• 应该明白应该觉得自豪

    He will understand it, and he will be proud.


  • 应该明白任何有关美日同盟讨论,都必须三个当事方,而非两个。存在半个世纪之久的美日军事同盟,为战后亚洲稳定奠定了基础。

    He should know that there are three - not two - parties to any discussions about the US-Japan alliance, the half-century old military arrangement that has underpinned postwar Asian stability.


  • 明白了…一个人应该温柔地遵守诺言,因为明天可能食言了。

    I've learned... That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them.


  • 亨利觉得应该碰碰肩头或者用什么方式传递某种保证知道妻子心里明白这些安抚动作不过动作罢了。

    Henry felt that he should touch her shoulder or offer some other sort of reassurance, but he knew she would understand that he was just going through the motions.


  • 明白就是应该呆着的地方但还是发自本能地犹豫一下,那里的大小尺寸正好曾经帮着卸货那种箱子一样。

    He understood that this was where he was supposed to go and yet naturally he hesitated, sizing up the dimensions just as he had once sized up the crates he had helped unload.


  • 然而补充道应该明白任何一减肥方式都要保证大量膳食纤维摄入。

    However, he added, they should make sure that any weight loss plan they follow includes adequate amounts of fibre.


  • 阿加西明白如果能源获得利润,那么应该车子提供补贴,这手机运营商销售通话分钟数为手机购买者提供大比例补贴一样。

    Agassi realized that if he turned a profit on the fuel, he could radically subsidize the cars, much as cell phone carriers sell minutes and heavily subsidize the phones.


  • 又说,有意法律应该明白靠一千利息去学法律,当然非常不够

    He had some intention, he added, of studying the law, and I must be aware that the interest of one thousand pounds would be a very insufficient support therein.


  • 记者评价今天表现时,:“明白应该努力什么了。”

    When asked to assess his performance, he said, "It really taught me what I need to work on."


  • 看到克里斯汀……镜头打起精神对抗所有压力,”:“会突然明白做为男人,一个婚礼新郎应该最坚定后盾。”

    Watching Kristenshe had to take all the nerves, all the heavy lifting in the scene, ” he said. “You suddenly realize that the role of a man, the role of a groom in a wedding, is that of a prop.”


  • 家中的一个成员应该明白或者应该知道如何习练如何

    Each member should know just what he or she would do and should practice it.


  • 看来英语不是母语应该理解尝试着解释不是明白

    Trying to be understanding of the fact that English wasn't his first language, I attempted to explain but, at 1am, didn't feel I was making much headway.


  • 父亲是否改变主意男朋友篷车度假,其实我应该明白事理——不该问这个答案清楚的问题

    I asked my father if he could change his mind and let me go on holiday with my boyfriend in his caravan. I should have known better-ask a silly question.


  • 应该尽量明白件事。

    You should try your best to make him understand that.


  • 是否应该明白所有这些含义

    Ought he to know what it all meant?


  • 明白你的意思。而且时间做功课了。也许现在应该体育忘了。

    I I know, and it takes so much time from his class work. Maybe he could just forget about sports for now.


  • 其实应该明白某些东西那次删掉手机中的信息一刻开始就应该明白

    In fact, I should have learned something from that, he deleted the information in my cell phone the moment the start should be aware of.


  • 但是明白应该坚苦工作即使家族第一大学生

    But hard work done well was something he understood, even if he was the first college boy in his family.


  • 雪莉明白但是值得伤心应该重新开始你的生活

    Shirley: I see. But Jane. He's not worth your sorrow and you should restart your new life.


  • 例如一个配偶子女应该点点头,“明白”,传达,你关心或她意见

    For example, when listening to a spouse or child, you should nod your head or say, "I understand," which conveys to the other person that you care about what he or she has to say.


  • 应该清楚明白今日美国就业收入军事威慑更为重要

    He should make it clear that today American jobs and wealth matter more than military prowess.


  • 应该明白这个问题

    You should make him understand this question.


  • 明白吗?九十一岁了,应该了。

    You understand? He is ninety one and that is good enough.


  • 明白有些天才彰显神圣的,即使调侃也不应该拿来开玩笑。

    Nor does he understand that there are certain manifestations of genius which should be sacred even for the jester.


  • 要是直到现在才明白外之意,你应该小学语文老师道歉当然有可能需要才能写出来

    And if you actually needed that explanation to get the subtext, you owe your elementary school English teacher a sternly worded note, though you'll probably need some help writing it.


  • 曾经时常于心不安:无论怎么努力从来没有渔夫心里是明白的,一个孩子应该父亲

    He had often been uneasy because, try as he might, he had never been able to love the fisherman, and he knew that a boy ought to love his father.


  • 曾经时常于心不安:无论怎么努力从来没有渔夫心里是明白的,一个孩子应该父亲

    He had often been uneasy because, try as he might, he had never been able to love the fisherman, and he knew that a boy ought to love his father.


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