• 块岩石下。

    He squirreled his gun away under a rock.


  • 官员一起车库取回来历不明的把枪曾为受害者持有

    And he went to his garage with other officers to retrieve an untraceable gun he would claim belonged to the victims.


  • 来到了拉莫斯那里简朴住宅,并在房屋跟前指着,当着亲属的面进了汽车

    They approached the home, pointed their guns at Mr Ramos, and dragged him into their car in plain view of his relatives.


  • 美国定义:“幢房,一只狗杆来福,一条钓渔船。”

    He defined his American dream as "a house, a dog, a couple rifles, a bass boat".


  • 有着一张娃娃脸的激进分子卡萨伯拍到正拿着机关大步穿过火车站最终一名警察制服朝这名警察开

    Kasab, the baby-faced militant who was photographed striding through the railway station with a machine gun, was eventually overpowered by a police constable whom he had shot five times.


  • 解释这个父亲,后来又用了二十分一步步地讲男孩准备过程——子弹装满,然后制定计划。

    He explained that the father had a gun. He went through twenty minutes of the boy's preparation, step by step-the bullets, loading the gun, making a plan.


  • 摩洛克建好小木屋挥舞斧子努力砍伐树木开辟农场时候---还有一来复,是谋生的工具---年轻很强壮,对生活充满希望

    When Murlock built his cabin and began laying sturdily about with his axe to hew out a farm - the rifle, meanwhile, his means of support - he was young, strong and full of hope.


  • 据说哈里斯前去取回放在地上然后跨过靠近围栏,”新闻发布中

    "Harris reportedly went to retrieve the bird, placed his gun on the ground and crossed the fence near the muzzle end," the press release said.


  • 留在外面以便使妻子受到惊吓。

    He left his gun outside so as not to frighten his wife.


  • 猎人沉思了一会。醒悟到自己了那么多无助鸟儿实在太残忍。于是他把自己的河里去,改做新兴制造行业了。

    The hunter thought carefully. He realized that he had been cruel to shoot defenseless birds. He threw his gun in the river and went into the fresh produce business.


  • 发誓要报仇把枪跟踪殴打的人而去。

    Vowing revenge, he got hold of a gun and tracked down his tormentor.


  • 等死呢还是我们打死?

    Is he waiting, or do we get to shoot him between the eyes?


  • 气愤纸条手中,深深的呼吸了几下,涔涔而下然后秒钟的慢动作,转身,拿,对准一些顾客

    He crumples the note angrily, takes a moment to breathe and sweat heavily, then, in slow motion for a second, turns and points a gun at the customers.


  • 放在外面以免惊吓妻子

    He left his gun outside so as not to frighten his wife.


  • 掉在地上的决定击毙娅,这样等到有人走进取代贾巴位置时,赢得对方的尊敬

    Taking up a fallen blaster he decided that to kill Leia might win him respect with whoever stepped in to take Jabba's place.


  • 形状一支指出

    He made his hand into the shape of a gun and pointed at me.


  • 联邦调查局探员,然后运钞员感到背后有一把枪顶着,那个人,让们的后座里。

    What felt like a gun was pointed at the back of the messenger, who was told to walk over to a car and throw the money in the backseat, the FBI said.


  • 这时托比打掉手中,用一只捂住男孩往那所房子走去。

    The man to whom this appeal10 was made, swore a dreadful oath, and had cocked11 the pistol, when Toby, striking it from his grasp, placed his hand upon the boy's mouth, and dragged him to the house.


  • 拉特雷·莫勒最不幸:西班牙士兵拉起大腿的铁甲,一枝火绳进去,盔甲的躯体轰支离破碎。

    Spaniard lifted the iron flaps guarding his thighs and thrust in an arquebus, blowing him to pieces inside his armour.


  • 警方没有公布名字表示一个相信发现, 博彩, 博彩,显然自己ABB公司圣路易斯工厂死亡

    Police did not release his name, but said a man believed to be the gunman was found dead inside the ABB plant in St. Louis after apparently turning his gun on himself.


  • 迈克尔每次过来刀子,没了夹克,没了裤子,没了靴子,就妈拿着一约翰·韦恩那样晃来晃去。

    Michael: Every time he comes up, he's got no knife, he's got no jacket, he's got no pants, he's got no boots. All he's got is that stupid gun he carries around like John Wayne.


  • 迈克尔每次过来刀子,没了夹克,没了裤子,没了靴子,就妈拿着一约翰·韦恩那样晃来晃去。

    Michael: Every time he comes up, he's got no knife, he's got no jacket, he's got no pants, he's got no boots. All he's got is that stupid gun he carries around like John Wayne.


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