• 肩膀一颗心图案。

    His shoulder was tattooed with a heart.


  • 煤块塞进装置中心全部放在表壳然后紧紧地一个

    He tucked the coal into the center of the clockwork, and placed it all on the skin, and wrapped it up and tight it into a cocoon shape.


  • 总统在说话时,旁边有人片四方纸板风。

    As the President spoke, someone fanned him with a square piece of cardboard.


  • 螺栓前臂一个六边纹身上。大小匹配

    He presses the bolt against a small hexagon tattooed on his forearm. The sizes match.


  • 1941年,丘吉尔英国军队做了个心内的“V手势,当时有人惊讶地显然不知道这个手势粗俗用法

    Churchill got some surprised stares in 1941 when, evidently unaware of the vulgar usage, he gave the palm-backward "V" to British troops.


  • 给爸爸做了一张心形的卡片来表达我对的爱。

    I made my father a card in the shape of a heart to express my love.


  • 但是无论在家还是工作时,都可以眼睛在脑海里遍某个“”的每个动作

    While at home or work, he will, however, close his eyes and mentally go through every move in a kata.


  • 孩子舍不得天鹅,不住地回头望,直到梅花排列树木在拐角处遮住的视线为止。

    The son, regretting the swans, turned his head back toward the basin until a corner of the quincunxes concealed it from him.


  • 口头描述了设计方案:在穹顶嵌入八角穹顶,上面开个天窗保持光线充足所有过程无须个脚手架

    He verbally described his solution: a dome within a dome, octagonal in shape, capped by a lantern to let in light, all of which would be constructed without scaffolding.


  • 因为相对于单一的背景一个边缘分明的外观,所以,使用多边套索工具选取十分容易的。

    As he is a hard edged surface against a flat background it should be fairly easy to select him using the Polygonal Lasso Tool.


  • 祖父坐在沙发上,电视板球比赛观察评论员说一句话时候但是不能听见我的祖母在一个房间里面

    My grandfather would sit on the couch and watch a cricket match on TV, catch every word from the commentator's mouth, but wouldn't "hear" my grandmother when she called from the other room.


  • 祖父坐在沙发上,电视板球比赛观察评论员说一句话时候但是不能听见我的祖母在一个房间里面

    My grandfather would sit on the couch and watch a cricket match on TV, catch every word from the commentator's mouth, but wouldn't “hear” my grandmother when she called from the other room.


  • 建议采用电动机或者状记忆功能材料反复击打软体契翅膀末端产生向后的涟漪从而获得向前推力

    He suggests using electric motors or shape-memory materials to repeatedly flick the end of a flexible, wedge-shaped wing, creating a wave that ripples backwards and generates forward thrust.


  • 如果这位圣人今天信息更加甜蜜的奶油霜冻蛋糕

    If this saint was still around today, his message would be even sweeter written in buttercream frosting on a heart-shape cake.


  • 弟弟透过的仿盔甲微笑:“担心杰姬。”

    My little brother smiled at me through his dragon-forged armor. "Don't sweat it, Jackie."


  • 是的妻子就在那儿金发碧眼苗条的身段,坐在情人身旁。

    Yes, there was his wife: blonde, trim, a heart-shaped face. And she was sitting next to her lover.


  • 认为应该雪花六角结构矩阵支撑源于其重量质量的特点。

    He has instead looked to the hexagonal matrices of snowflakes, which as structurally supported objects combine high volume with low weight.


  • 哲学代表了一种苏格拉底以前上学兴趣苏格拉底道德关怀两者的创造性融合

    His philosophy represents a creative blend of the metaphysical interests of the Presocratics with the ethical concerns of Socrates.


  • 这些东西方式排队得到这个蜂巢图案屏幕画面,”

    "The way that these things line up, you get this honeycomb-shaped pattern that's like a screen from a screen door," he says.


  • 情况不错”,只史前无脊椎动物表示,有一微小六角小孔用来探查周围的环境。

    "Things are looking mighty fine," announced the prehistoric invertebrate, taking measure of his surroundings through a series of small, hexagonal eyelets located at the tip of his thorax.


  • 到达秀场时舞台管理人员正在检查这个形的大厅普拉达将在这里上演自己的服装

    As he arrived at the showroom, stagehands were checking the large loftlike hall where Prada presents her shows.


  • 另外还可以通过房间随便什么地方便当盒里,在手提包里,在车座上留便条来传递爱的信息或者也可以通过让的信息铃声不断嗡嗡的响来发送“爱慕”信息。

    Other ways to send love messages is by leaving little heart-shaped love notes in various spots around the house, in his lunchbox, in her handbag, in the car seat or by sending sizzling text messages.


  • 国王我说,你拿走,把火里烧掉到时显露

    And do you know what, your majesty? If you take the skin away from him and throw it into the fire, then he will have to show himself in his real form.


  • 的标志性装束之一即一个人造鹰钩或者说触角发型据传闻模仿大卫·贝克汉姆2002年的造型;显然选民们喜欢

    Among his trademarks is a faux-hawk orantennahairstyle, reportedly modelled on David Beckham’s appearance in 2002; voters apparently like it.


  • 的标志性装束之一即一个人造鹰钩或者说触角发型据传闻模仿大卫·贝克汉姆2002年的造型;显然选民们喜欢

    Among his trademarks is a faux-hawk orantennahairstyle, reportedly modelled on David Beckham’s appearance in 2002; voters apparently like it.


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