• 1927年,完成一部大型作品《蓝调爵士乐启发的亚美克劳》,其中包括歌和约翰逊自己的流行歌曲中借鉴。

    In 1927 he completed his first large-scale work, the blues- and jazz-inspired Yamekraw, which included borrowings from spirituals and Johnson's own popular songs.


  • 目前为止,在蜻蜓 FM 上已经完成了近30部作品

    So far, he has completed nearly 30 works on Qingting.


  • 了提升的表演水平,2018年,李参加了中国传媒大学的配音和剧本写作训练课程。目前,已经在蜻蜓FM上完成了将近30部作品

    To improve his performance, Li attended a training course at Communication University of China to learn dubbing and how to write a play in 2018. So far, he has completed nearly 30 works on Qingting.


  • 一旦雕刻完成往往使用黑色洗剂突出特征然后丙烯酸定型整个电话簿保存作品

    Once the carving is complete, he will often apply a black wash to enhance the features and then seal the entire book with acrylic to preserve the work.


  • 前一天才完成的最新作品欢乐》,因为没有邮资到了角落里,此刻得到了由衷赞美。

    "Joy," his latest-born, completed the day before and tossed into the corner for lack of stamps, won his keenest approbation.


  • 希望人们能够认识作品价值泰特艺术中心的个人展正在帮助完成这个心愿。

    Mr Doig is still trying to come to terms with the price put on his work. His accomplished Tate show ought to help him do so.


  • 并不在意自己完成作品何去何从,至于有时承认自己是画的作者,甚至于有时不出自己曾画过的画。

    He didn’t much care what happened to his work afterwards, to the extent of sometimes disowning it, or even not recognising it.


  • 作品初步完成后总是遭到遍又一遍修订改一次都将定稿期再次推迟

    His books emerged painfully through many revisions, each draft being a way of postponing the final one.


  • 如饥似渴地学习不同国家历史能用孟加拉完成已经着手一部历史作品

    He was a keen student of the history of different countries and had begun but could not complete a historical work in Bengali.


  • 仅凭眼睛就可以非常精确测量改变角度无缝地进行斜接,并且完成作品当地报纸上赢得赞誉

    His naked eye can measure and transfer angles with great precision, miters join seamlessly, and his finishing work has earned him acclaim in local newspapers.


  • 所展示这些耗时艺术作品,光是完成根发丝需要巨人毅力了,并且还要画出自然垂落的样子,可算得上是一项考验忍耐性的工程了。

    The time consuming art that he represents must surely be a one of a kind endeavor since it must take the patience of a titan to finish each hair just the way it’s supposed to fall.


  • 人清楚作品是否真正完成或是每次选择从哪里开始重新开始讲述

    It's not clear whether the volume is ever really finished, nor where he chooses to start or restart his telling of it each time he paints.


  • 名作,“女孩汉斯围巾”,完成于1943年,作品被认为是这个博物馆最为重要作品之一

    His portrait, titled "Girl and Hans Scarf", is a wonderful masterpiece that he completed in 1943 and is also considered one of the most important works of the Museum.


  • 就是在段时光完成顶峰之作,短篇小说集大教堂》。 这部巨作涵盖早期作品更为广阔感情幅度

    These are the years of his crowning achievement, Cathedral, a magnificent story collection with greater emotional range than his earlier published work.


  • 最近完成新版《沙丘》175改编稿,同时开始一部伯系列作品进行编剧

    He's also recently completed a 175-page draft for a new adaptation of Dune and been taken on to write the next chapter in the Bourne franchise.


  • 的全部作品数量很少:共十交响乐(最后一部未完成),一部声乐管弦乐(大地)的交响乐以及几首曲子。

    His oeuvre was small: ten symphonies (the last one unfinished), a symphonic work for voices and orchestra (" Das Lied von der Erde ") and a number of songs.


  • 年轻时,无法出版自己作品数理学院完成学业。

    But as a young man he couldn't get his work published, and he wound up studying mathematics in college.


  • 确实厕所里完成一些名著的阅读而且坚持认为,其中的一些作品(比如,《尤利西斯》)的妙处地方无法完全领悟的。

    He read truly great books on the lavatory, and maintained that some, Ulysses for instance, could not be fully appreciated elsewhere.


  • 1994再度提笔,于2000年完成该书,接下来年里四处奔波寻求发表作品的契机。

    He took it up again in 1994, finished the novel in 2000 and spent the next 10 years trying to get it published.


  • 一些真人大小作品包含大约四十个打字机零部件并且花费了一千个小时完成

    Some of his life-sized works contains parts from roughly 40 typewriters and could take a thousand hours to create.


  • Dmitri已经完成纳博科夫《Lolita》的蓝本《魔法师令人钦羡翻译衷心地沉浸父亲作品里,以此作为依然接近方式

    Dmitri, who had already made an admired translation of Nabokov's ur-Lolita, the Enchanter, welcomed an immersion in his father's work as a way of remaining close to him.


  • 很多作品都是现场观众共同参与完成比如Dialtones个电子交响乐,它就完全是2001年一场音乐会里所有现场观众的被事先编制好的手机铃声制作完成

    Many of his pieces force audience participation, such as Dialtones: a Telesymphony, a concert from 2001 entirely composed of the choreographed ringtones of his audience.


  • 那位画家在完成工作之前喜欢润色一下作品

    Before the artist finished his work he liked to give it another brush.


  • 完成幅画作就知道最好的作品。 。

    When he finished the painting, he knew it was his greatest work.


  • 后来使出名许多作品,都是这个时期完成的。

    Many of his works, which later became famous, came out during this period.


  • 米奇很快完成绘画作品找到剪刀一些东西上剪了下来。

    Soon Micky finishes painting. He finds a pair of scissors to cut something out of the paper.


  • 作家生涯发展缓慢,于是转行做股票经纪人,这职业一直持续成功完成作品气球上的五星期》。

    When his career as an author progressed slowly, Verne turned to stockbroking, an occupation which he held until his successful tale Five Weeks in a Balloon.


  • 历尽心血终于完成成本大套翻译作品

    He completed the translation of this monumental work with a herculean effort.


  • 历尽心血终于完成成本大套翻译作品

    He completed the translation of this monumental work with a herculean effort.


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