲伤忠告具有智慧的处世之道。

    The old man did not answer but told him that he was going to show him a companion or friend who could alleviate his sorrows and give him advice and wisdom about the ways of the world.


  • 海豚回答:“朋友不要责怪,责怪老天吧,一方面让我成为海洋同志者,同时又不陆地上生存力量。”

    The dolphin replied, "No, my friend, do not blame me, but Nature, which, while giving me the sovereignty of the sea, has quite denied me the power of living upon the land."


  • 海豚回答:“朋友不要责怪,责怪老天吧,一方面让我成为海洋同志者,同时又不陆地上生存力量。”

    The dolphin replied, "No, my friend, do not blame me, but Nature, which, while giving me the sovereignty of the sea, has quite denied me the power of living upon the land."


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