• 受伤时,感觉不到疼痛

    When he was injured, he was insensible of pain.


  • 可能钟声而鸣的那个已经病入膏肓以至于他感觉不到钟声鸣。

    PERCHANCE he for whom this bell tolls may be so ill as that he knows not it tolls for him.


  • 卡卡告诉一些疼痛限制活动没有恢复到百分之百的健康时他感觉不到开心

    Kaka told me he is feeling some pain that limits his movement and that he does not feel happy when he isn't 100%.


  • 潮湿苔藓上爬着,衣服湿透了,身子冻得发抖,可是他感觉不到这些食物的渴望如此的强烈

    He squirmed over the wet moss, saturating his clothes and chilling his body; but he was not aware of it, so great was his fever for food.


  • 已经感觉不到寒冷了。

    He had become insensitive to cold.


  • 所以不要任何困难所吓倒,环境不能改变上帝品质,上帝的恩惠依然完全有效的,依然在为着想,即使感觉不到的存在。

    So don't be troubled by trouble. Circumstances cannot change the character of God. God's grace is still in full force; he is still for you, even when you don't feel it.


  • 研究专家定为第一记录在案节奏听障患者,患有此病的感觉不到音乐节拍跟着节拍活动。

    Researchers have identified Mathieu as the first documented case of beat deafness, a condition in which a person can't feel music's beat or move in time to it.


  • 动物圆的兽医认为感觉与以往不同了,因为世界里没有动物不到

    The zoo veterinarian thought that he should feel differently now that his world was without animals, but he didn't.


  • 克·图尔斯感觉收紧,除了面前克哈行星燃烧景象已经意识不到任何东西

    Arcturus felt his stomach tighten and was aware of nothing but that image in front of him, the image of Korhal burning.


  • 肩上披着块非洲被单尼日利亚石英附近跳舞时同样感觉不到扑灭了解自己渴望

    And when he danced with an African quilt around his shoulders near a quartz mine in Nigeria he also did not feel that he had quenched his thirst for understanding himself.


  • :“一点儿也喜欢城市生活,又节奏而且一点感觉不到大自然美丽。”

    "I didn't like city life. It was too noisy, the pace was too fast, there was no natural beauty," he said.


  • 东西,已超过了二十四个钟头车子颠簸已使疲惫不堪,不过并不觉得,好象什么事都已感觉不到

    He had eaten nothing for four and twenty hours; he was worn out by the jolts of the cart, but he was not conscious of it. It seemed to him that he felt nothing.


  • 还真切地记得演出当晚,我正在学校餐厅里完饭;越发感觉自己不会成为计划中的一个部分。 我神经质地把食物扒拉尽嘴里感觉不到任何滋味

    I vividly remember eating dinner in the cafeteria on the day of casting; as I grew more sure I wouldn’t be part of his plans, I nervously shoveled food into my mouth without actually tasting anything.


  • 一直很安静温文尔雅,令感觉不到一丝威胁感。

    He'd been quiet and gentle, and she had not felt in any way threatened.


  • ”坐在开着窗户汽车等待黛尔时,欢乐平静时光飞逝而过,几乎感觉不到它们的存在,就象“绵软的微风轻拂过皮肤”。

    Moments of happiness or calm are fleeting, barely felt, as when Che waits for Dial in a car with the window open, “the soft breezewashing across his skin”.


  • 过去为了找工作追求女人,足迹遍布全国那时完全失去女儿感觉,也感受不到呵护

    When he had moved across the country, in search of a job or a woman, she had completely lost the sense of being his child, of being under his protection.


  • 莫妮卡工作不到颐指气使感觉于是雇佣乔伊以便解雇来杀鸡吓猴。乔伊喜欢小费,所以莫妮卡的计划难以顺利实施。

    Monica gets no respect at work; she hires Joey in order to fire him, so everyone will know who's boss; but Joey likes the tips, so he has a hard time going along with the plan.


  • 自己描述成为“三重无家可归的人”:出生波西米亚捷克语地区的德语奥地利犹太人家庭任何地方都找不到家的感觉

    He described himself as "three times homeless" : born to a Jewish family in a German-speaking enclave in Czech-speaking Bohemia, and not feeling properly at home anywhere.


  • 曼德拉可能永远感觉不到崇拜但是那个对搞冲基金家伙可能觉察出你的怨恨——或许还可能很多那里觉察出来

    Mandela may never sense your admiration, but the hedge fund guy probably suspects your resentment — and he probably senses it coming from a lot of other people too.


  • 预言会有衰退最好的情况下有一场“弱的复苏,以至于甚至感觉不到身处其中”。

    He predicts a double dip recession, or at the very best, a recovery "so weak that you won't even know you're in one."


  • Endris感觉不到疼痛感到股极大压力因为鲨鱼水里,并用来回的摇晃

    Endris felt no pain, only a tremendous pressure as the shark dipped him beneath the roiling water and shook him back and forth in its powerful jaws.


  • 父亲感觉不到我的胳膊,的脉搏已然停顿。

    My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will.


  • 永远不会离开艘船永远不会感觉遗憾,而大陆上感觉不到自己生命

    He says he will never leave the ship, he says he will never feel pity that he can't feel the life on the land.


  • 现在再也感觉不到饿了——已经不再小小的毛毛虫了,长成了一只嘟嘟的毛毛虫。

    Now he wasn't hungry any more -- and he wasn't a little caterpillar any more. He was a big, fat caterpillar.


  • 开始,除了湍急什么不到,什么也感觉不到

    At first, he could hear nothing and feel nothing except the rapidly moving water.


  • 太傻了,感觉不到声音轻蔑

    He was too stupid to catch the contempt in her voice.


  • 几乎已经感觉不到伤疤剧烈刺痛,开始绕着地牢跑动,盲目地摸着墙壁,虽然心里知道毫无用处

    Barely conscious of the fierce prickling of his scar, he too started to run around the cellar, feeling the walls for he hardly knew what, knowing in his heart that it was useless.


  • 几乎已经感觉不到伤疤剧烈刺痛,开始绕着地牢跑动,盲目地摸着墙壁,虽然心里知道毫无用处

    Barely conscious of the fierce prickling of his scar, he too started to run around the cellar, feeling the walls for he hardly knew what, knowing in his heart that it was useless.


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